Steady Flying

Its not semantics.
Your claim is that it is intentional.
That is what it means to be an accessibility feature. Intended design to assist the impaired or otherwise.

Tbc flying was never implemented for that.

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

They had better figure it out if Ions new shiny toy is gonna survive.
It wont take but 15 minutes to figure out if just using old flight is gonna work better for the masses if DRing is not noticeably faster.

It’s useless. Arguing with lio is like arguing with a brick wall that will often insult you.


It is still noticeably faster using DR over TBC normal flying still. But if they do another tune down of DR speeds than it will not be as noticeable from my estimation.

This is why gating TBC normal flying is very puzzling.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


sorry son but as someone said above…

I never said they CREATED Steady flight intentionally for accessibility and now youre just proving to us all that Im right…when your sort is proven wrong, you just dig in deeper and say even more absurd crap lmao.

Fully expect your sort to make claims that something happened that didnt because you cant handle being wrong lmao.

Ion said Steady flight was there for accessibilty… that is the ONLY claim being made here …son…and you know it.


now…go troll someone else for attention

Actually, no it’s not an important difference.


lol…so like i said…hes just gonna dig in deeper with his semantics hoax because he got dismissed on their jokes they were telling above when it was first brought up that Ion said steady flight was there for accessibility.

This kind of illogical absurdity with that group, other than their perpetual trolling for attention, is why no one should waste a second of their day with any of them.

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Doesn’t matter if they think it gives them accessibility to the moon, they still have to do pathfinder to use it come early launch/regular launch day TWW in the new zones.

There you go again folks.
nothing to add to the discussion…just more attention seeking trolling, saying something to irritate to get a reaction.

Its juvenile.

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Looks like to me that is what you been doing all day long. You are a pro at that! lol, Ohh that is right you said you get paid to do it.

He didn’t. He said people use it for accessibility lol.
Just like afk hovering.

The distinction is important because if you say it is an accessibility feature and missquote someone like ion.
You are saying blizzards stance on the topic is that they are keeping it intentionally for accessibility. Which would be false.

You can’t cite someone out of context and pass your opinion off as fact. THAT is misinformation and misleading.

Its worse than a brick wall. Its just funny watching how deep they can dig their own hole too.


Saying that we still have to do A to get B is just the truth.

We either do it to get it or we don’t get it.

Read the thread…thats not his motivation. We all know that it has to be done.
That one has been in here trolling for a couple days now just saying pointless garbage to provoke.

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What’s really funny is they are so dense, they don’t even realize they have contributed the least with 239 posts (oops 240 when I hit post rofl). Double the next closest person.


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The only one who is bloviating in this topic is you. If you was on stage right now, you would win the golden globe.

The only one coping here is you.
But after 242 posts, I doubt you’ll ever figure it out.

By judging the character of the people that keep spreading misinformation, it is dishonesty at its finest.

The most fun part is 20% of the posts in this thread are full of insults that any other day a mod would’ve taken down most of these posts and put that given person on suspension from the forums.

It must be a very sad life.
God may bless that soul to find its way!

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Whats REALLY funny is when one has been SOO totally decimated by reality that they have to turn to post counts in desperation to feel vindicated. lmao

You gonna correct my grammmurz and pun’ctuatio’nz next? lmao
They usually do at this point in the exchange :rofl:


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And 20% of the posts in this thread are made by the same person.

Like these comments. 244 posts. Next person has 124. Its pretty obvious who is starving for attention.