Steady Flying

it’s for money making / node farming / spawn camping

it’s the reason these guys are mad

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If you do have the beta why not proof me wrong on how does the pathfinder get in anyone’s way in terms of gameplay?

whine at me harder…youre all ignored lmao

lmao…still obsessin…

They had the entire DF expansion to get used to Skyriding.

That wasn’t the topic I was talking about at all rofl.

Did you get lost arguing with so many people?

Since you forgot. Here you go.

Yeah but flipping the switch on covenants or TBC normal flying isn’t punishing a segment of their base or punishing others.

That is the point. If the net gain is way positive than the net positive then they should try it if the feedback is there.

I have not had mining and herbalism as a profession since WotLK. I personally prefer TBC normal flying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


How does having no pathfinder interfere with anyone’s game play?


Like with covenants switching it did not interfere with other people’s play.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Trying to reason with attentionseekingtrolls is pointless.

They ALL KNOW steady flight doesnt affect their game.
They ALL KNOW they see the hypocrisy in allowing one flight for no work and making the ‘accessability’ flight take work to get, lmao.

The ALL KNOW they are trolling just like they have been since this PF crap was pulled in DF. lol.

They’ll keep talking to get attention until everyone here gets smart and starts putting them on ignore
Dont feed the trolls.

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When did ion ever said this? And yet you posted a link and which he didn’t said anything of sort. Which by default you have been disproven, again. Sure, try and spin this anyway you want but one thing is for sure pathfinder is here to stay. And for players to traverse via the ground and then they can use TBC flight later. Also, I might even add that they learned their lesson on not making terrain ground mount unfriendly like for example dragon isles terrain and zone designs.

Case in point, you have nothing on me. So quiet already. Just like saucepot said only those people will be mad about this and I might even think you might be one of those.

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I have those off an it still does, it’s legit frustrating as I have done zero-G plane rides (where they fly you up and then free fall a bit) and been fine. WoW dragon riding though? apparently the most powerful source.

That’s why people are voicing their opinions, in hopes pathfinder can be changed down the line.

BlizZard has not said they are phasing out TBC normal flying.

I know people speculated about that during DF when they did not put the on their road map when TBC normal flying would be released.

The truth is that the feedback in DF beta showed a swelling of support for TBC normal flying which I was impressed with.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Guess what pathfinder doesn’t require reputations. But nice try on spreading misinformation.

If TBC flight is the one locked behind pathfinder, the SR crowd is the “favored” ones, if it is SR locked behind the achievment, then the TBC crowd is the “favored ones”. Only way to limit this is both locked or both available without the achievement.

It is one of those that can be a net positive, but some dingbat will always try to make it out so they are the “ones that Blizzard smiles on” or a the onees “Blizzard hates”.


it doesnt.
I question the shoe size IQ of anyone claiming it does.

  • It AINT about exploration…DRing COULD be used by these same players on day 1.
  • It AINT about pvp, regardless of the lies above, because gankers in her whine that warmode is barren.
  • It AINT about farming because farming is about SPEED…and DRing blows past steady flight

They have NOTHING, but baseless whining for attention in here and they all know it

The fact that you have to do it at all before you can use steady flight messes with my gameplay. You see, I and others prefer and or need steady flying. All you can come up with is pathfinder isn’t bad or prove to me it messes with your game. Buzz off…

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Literally quote where I said anything about rep. GO ahead. Or admit you are coming after the wrong person here.

This is the second time you have wrongly accused me of lying. He also never mentioned pathfinder and mentions mounts from rep, read instead of being reactionary.


They changed the requirements of many patchfinders when they were available for testing on the PTR when people spoke up. Short memories but even I remember that.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


“this is what flight is now” -

Prove me wrong. Post a link or interview showing they generally care about tbc flight and that they aren’t putting bc flight in the background.
I’ll wait.

Also this is cute. YOU are the one attacking people and coming after them. You don’t get to tell people to be quiet when you instigate this :joy:

Still can’t prove otherwise. Still continuing with your baseless slander.
Still continuing with your instigation.

Man trolls these days are hilarious.

That right there just confirms his trolling…as I pointed out above…twice lmao.

He cant cry that old flight ruins his game…and then admit that old flight is quick and easy to get lmao…because IF it ruined his game, most players will be ruining his game less than a week after release, lmao

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