Steady Flying

In order to continue to dragon fly you need vigor and all that mess lol. Run out of vigor no more flying. Down to the ground you go. That is the cost for going faster and I get that. However, many people just want to fly regularly :wink:


LMAO bro the only thing pathetic is you with 1/4 of the posts in this thread. I have to think you’re a shut in with nothing better to do.

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honestly, you’ll have to end up ignoring that one.
They love to sealion from my experience. perpetually asinine questions and assertions just to keep you busy.
Not worthy of your time investment. Trust me

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For the record…unlike some of you in here, I dont need to work for the man anymore. . Im literally making my income sitting here typing this post. LMAO
How about you son? Even got a job?

awww here he comes for another round…isnt that sweet lmao

So you are a shut in. Thanks for clearing that up.

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It’s hard to actually argue with someone who lives that far in their own reality.

After all, the party is always correct.

I made about $300 this morning since I started typing in here son…how about you? lmao.

you might not want to pick more fights you cant win, :wink:

yeah…back to ignore, troll…you AINT trolling me for attention all day lmao

Dude doesnt have any VALID arguments…HE knows it…WE know it…so THIS is the hoax he needs to run with…lmao

This person is trolling now.

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WOW a whole $300.

Yeah…DRing is certainly more ‘work’ and necessary attention being paid to what youre doing.

IF you want to use it and have it be just a tad more like old flight, its easy enough.

Use Skyward Ascent to shoot straight up as high as you think you need to, then nose down in the direction youre heading just enough to be charging vigor.
Thats great for making medium to longer flights and not having to keep your eye on vigor.
You’ll get used to just how high you need to shoot up after a while.

For short trips, just a single burst of Skyward Ascent can often get you down the road a bit.

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Hey maybe certain people here are disabled and unemployed because of it. Still none of your business, especially if their disability also affects DR.


good point…so hes spot on target with attacking and insulting disabled players…exactly as Ive been saying theyre doing this entire thread. lol

Theyre just miserable human beings lashing out in here.
Precisely why they end up on my ignore list.
Idont have to tolerate sociopathic behavior in here. I’ll just ignore them.

For myself, I started building websites with adsense the month Adsense became a thing years ago.
Disabled or not, I make way more money than I need today just sitting here playing games, reading the news and posting on this joke forum lol

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I’m happy for you. Must be fun.

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Nah. He’s rich dude. He already made $300 dollars today didn’t you know?

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If you mean the adsense thing, its VERY easy and over time you can make a LOT Of money with ads like that just for setting up a website once.
The wife has one website about sewing projects. That one has made us a LOT of money over the years.
Anyone can do it, You should give it a shot. Easy money in retirement for certain

so… you go and get the runes… or glyphs … or whatever they’re called.

if you don’t want to ride dragons, you don’t need to do that. :woman_shrugging:

Huh, so is that ALL your income now? Outside of retirement benefits?

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oh…no, Im sorry…not all of it.
I have investments that make us money. The wife still wants to work her ‘real job’ too, but thats just extra income for her for the most part.
But honestly, you CAN literally live off what you can make on these website ads.
Adsense isnt the only one either.

Seriously, do some reading about it. If nothing else its good for some extra cash every month.

oh…sorry…Im not retirement age yet. lol

Lmao sorry mb. Just assumed cause of the way that was written. I’ll look into it.

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