Steady Flying

Guess what if you can’t skyride for any reason use a ground mount nothing is preventing you to use a ground mount to traverse. Or maybe your mind is thinking this “oh the zones will be like dragon isles anti ground mount design or that the terrain will be made for skyriding” or something along those lines. When in reality TWW zones are designed for ground mounts and most of the terrain can be traversed with your own two feet.

Thanks for telling me something I already knew.

What I am actually thinking is I mount one of my mounts that flight/no flight is based on skill/level.

What you are saying in effect is those mounts, before I get pathfinder will be grond mounts only, as they will default to steady flight. What I am saying is, if Skyriding is the default/what is not behind pathfinder, those mounts will be skyriders from the start

I did nothing but ask for proof to your claim of

Yet you had to go off on another “ground mount friendly” tangent.

I don’t need to show proof once next week come online you will see that I am mostly right with my words. Oh but hey you are one of those guys over there thinking that I am someone on the internet who just lies about things. But hey if I am wrong I’ll say it but I am not because I have beta and I know.

All you needed to cite was YOUR BETA Experience, like “it defaults to steady flight because that is how it is in the beta”.

All that I was after was, say I wanted to use my flying machine, would that be ground bound before I unlocked steady flight, since the default is steady flight, or would I be able to use skyriding with it, as skyriding would be available at the start.

Also, fool, I was also one that kept pointing out the ground mount friiendly aspect of TWW zones. I can use SR just fine, I have no issues using ground mounts either. but you claimed what mounts defaulted to, my question was more “is that before or after pathfinder is done” or “do I need to toggle skyriding to use it on any mounts that can”.

In fact I was asking for proof BECAUSE you are on Beta and I am not, is it really too much to ask how things are working on there, or a reyou just so full of yourself that anyone that questions you, you think is a fool that needs to be mocked?

My Otterworldy Ottuk, arguably the best mount in game, cannot dragonride & requires normal flight, thus I am turning dragonriding off when I get to switch to normal.


That 500 mount blue otter is one of those that can’t skyride so there is one out of how ever many that I can’t identify.

Again, not what I was asking, I was asking how it was for those mounts that CAN skyride. as in do they default to steady flight or skyriding?

The Flying machine is one of those on the list of ones that CAN use skyriding, so I want to know if the list of those that CAN skyride are ground bound without using the toggle.

They all default to ground on a low level and then once able to fly (level 20 or 30 or so) skyriding and which the dragon isles will teach new player on the how to. And then when they earn pathfinder they can select steady flight if they want to. And plus blizzard have put an article about this specifically. And so how is this still an issue? Not unless it is not an issue.

Thank you, this is all that I was after, but still no reason for your initial responses to me.

I didn’t need to proof anything or said anything when the 23rd rolls around you should’ve notice.

and I likely would not have asked for proof had you just stated

instead of just

THe way you made it sound was it would be ground at low levels, then steady flight once flight was unlocked then DR once on the dragon isles/TWW.

Or to put it another way:

I would have noticed it defaulted to skyriding, not steady flight (which was your claims), so could easliy be like “hey, you were WRONG”.

Just Ignore Inariusz…they are just here to start fights between players…they just posted another thread of their own about why Steady Flying has to be locked to path finder …add in fact…they do look like they haven’t been in game long like maybe a few months judging by their Achievement points.

Read that, the fool stated that he thinks people should explore on the ground first then take to the skies, which could lead to the argument that BOTH SR and TBC flight are locked around pathfinder.


did that quite a bit ago.
None of the attentiontrolls with pointless points are worthy of our attention in here.
just here whining about something that has no bearing on their game and they know it.

If this is the case, it makes the most sense imo, that everyone completes the pathfinder and then can fly however they want. It seems like this would solve everything.


But it shouldn’t reach that point. Same with how covenants unfolded. Why does it have to reach a point where devs lose time to focus on developing the game to address something that is so simple to fix.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It would definitely be the easiest so we don’t have threads like this, but they want to highlight dynamic flying and put BC in the background.

Here is the TWW video where Ion breaks things down.
Around 36ish minutes is where he starts talking about dynamic flying.
38:10 - he quite literally says “this is what flight is now” - this tells me they just want full time dynamic and bc is like whatever, throw it behind a thing so it forces everyone to dynamic.

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Imagine if Blizzard actually lived up to the press it bought and listened to the community about this topic.

I can dream.


Then he says

If you want TBC flight go do the campaigns and explore the zones and unlock it that way. And that is all he said and nothing else.

My experience in beta was the previouly steady fly only mounts could be swiched to skyriding with a button. I haven’t been able to determine what the campaign terrain is like. Even though I’m 80 I can’t get in the new area via the pathfinder’s den. If TWW launched the way beta is now with flying style being a choice, that would be great.