Steady Flying

You do not.

Ascend three times from Valdrakken. Point slightly down in the direction of brackenhide. Go afk and get a drink.

It’s not that engaging to press space bar three times before going afk anyhow.

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I mean at this point where is BlizZard obtaining the idea that there is more engagement with DR?

Truthfully they realize that you interact with the world more fluidly with TBC normal flying and want it to be struggle to complete precise tasks out in the world.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I’m still waiting to hear a legitimate solid argument as to why locking away only one mode of flight is good

Or why pathfinder as a whole is good or beneficial to the game


Because flying was a mistake and was dreadful as well as unnecessary for the game when it was added to the game.

Yeah but this is completely irrelevant, because it isn’t the travelling method that is universally bad but how players have made use of it.

We have known of the reason since TBC, and in Mists of Pandaria it got so bad that a common joke was that “Oh my god, these mountain sized statues have always been here?! I’m just looking at my map and on the ground, I’m not looking around at all despite these things being right in front of my face!”

The reason why flying is bad for WoW is because of how it has shifted player mentalities. People literally became more blind when the only thing we needed to do was to fly over stuff rather than look and interact with the world.

A common argument is “I just want to get from point A to point B and TBC flying is good for that.” Why? Not the TBC flying portion but why should the world be boiled down to literally just a couple of nodes on the map in which you go from one point to another with zero regard for the actual entirety of the game?

That’s what flying caused, and it primarily did that by allowing people to afk anywhere in the world. The speed doesn’t matter, the actual flying vs a different kind of flying doesn’t matter. Literally the only reason Dragonriding is objectively better for the game … is because eventually you HAVE to land. That difference has a spoiler effect on how the entire world has to be designed.

With TBC flying … none of that matters. AFK anywhere in the world meaning that the world doesn’t matter. This is an oversimplification of this, but this is something that we have been able to see and study in regards to how flying literally altered how WoW players view the world completely. And we have known about this since TBC.

Basic game and world design. It was necessary back in Vanilla when we didn’t have it, because of the two massive rectangular continents. Every expansion, with the exception of Cataclysm, since Vanilla have had a circularly shaped continent. Meaning that the time it takes to travel from one end of the continent to the other is significantly reduced removing the need for flying as a tool to reduce the 80%+ time people spent during Vanilla merely travelling.

Basic game and world design: rectangular are really annoying to traverse, whereas a circle makes everything proportionally and relatively quickly.
This and what I said above.


Other than “Daddy says so” there isn’t one.

Just people throwing their limited weight around because Blizzard is stonewalling TBC flight enjoyers and they like the schadenfreude.


Citation needed. Frankly more enjoy it than don’t, and you know what they’re doing? Enjoing the game and their Skyriding, and/or steady flying. Blizzard has deemed it the way it is, and that’s how it’s going to be.

The only ones that really complained about flying being added were the ganking PvP’ers…that was number one reason most complained when flying was added in TBC expansion…


I rarely use “steady flying” at all, I can’t see the point in it being locked on xpac release.

What’s the purpose?


Not even remotely close.

In every single expansion to date, when more and more people spend their time up in the air the number one thing folks would say is that the world felt emptier. Not in settlements like cities or quest hubs, but just the world overall.

To limit this:

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This should be the answer to every QoL request then.

“It isn’t that way and therefore you shouldn’t ask for it to be that way” just doesn’t do it for me however.


I don’t mind getting achievements for the steady flying so long as it is not gated or has me running dungeons and the like. What I don’t understand, and see to often, is the malice towards steady flight - which has been around since TBC - which has been demanded as an entitlement ever since. I understand the big push for dragonriding as it is a main feature for DF (excellent reason for a delay), but steady flying is not a new feature and nothing says somebody must use it if they do not want to.

I actually despised dragonizing initially but am looking forward to being able to use my mount collection in the near future. Steady flying is not something I use much, but it is an option that I like to have, and do not see a reason for it not to be available.

Do people hate it because a toggle would create Button Bloat?


They make the same use of BOTH methods. You fly around and only land on your objectives. You won’t change this by removing or gatekeeping one version of flying

In fact Blizzard themselves promote this by adding “herb/mine while mounted” talents into professions.

I really don’t understand this viewpoint…

If flying is bad, argue for all of it to be removed. People will ALWAYS find the path of least resistance, and if you believe players need to interact with the world more, locking away only one version of flying will not accomplish this.

This is why I don’t understand the logic. If Blizzard prefers we interact with the world more, stop giving us ways to avoid it. Do away with flying all together. This “one foot in one foot out” mentality is silly and serves no purpose but to annoy players.


A silly reason because people aren’t staying grounded in quest spots with DR more than static. They land, kill/collect, fly away just as they would with static.

They afk on a tree limb in azure span or a remote mountaintop in ohnaran. The world feels empty either way outside of the event areas.


Those players lack skill because you can not mount up when in combat with ground or TBC normal flying mounts.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Yeah, I’ll take that with extra cream on top. There is no good solid argument, and Pathfinder is, and always has been, a pimple on the face of WoW.

I don’t mind having to get to cap and buy a flight license. Let’s have all flying modes available the same way. That at least would be fair.


Indeed. If there is a reason to limit one then there is a reason to limit both.


That’s where I’m at. If flying is so bad it needs to be locked away, then lock it all up.

Don’t do this one foot in, one foot out thing. It’s just annoying a huge chunk of the playerbase for no real reason


What I meant Mafic is when flying was introduced it allowed players on pvp realms to escape from the ground and get in the air away from pvper coming at them if that player was paying attention…not that you could mount up while in a fight…not what I meant…sorry for that misunderstanding.


okay but maybe don’t gatekeep me?? i’m a solo casual

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No I understood but as a Rogue doing any PVP whether instanced or world if your opponent is able to drop combat you did something wrong.

In other words the complaint that they are able to mount up with ground or flying mount and escape doesn’t hold merit.

Anyone that understands PVP realizes that once a target drops combat they can mount up.

Less experienced PVP players are the first to complain about flying and ground mounts when doing world PVP. Without realizing that they are at fault for not understanding the rule sets of the game.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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