Steady Flying

LMAO…attentiontrolls obsessin about me again…

So you can’t confirm or deny misinformation after demanding links yourself? Rofl

‘Do as I say, not as I do’

Your obsession with the stupid pathfinder achievement is making you yourself look more like a fool than say otherwise. Because everyone has no issue with the pathfinder achievement and yet here you are trying to convince them to have an issue with it. And also, I have refute your claims about how TWW zones are ground mount friendly and you paint me as a liar or whatever your type call our type of people.

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Hovering over the world to grief world pvp or AFK for rare spawns / whatever other reason you’re AFKing isn’t something I want Blizzard to be designing a game around, and those are the only reasons supporters of old flight want it back. You should have to complete content before you can exploit that.

Would love to hear one other reason you would possibly want old flight back.

All of you telling us who prefer or need steady flight, are totally missing the point. We’re not here to be told to be glad about the achievement cause it used to be or could be worse. That is so arrogant.

I contend there is no reasonable argument about getting rid of the pathfinder so everyone can fly from the start of TWW.

Love your thick headedness because it’s making you yourself look more one of them than say anyone else on this forum.

lmao…what a joker…clearly dude didnt even listen to Ion lmao…who LITERALLY SAID old flight is there for accessibility

and youre lying son…PF is what…a few DAYS this time around? HARDLY gonna be the hindrance your sort is PRETENDING it will be

Try harder next time you want to lie…maybe even YOU will believe your hoax

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I don’t want depth added to my travel, I do not have fun using it, surprisingly it is the only thing in this game besides that weird spiral fade out thing that triggers my motion sickness, Dynamic is way clunkier for short distances which is most leveling travel and node farming travel, I shouldn’t have to manage a resource to travel.


You started this.
You called me a liar and can’t prove otherwise.
So prove it or move on. Take your baseless slander elsewhere.

no you wouldnt son…or youd have ASKED FIRST before vomiting up your laughable slander. lmao

another attentiontroll ignored

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Then why make a fuss about it then if you think it is a non issue? Conflicting much?

What? This is incomprehensible, man.

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Pointing fingers now huh? When you yourself can buy your way into beta and be proven wrong because you will be. And yet here you are running scared about being proven wrong by not being on the beta.

This is psycho behavior lol

Cant even keep their damned stories and details straight, lmao.

“youre gonna ruin the game with old flight AFKing so we need PF”
“why you whining…PF is only a few days to get”

Cant take any of them seriously in here.

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You can turn off the dragonriding effects in the accessibility menu. It also gave me motion sickness in the default setup. It no longer does.

I don’t want mounts to be gated behind rep gains but they are. That’s the game as it is designed.

What are you on about now? Who said anything about beta? And I’m on the beta :joy:

THIS is what I’ve been talking about. Are you trying to tangent your way out of this again?

hey friend do you have a mental issue because you are replying to yourself at this point

How is this an issue huh? How does it bother you? Does it get in your way? Or does it prevent you to cheat? Or is it that you want to skip over everything and just get to your destination without any trouble in your first go around in a new zone? This pathfinder compared to all the other ones these new pathfinder requirements are nothing compared to that of the past.

There is no good reason.
Nothing about old flight is going to affect their game and ALL of the attentiontrolls know it.
Theyre just here to say edgy trash to get attention.