Steady Flying

Great, I’m glad you finally figured that out.

The issue is Dragonriding being available from the get-go while Static Flight is locked behind a Pathfinder. I thought that was obvious? This is the second thread I’ve been talking to you about this in.


Really? Of the 10 to 12 hours it took me to level in Beta I might have spent 30 min actually flying. Most of your leveling gameplay is fighting mobs and clicking stuff as usual.

And as I and others have said if it stays that way it’s fine. There’s nothing gated behind Sky Riding and the campaign can be done easily on the ground in around the same time.

Since we have 2 weeks before the Season what’s the competition to level fast about exactly?

Fixed that for ya!

You asked where Blizzard said that Static Flight is inferior. I pointed out that Blizzard doesn’t need to directly state it at this point, since plenty of people entirely unaffected by this will more than happily jump in these threads to spew garbage.


If you had:

You’d see that this is already addressed:

There is even a bullet point format here for you:

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So in other words, nothing from Blizzard, just a lot from the community, which most know to be trash looking to get people’s goats up on a good day, keeps saying that steady flight is inferior…

Yeah, I am going to say that if you go by what the community says as an argument, you deserve to be mocked. I tend to denounce what the community says and form my own opinion for a reason, and my opinion on SR vs SF is that SF will be KING for anything that is better with precision where as SR takes the top position for speed.

Continually repeating “It’s thematic it’s thematic it’s thematic” doesn’t make your point any more valid. Doesn’t render mine invalid either.

You’ve made your opinion clear, you don’t give a damn if somebody is stuck without flight until they clear the campaign and exploration achievements. You got yours, so it’s time for somebody else paying the same money per month to pull up their bootstraps and unlock an “inferior” flight mode while you happily tell them they’re wrong for wanting to have some degree of parity between the flight modes at launch.


It is literally in the FAQ o TWW:

Evergreen Features: Skyriding.

Just facts.

Grats, that means they’re not leaving Dragonriding solely in the expansion it featured in. Which wasn’t TWW, by the way. :slight_smile:

So was there anything else, or are you back to just repeating “thematic” like somebody should give a damn?


Are they really? I haven’t seen one poster saying they can’t use Sky Riding at all and since the flying we do while leveling is of the short hop then fight or click stuff variety I don’t see the issue. You’re rarely traveling for more than 30 seconds at a time.

TBH I’m suspicious that some of these posters are using accessibility to hide their true motives which likely revolve around farming mats and the AH.

Meh. It’s a main selling point in all their media for TWW. Sorry that doesn’t mesh with you head cannon.

Then you’re blind, and I can’t help you.

That tinfoil hat must be pretty tight on your head there, friend. Nah, everybody loves Dragonriding and nobody has issues with it at all, it’s totally just botters and people seeking a competitive edge asking for parity. Nobody playing this game has disabilities, preferences or impairments of any kind, we’re all obviously just trying to get one over on y’all.


“It will continue to exist” isn’t much of a selling point. It’s not a new feature as of TWW, so they’re basically just reinforcing that they’re not leaving it to rot like so many other systems.


Oh, I don’t care if you don’t give a damn about it.
I’m just helping you to cope with something that you have been struggling with.

Skyriding is the default and preferable flying method, an evergreen feature in this expansion, as there are new features added to it and now you can also use all your favorite mounts with the favorite flying that is engaging, fun and rewarding.

Having done testing in Beta myself, I’m have a very hard time believing you.

For me it’s not ok to allow flight for able-bodied customers and not the disabled. Even if we can get it eventually. Everyone should have to do Pathfinder or no one.


Show me then bro. The posters either say Sky Riding hurts their hands after a long ride (I answered this) or they get vertigo/nausea but when you dig into it many of those posters don’t even know what settings to use for Accessibility.

Which is no different than when I was in tanaan trying to get to the rares before they were defeated by players who completed pathfinder and I hadn’t… and it actually WAS work back then.

I dealt with it while on the ground until I finished pf. Everyone will have to do the same in this instance.

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OP that has been completely absent just said he doesn’t like it.
The topic has been hijacked by people that have been arguing they’ve disability but at this point I have absolutely 0 reasons to trust them for everything they’ve said and done on this thread. If they are trolling everyone here on this thread, how can we trust that they’re not also trolling with this?

It is a good point that people have to think about it.


This would imply that I’m impacted by the Pathfinder lock. Like I told you in the other thread and will repeat here, I’m not arguing this point for myself. I’m not impacted at all. I have no issues Dragonriding whatsoever. I just see no reason for this arbitrary lack of parity between the flight modes.

So enjoying it isn’t enough? You honestly see an issue with parity between the flight modes?


I don’t know what to tell you. How would it take you longer? My first run through I was going slow and trying to test things and it took 12 hours.

I assume when TWW goes Live it will take me from 8 to 10.

If you are not then it is even worse, because you’re arguing without a reason.
And you still need to cope withe facts, and seems that you have been having trouble with that. Anyone can see that.

Wow your really just don’t get it. For many of us, Skyriding is not the preferable method for flying. We will not find all of our old mounts used in Skyriding as engaging, fun and rewarding.