Steady Flying

thats the next line of garbage they run to…'gold inflation, flight should cost 3 trillion gold now" lmao

No…it shouldnt.
Its a COMMON MODE OF TRAVEL. Its not some uber powerful weapon.
Jesus christ these trolls are desperate in here tonite, lmao


I haven’t seen a one of them give a direct, sensible response why not have no pathfinder. For me personally, it pisses me off I won’t be able to fly at the start off TWW, while others will be zooming around skyriding. It’s alot of BS.


For a TBC flight mode? It used to be 30K it should remain that way. Though but TBC is the inferior mode of transportation no one gives a crap about it. We are literally throwing it under a bus a few times to get run over. Then Stomp on it a few times then slap it across the face a few times before throwing it in a maggot infested dumpster.

Why should anyone care for TBC flight it is garbage now like you all are claiming. It’s what 15 years old but hey enjoy your shiny brand new Skyriding that got rolled off the assembly like. It even has that brand new dragon smell.

They have nothing but unbridled emotionalistic drivel.
When you step back, stop looking at them like rational, logical minds and just accept that they ARE here to troll for attention, then it’ll all make sense.

REread their posts from the perspective of just wanting to say stuff to incite irritation in here…so they can get responses…so they can get the attention theyre craving.
that’ll help make sense of what theyre actually in here for…which ISNT about having a genuine discussion.


90% of this thread is a troll post. 5% is blind hate posts for TBC and the other 5% is the logical minds trying to make sense of it all.

We can spend 4 years talking about it and wasting our time here spinning our wheels in soft mud. As long as Ion is head Dev there is nothing we can do or say. These GD forums is a waste of resources.

General Discussion forums is a joke cause suggestions get drowned in a sea of trolls wanting to derail and start something that the thread wasn’t created for.

This thread is going no where it is just a field of mud where we spin our wheels all day in and all we get is splashing mud on everyone and not move a inch.


I feel the same way you do, and I’m disgusted with game management for even making this an issue. It should be a no-brainer to give the customers access to BOTH kinds of flying on day one with ZERO effort on the players part.

As for the trolls on this topic - I would like to know how THEY would react if Blizzard took away access to a VERY important utility in the game that they enjoyed every day, and locked it behind an achievement that made them crawl around for 2-3 weeks while everyone else is free to use the very thing that was taken away from THEM. It’s absolutely outrageous that our peers are supporting Blizzards actions regarding the issue of access to a vital part of the game - steadyflight. It’s upsetting to say the least, and makes me not want to play with people like that. I am seriously disgusted with the vitriol I have seen from some players here.


your deliberately ignoring something very important. wod was when they took away learning flying at max level. and introduced the token. prior to that the 5k gold price wasnt exactly trivial to everyone. certainly not everyone bought gold, or played the auction house or used gold guides. most people worked to get their gold. and that was a non zero sum of time to get said gold. now with the token if they reintroduced all you would have to do is spend an aditional 20$ and poof you have flying. whereas before you either had to have the gold already or work for it. the point of the 5k was making it in the beginning so players had to wait a bit before they could fly though by mists this wasnt very hard either.

it was NEVER 30K.

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Who said it has to be same? I can use covenants as an example because when BlizZard tries to dictate how people play it starts to be come a net negative. Same with the toggle switching between DR and TBC normal flying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Yeah you are right. Been so long ago. Yeah the max was 5K. I had to look it up.

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I prefer steady flying due to my severe CP. I don’t have the best hand control. So in reality steady flight is quicker and less stressful then Sky Riding.


Glad that you have old flight to use still.
Hopefully Ion can contain himself and leave it alone going forward.

I apologize in advance for the trolls who’ll be in here at some point to insinuate you are lying about your physical condition. Theyve pretty much been trolling everyone in here. if they do, just put them on ignore. Dont waste your time with them.


Crikey. This thread exploded a fair bit.

“For accessibility reasons” literally means it’s an accessibility feature.


Or a feature that is good for Accessibility.

People can read different things into the same statement, who is right? who is wrong? that is the issue with ambiguous language. But I suppose such does not matter when all one cares about is winning an argument instead of accepting that things can and will be questioned unless confirmation one way or the other is found.

Yea… he didn’t just stop at accessibility. I’ve watched this deep dive panel a few times.

“We also understand there are some folks for accessibility reasons, personal preference reasons, maybe you just like being able to AFK in the in midair.
Maybe Dragon riding isn’t your favorite.
We don’t want to take anything away. We want to let all these mounts that con currently you do the old school flying mode toggle between Dragon riding or let’s call it TBC flying up to you whatever you prefer.”

The full quote for context. He clearly didn’t mean it as a pure accessibility feature lol. But then again, when you take quotes out of context you can twist the meaning.
Like you said. Ambiguous language.

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Fun fact, if you acknowledge something is used for accessibility BY EVEN A SINGLE PERSON - it is an accessibility feature.

I swear to god y’all are purposely trying to not use common sense.


the 30k number is adjusting for inflation.

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While that is partially true. Those of you that keep quoting ion in this video like to ONLY quote the accessibility part and conveniently leave out the rest.

Your lack of context insinuates that accessibility is the main feature.
He literally listed off a bunch of misc. things, but because he said accessibility. You run with it.

Common sense huh?
If you’d apply just a little bit of critical thinking, you could figure this out without a bunch of back and forth.

Being that he listed a bunch of misc. things. It’s not an accessibility feature. By definition an accessibility feature is something specifically designed to make it easier to use.
BC flying was not designed or intended for ease of use for impaired or otherwise.

HOWEVER it is good for accessibility. So again. Don’t hit me with ‘common sense’ nonsense when you can’t apply critical thinking and figure out basic definitions.

What I find weird is by Ion saying “for accessibility reasons” he is acknowledging that their cool new form of flying has accessibility issues, and rather than do right by the players that have those issues, he digs his heels in and says no still going to lock it and those that have accessibility issues can stay grounded. How about everyone is grounded or no one is. Sadly as long as Ion and Co are in charge they will continue with these frankly stupid decisions.


And yet we’ve had a dozen attentiontrolls in here pretending its NOT an issue and lesser abled players are LYING about it.