Steady Flying

As always it is about the principal and for some players that do have a disability it is hard for them. I do not speak for them but you know what? Might as well throw my hat in the ring and acknowledge that their feedback is vary valid.

BlizZard spent more time on arachnopohobia filter than Rogue class design in the TWW beta. I wish what I typed was hyperbole, but it is very objectively true at this point.

So much effort spent on an arachnophobia filter but all it takes is flipping a switch to allow TBC normal flying at the start alongside DR for TWW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s really no different then how it was pre Pathfinder .

Used to have to hit max level to fly with the exception of Cata when it opened flying in the old world and by the time you reached max level you pretty much completed the starting patch zone quest and explored all the starting zone so along with flying opening up you also got your expansion loremaster and explorer cheevos for the expansion.

Its too hard for them apparently.

The only reason it was dumb in WoD, to me, was because the preorder gave you a flying mount and they originally didn’t have the pathfinder option. They put it in after all the complaining.

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But but… where’s my fear of heights filter? Or fear of cats? They are such try-hards with some of this stuff that it’s just pathetic lol.


The day you can get credit for killing a world boss when afking in a city (no, Kazzak doesn’t count), then this might be a relevant thing to say as a response. Until then …


That’s fine.
You won’t get access to TBC flying in TWW though in that case. But that’s entirely up to you whether you want to play the game or not in the way it has been laid out to experience the story of the expansion.

I have yet to see any positive brought to this game via Pathfinder


Why do you keep capitalizing the second Z?


To me, Pathfinder has always been the compromise between the Game’s Developers who wanted to remove flight altogether going forward and the large number of players who wanted flight to remain.

If we didn’t have Pathfinder, we probably wouldn’t have flight at all. That’s a positive.

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Meanwhile all they have to do is flip a switch to enable TBC normal flying.

It is a mystery why BlizZard likes fumbling before reaching the end zone. I guess that is their new motto???


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Here’s the problem with that. The players who need the accessibility provided in old flying cannot cope with the mechanics of dragon flight. So, to change old flying by integrating features of dragonflight (falling) into old flying will ruin BOTH forms of flight for people with special needs. That’s kind of like saying “we’ll put in a disabled ramp for you but it will blocked off”. It does nothing for the people who NEED the accommodation.

Also, there is absolutely no good reason to change old flying. Everyone knows people like it, and some people need it to stay in the game. so, just leave it alone but GIVE it to all of us on day one without making SOME people (the ones who needs it!) go thru Pathfinder.


Why hide such a dull reward behind a major set of requirements that nearly everyone will eventually meet anyway?

Just give it to players after a short, perfunctory questline.


This kind of goes out the window with Skyriding being available on day one


DR is 850% flightspeed, TBC is 310% flight speed. The argument people make about TBC flight killing or ruining exploration is invalid cause DR is so much faster to point A to point B. But people have no problem’s defending DR and claim it isn’t killing exploration at all when you can almost go 1000 mph with DR. With that speed your missing out on all the sight seeing.

At this point even if TBC flight is 150% speed I rather use that over dragonriding cause DR sucks. I rather have both flights open on day 1 on TWW even if TBC is 150% I wouldn’t mind taking a speed hit to be able to use TBC flight on day 1.


It quite literally is more engaging. You have to continually input commands to stay in the air. Either by using Dragon Riding abilities, or changing your pitch to maintain speed, due to the momentum mechanics.

Ceasing to input commands with TBC flying, you either stop and hover in place, or if your last input was ‘auto run’, you will fly continuously at a steady speed in whatever direction you were pointed, until you crash into something, or fly out to sea and die to fatigue.

By definition, TBC flying is less “engaging”.

Feel free to have your personal preferences, of course.

I also agree with this. Being grounded allows the player to better engage with the world.

Of course, this is a different use of the word “engaging” than when comparing TBC Flight to Dragon Riding.


Not really.

The alternative is essentially to move towards making Dragonriding/Skyriding the main form of flight, and to make TBC flying this thing that exists used as an accessibility tool, or to cheese and be non-interactive with the world (do note the ‘or’ statement, I’m not saying ‘and’).

Pathfinder was an attempted compromise, one which players simply chose to hate simply because people wanted to hate it. And now this is the current compromise. The only other alternative would be to outright remove flying completely, and considering people’s choice to purposefully hate pathfinding you could imagine how well that’d go.

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To me, Pathfinder has always been Ion pouting because players wanted flight and he knew too many would quit if it wasn’t included. It’s basically a huge middle finger to his customers.


I literally did not say a word about integrating anything from dragon riding into Old flight. I said make it so you basically can’t AFK hover in the air. That and make it so druids have to change forms in order to click something.

Where do people get this idea that there MUST be a compromise? There doesn’t. Blizz could have both available from day one and it wouldn’t change anything except how people travel.

Or maybe it was because their preferred method of travel was taken away with no good explanation as to why. Then they were told they could have it back if they did a little dance for the devs…

I really fail to see where this idea came about that flying= bad therefore it must be locked away and only handed out if you’re a good player and do your chore list to get it

I could perhaps have a little understanding if all flying was locked away, but to lock away one mode of travel and not the other, when neither has any gameplay impact is ridiculous.


Person A: More options are always good things.

Person B: I’d like the option to use static flight from the start.

Person A: No not like that! Blizzard wants…

Nobody cares lol. Their reasons are bad and people should feel bad for agreeing with them.