Steady Flying

Cool, still doesn’t explain how letting people choose their preferred flight mode is a problem.

Cool, still doesn’t explain how letting people choose their preferred flight mode is a problem.

So are you going to explain how letting people choose their preferred flight mode is a problem?


Not over reacting to a nothing burger achievement isn’t opposition broseph.

Didn’t another poster tell you how to get rid of all the Sky Riding effects and they were surprised you still had issues?

You need to turn on screen darkening.

How can you not understand this. Skyriding gives me motion sickness, it is a valid reason to discuss why we want Steady Flight.

I have posted mulitiple bug reports in Beta. and I didn’t say “options having not helped you at all” I said they do help.

I tried that, it did not help. Setting particle density to Disabled did get rid of the speed rings.

It would only start a worthless pissing contest of opinions.

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I think you might have a parrot problem my friend.
You’re repeating yourself.
You’re repeating yourself.
You’re repeating yourself.
You’re repeating yourself.


I don’t think you’ve noticed, but I can’t choose any flight mode. I only have Skyriding, like everyone else, and ground mount options.

No one is choosing.
Ask blizzard.

Open a ticket.

Introduce yourself as an “advocate of people that can’t speak up for themselves” and demand an answer.

Well it is quite simple, you can just tell the person that “even with all the options, I still have motion sickness”.

I think 2 people on this thread already won this and no one will be able to beat them.


Hey, you finally figured out the problem!

That’s the problem.

Never said I was an advocate of people that can’t speak up for themselves, but I’ve already used the suggestion options in-game on this issue in addition to posting in related topics on the forums, both in General and in Beta Discussion. Thanks for telling me to do something I already did, though?


Tell what “person”?

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That’s not a problem, because with the options everyone have they can complete the campaign and unlock the other optional flying mode.

I think you’re having hard time to keep track of your own words.
Because they are, your own words.

I don’t see any speed rings when I use all the settings. You’re doing something wrong.

With all the settings turned on Sky Riding and Steady Flight have the same effects. I literally just tested it on Live.

One mode is accessible without any of that. The other requires that. That’s the problem.

FTFY. :slight_smile:

I’m advocating for a side of the issue. I’m not pretending that I’m doing this on behalf of people, I’m simply referring to personal examples I have of people impacted.

Those people already put in their own suggestions and whatnot about it to Blizzard. I’m not doing any of this “on their behalf”. They’re able-bodied individuals who don’t need me to speak for them, or pretend to speak for them.

Oh, and nice misquote by breaking up the half of the sentence you referred to. Here, let me help you out:



Not for me.

My last 22 years of work was as the network administrator and manager of the helpdesk staff. I’m very capable of turning off and on the motion sickness settings.


Its a continuation of Dragon Riding from DF. They established in interviews that they’re just taking the system forward into the future.

Its not a feature of TWW its a feature of WoW. Restricting static flying under almost no effort seems entirely unnecessary to me.

Its a hold-over from old expansions that doesn’t fit the mold of the purpose of either flying system, and was originally meant to restrict flying in expansions not designed for it. With Dynamic Flying being a thing now its no longer a sensible restriction.

They should change that and remove pathfinder, and instead, just let us choose how we fly from the start.


Then do it! make a ticket and present yourself like that.
It will be a success. Make a huge impact.

How you ignored all of this is beyond me.

Unnecessary to you. They clearly had their reasons.

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I never left it. Normal flight should be base, period, end of my story.


Hmm. Almost like I already said I did that.


I don’t consider myself to be some great person, and I don’t consider my ability to influence anything Blizzard is going to do to be significant in the slightest. I still make suggestions using their provided channels for that, but I certainly don’t expect those suggestions to bear fruit.


The point is no one whonprefers or needs steady flight should be gated.


Because including dynamic flying in an expansion when the devs stated its something that would continue from DF onward doesn’t make it a TWW feature. You’re just wrong.

Blizzard gave us goodies for taking the higher levels of the expansion by giving us an algarian stormrider and the attire. If this means its a feature of TWW specifically then a whole lot of regular mounts are then features specifically to other older expansions and no others which wouldn’t make any sense.

You’re pretending it means more than it does.


Since they haven’t stated their reasons I can’t comment on that. Hence why I have been stating my opinion.

I find their choice to force pathfinding which no longer has its purpose, of restricting flying so you have to experience the expansion on foot without flying, to be a foolish choice, especially since they’re making it so easy as to be trivial.

I don’t see why they don’t just leave it open for us from day one to choose how we fly, even more so since they admit that some people would benefit from regular flying as a matter of disability needs.


Pathfinderbis not necessary to any of the playerbase.