Steady Flying

I’m not sure this skill has been developed by that user.

At lest I do not see it demonstrated very often.

Thats exactly what it means…exactly what he meant…
Of course the attentiontrolls in here NEED for it to mean something else…cuz if it means what it means…lord…that would mean THEYVE ALL been in here attacking disabled players…lol

WE ALL KNOW what Ion is referring too…disabled players.
And WE ALL KNOW that fact because of the added options in the Accessiblity settings area SPECIFICALLY ABOUT dragonriding.

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Theyd have to have any to begin with.
there is ZERO evidence in this from a single one of them that they do.
All Ive seen is trolling for attention…and that sort will say anything to get it, including crap that makes no logical sense…including denying statements about ‘accessibility’ actually means ‘accessibility’…lmao.

Aint that hard to figure out, is it?
Only an agenda driven troll who’s trying to stir things up for attention could screw up that one lmao

LMAO…that one is clearly desperate.
He KNOWS what Ion meant…there was no way to confuse it.
But he’s got himself backed into a corner here.

I LOVE this part of the debate…when theyre trapped and cant say anything without either conceding…saying something even more absurd…or having to disappear and pretend they didnt see anything lmao

The funniest part is when they keep going at this point.
The show just gets more entertaining lmao

New players bro.

No matter how times that you folks post about this topic, steady flight will still be locked behind Pathfinder achievement regardless how you feel. If you want steady fight, better start do campaign quests and explore the zones when TWW comes live.

Crap accidentally hit the delete button on the post above lol

As I said in the deleted post what makes me laugh is when we get jokers in here claiming we’re never going to have flight without Pathfinder and yet we’re about to enter our second expansion where we have flight on day one without Pathfinder

Those ones are going to have to get used to the fact that this game is constantly evolving and they and their opinions are antiquated

I remember a day when Northrend had its own flight and I had to pay gold for two different flight speeds.
Thats all gone now. lol.


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See ladies, gents and others of the Jury…what we have here is attention trolling

No matter how times that you folks post about this topic, steady flight will still be locked behind Pathfinder achievement regardless how you feel. If you want steady fight, better start do campaign quests and explore the zones when TWW comes live.

THIS isnt an argument. THIS is just spite trolling to see if they can trigger someone.
THIS post serves no logical, valid purpose.
Its just pure unbridled emotionalism rooted entirely in bitterness and spite.

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Dude, this is so unhinged. You’re implying that adding steady flying from the start would negatively affect. Either that or you just did tried to do a “gotcha” by taking the letter of what Maizou said, and then saying “haha, accessibility features can hurt people,” not realizing that Maizou’s statement still wouldn’t change regardless, if they only add accessibility features without hurting anyone.

You’re on ignore. You have the most elitist takes about everything and have been passive-aggressively insulting in here.


I personally did not like dragon flying. Dont know why we had to be forced into it. Would personally like our mounts to be able to fly faster though :slight_smile:


This is an odd thing to read, considering they said steady flight is here to stay, they view it as an accessibility option, and it’s now available at the start of the expansion. No more “wait 6-9 months for x patch”

This sounds like the opposite of “phasing out” TBC flying.

If they had DR gated by the campaign from the get go, nobody would be saying things like “they’re trying to get rid of steady flight”. It would be celebrated that there was no longer a significant time gate waiting for “patchfinder”.

People would be gloating that they finally got Ion to listen.

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Theyre just here for the attention. That one especially.
Just keep letting them talk. Theyve already had to start denying Ions own statement that old flight is about accessbility. lmao.
Im quite sure theyre not gonna be able to control themselvse and even more pathetically absurd comments are still go come lol

which content forced you to use it?

were you wanting to do dragon races on a gryphon?

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Steady flying should be a choice. Many people dont want to bother with dragon races etc. Many players just want to get from point A to point B :slight_smile:


to continue…
Ive been debating on various topics for over 30 years.
I see this kind of response all the time when the opponent KNOWS they have lost on every point and have nothing VALID to offer.
That response is just how they lash out at the end of it all, knowing they are defeated.

It’ll get even more pathetic from here, no doubt

Or maybe I am try get head out of your rear end and trying to have you face reality. Pathfinder is moving forward as plan whether we like it or not. You can boycott and post endless threads about flying all of you want, Pathfinder still stand.

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If you’ve been using how you behave here in regular debates, where the rules of argument are actually enforced, I can’t imagine you’ve won many.

Well, you are right about 1 thing: this whole thread is concern trolling.

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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it is a choice.

maybe i don’t understand the argument.

which part of the game have people been unable to access without dragon riding?

Fully understand. DRing is more work than just clicking a mount, hitting your spacebar and aiming in a direction.
I love it myself, but totally get how many might not.

I also expect the attentiontrolls in here with nothing else in life to do to attack and insult you over your personal preferences lol

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