Steady Flying

The simpler reason why steady flight should be the default one is because of accessibility issues. 100% of people can use steady flight, not all can use skyriding because of physical disabilities.


Certainly do.
If you have time during the day to build a few websites, which is very easy…I mean, there are software packages to do it…or if you get really involved like I did, you can learn to do the HTML and CSS code by hand, which I prefer…personally its just faster than using software in my opinion, depending on what kind of website you want.
Mine arent interactive, so the coding is very easy to do.

I tried sites that were more interactive, but that just attracts hackers, so I stopped making sites where you can say post comments or interact with in any way with the website.

So theyre all simpler…like a business card thing…just information to read and pics to look at.

You can do ANYTHING…literally.
If you love bird watching…theres a website.
if you sew…do a step by step project, take pics every step of the way and do a tutorial
Literally anything can work.

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Perfectly and succinctly stated.
Literally no logical refutation to this, but you just know they’ll find some joke to offer anyway.

DRing comes first BECAUSE its Ions baby…no other reason.

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This is actually more of the truth, but if they understood this, their heads would explode with reason. And well reason on the WoW forums is something that is not allowed. Its treated just like logic.

All that panda does on that toon or probably a few others they use on the forum is just go from one hot topic to another and troll to bump their post counts. They love to scream to tell people to ignore others and say that other seek attention, its actually the panda that is seeking attention and a bump in the amount of post they have on that account.


Hysterical when one doesnt have the processing power to see the irony in their own thought processes, lmao

Please don’t campaign for the removal or gate keeping of Steady Flight. It greatly improves accessibility to flight for those that are disabled and removes the motion sickness many of us encounter with Skyriding.

I don’t understand the desire to slow game play (gate keeping) for those that are disabled.


They should just make sky swimming available, silly to gatekeep one over the other, let people have choice. Seems like a dumb hill to die on to me.


hes just talking nonsense for attention.
While I theorize about it, Ion isnt gonna remove old flight after literally admitting its there for accessibility.
He’ll gate it to some small degree for a while before finally letting it go, but he knows he has no solution to the all of the Dragonriding Accessability issues, so hes smart enough to know that steady flight IS the perfect way to handle it.

Ion didnt remove it, so clearly the man isnt as hateful and spite filled as some of the attentiontrolls in here are.

Very unlikely steady flight is going anywhere until the game finally dies.
Sorry if my own paranoid posts made you think otherwise. I just get on Ion tirades sometimes and theorize things that’ll never happen


I hope you are correct. Why lose subscriptions over removing a feature that improves accessibility to disabled?


If you watched that video of Ion posted way up above, when you get around the mark where he’s talking about old flight, you can tell by his tone and what he says that he definitely has conceded that old flight is needed by some who might be lesser abled.

He’d have to be pure evil to acknowledge that and then strip it from those players entirely.
At that rate, i think a number of players like myself would finally quit the game just for the principle of it.

I dislike a lot of things ion does. I dont think hes the best person for his position. I think he lets his pride allow him to double down on bad decisions. I dont think he really understands the mind of the average gamer…but I dont think hes an evil man or hardhearted.
Im sure he’ll leave old flight in the game, regardless of my tirades to the contrary.


Steady Flight won’t be going away. Even if Blizz really wants to they don’t have the plums.

What does seem to be happening is Sky Riding becoming more integrated into encounter design in M+ and Raiding. Plus the potential for Aerial Combat to finally be added to the game based on one of the Missions.

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Huh? Skyriding is the default, but you don’t have to do pathfinder to get it. I’m hoping Blizz reconsiders and the same goes for steady flying.


I find this design choice rather odd as well, seeing as Ion has admitted in a roundabout way that Skyriding does have accessibility issues. By integrating it into dungeons and raids it will make those things less accessible unless other players are willing to help each other, which can be very hit or miss in this community.


At some point the game needs to keep moving forward. I don’t want design choices to be limited and since they never changed Tindral maybe they won’t feel any limitations. Who knows

So steady flying is prefferred by more then players with disabilities, that’s more reason not to gate it. You’re making my argument for me.


Didn’t they just “un-gate” steady flight for TWW?

For a decade players asked that Blizzard get rid of pathfinder and let people fly after hitting max level like back in the day, rather than waiting for x major content patch 6-9 months into the expansion.

They listened and it’s available upon completion of the campaign story, vs max level + gold. No time gate. If you can complete the campaign Day 1 you can steady fly day 1.

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We’re voicing our opinion that there should be no pathfinder. As yet, no one has offerred a valid argument to the contrary. I guess you can go with, we should stop voicing our opinion, but then isn’t that the point of these forums.


I’m thinking that since blizz has already developed the ability to push a button to switch between skyriding and steady flight, it should work in every instance where flight is required. I dont understand why blizz would want to knock pkayers out of content becaus3 they can’t skyride.


Because that’s their vision for leveling in TWW, and their vision for dungeons like Dawnbreaker.

People are obviously free to not like their vision or decision, but they aren’t going to change their minds on this one. That’s extremely obvious at this point.

There doesn’t have to be any other reason than “that’s not what we’ve visioned the game to play like.”

End of discussion. Except to complain on the forums or cancel your accounts.

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