Steady Flying

Covenant switching was made available for all. That is why the the best option is to remove any requirements completely. DR doesn’t have it and TBC normal flying shouldn’t either.

And then we can move on with our lives lol. But truthfully this is Blizzard digging in thinking that we will forget about it but oh boy…they don’t understand.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Since they have changed the requirements only dragonflight and that was one case but for TWW pathfinder it has remained the same all throughout its testing cycle.

Dragonflight used to require reputation before it was removed due to feedback and accessibility.

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Ion literally said steady flight was there for accessability. lol.
That doesnt sound like hes doing away with it.

That joker likely read MY posts above where I THEORIZE that Ion is just biding his time to turn steady flight off.
That was MY words. lol


That is why feedback matters no matter what.

I explain the same thing to the Rogue community. Rogue community has received basically near zero feedback and very few change in the TWW beta. You never know because within a build or hot fix things can change on a dime.

The key is consistent feedback.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I’d say consistent and, when possible, targeted feedback. like treating both TBC flight and SR the same.


I love how you make lame excuse and resort to labeling when in fact TWW pathfinder can be earned on the ground. That is just facts. Yet here you are trying your best to refute that claim by claiming that the zones in the newest expansion would force people to use skyriding when it actually doesn’t. But instead of telling the truth you resort to painting a false narrative about the new expansion just to get the forums behind you.

Someone please remind me how to ignore again? Can you ignore someone who hides their profile.

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now you KNOW that joker is trolling for reasons already stated.
someone estimated THREE days tops to get old flight.
Not even a week before old flight will be being used to do exactly what hes whimpering about lmao.
So literally NOT an argument.
Most of us will have BARELY even started the expansion in the first three days. lol


So what some things are fine as is just because you yourself don’t like it doesn’t mean others won’t. Also, how is class design the same as pathfinder? They are not the same but sure justify it in someway.

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LEFT click his avatar
when you get to to the next page theres a box on the top right that says ‘normal’
pick ‘ignored’ and then ‘forever’

he’ll certainly come back in on an alt eventually…you’ll have to do the same to that character too

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The people NEED tbc flying! Let the people have what they want! Freedom!! :cloud_with_rain: :parrot:


Ion needs to stop this insanity again flight period there was nothing wrong with it pre WoD. But for some reason Ion wants to make mount Everest out of a tiny mole hill. If Ion never touched it were would still be happy paying gold for flying license.


Im sorry…LEFT click his avatar, lol
then activity
then the ‘normal’ box changed to ‘ignored’ and ‘forever’ selected


With gold inflation, that cold be a bad thing, but I could still see it being tied to a quest or achievement to counter that.

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And you are trying your best to convince us that pathfinder is no problem. We’re asking for no problem, just like skyriding.


What inflation? We can litterally spend 20 bucks and get a wow token and get 300K gold.

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Do you know how I can do it on my cell? If not I’ll fire up my laptop later. Thank you!


Let him keep railing on…hes LITERALLY destroying his own argument that Ive seen in the quotes above. lmao.

Cant say its quick and easy to get…meaning everyone will have it VERY quickly…then whine about how horrible its going to make his game lmao.

Either steady flight IS detrimental to the game if its turned loose early…or its NOT.
CLEARLY is not or he wouldnt be so gleeful that its so fast and easy to get, lmao


So, jsut because we can spend RL money and get a lot of gold means they need to price features like flying high to counter it?

Sure, lets have flight locked behind gold, and hey, since players can buy tokens for gold, why not make it cost 1m, 2m, why not make it the gold cap, after all, people will pay for it, right?

Gold cost for flight at this point, is just opening the doors for Blizzard to price it out of most players range/ability.

oh…its a bit worse if youre using a cell browser. I usually wait till Im on my PC.