Steady Flying

Okay? Notice he spent 2 minutes talking about dynamic and 5 seconds talking about bc lol.
And ends his talk about dynamic flying with “this is what flight is now”.

Some can read between the lines. Other’s can’t figure it out even if it smacks them in the face.

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Maybe some players do not want to complete all that see that is part of the mistakes Blizz makes on a regular basis they do not understand their players likes and dislikes they think making them do what they want is the best way for them to have fun. They are ignorant and that is why the game has suffered so much in the last few uears their insistance in forcing players to play their way instead of their owm. If they would just make te game for everyone and quit forcing certain aspects like simple things that were always there like Flying and turning them into tedious activities.


That is because there is a lot more to talk about and not waste time on TBC flight when you can just get it then and there. What else does he need to explain?

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Right, it shouldn’t, but at the same time, why do players think that Blizzard should cater to their segment of the base and ignore or punish others?

With the covenents, I was on board with choosing one and having a harder time switching, because I think the min/maxers need to cool their jets over those few % points. As such, I started Venth on this toon and stayed venth throughout SL, even after switching was made easier, only change I would have made then is the ability to choose a sub covenent, once all started working together, that might do something like Ashen hollow made it so that Avengers shiled acted like divine toll, or allies within ashen got a the blessing best for their class from the night fae.

How is that even remotely the same as it is now? That was about systems and controversial design choices versus now nothing controversial in the war within. And be glad that it’s an achievement not a gold grind to unlock flying like it used to be.

Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

I love how you just pick and choose my words and taking them out of context. But nice try.

Well that is a really poor stance to take. Seems his ego is so tightly bound with skyriding, he is willing to accept the blowback from people who can’t use it, including people with disabilities.

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Whiteboi…thanks so much for your post. Could not agree more. I no longer purchase new expansions due to all things Pathfinder and it looking like I will be doing same for the upcoming expansion. I’m all in favor of keeping Pathfinder for the folks that enjoy it BUT sure wish they would re enable the old Pre MOP path to flight .
/Thinks to self: “Geezzz…they probably don’t even remember WHY they implemented Pathfinder”


Bruv you’ve been doing that to me the entire time. You pick fights with people then run away or twist it when you get called out.

No idea why you are so aggro and have to ‘win’ these silly arguments, or just pick fights with people :joy:

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It’s not his ego it’s what the “community” wanted skyriding to be default and so it is default once you level to the required level to gain flying.

lol…its laughable that they can even pretend to have an argument against this.
Entertaining to watch the joke excuses, for certain. lol

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Sure thing say whatever you want unlike you I don’t take quotes out of context. And you know what I don’t twist other words when others are the ones spreading misinformation or disinformation on this forum.

“steady flight is there for accessability…now, go crawl up that flight of stairs to get it”


Enjoy, I don’t care. I can type all the damn day even at school or at work.

Remember that time I asked you to provide proof to refute my “misinformation” because otherwise it would be a contradictive argument?

And you ran away?

Good times.

I’ll refresh it for you…someones ego. No other reason.

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I didn’t ran because I didn’t need to proof anything to confirm your claims or anything for that matter.

go get your attention somewhere else, troll

For one you’re the troll and second you spout random jack on the forums thinking that it’s true.