Steady Flying

that definitely makes more logical sense than what we have now, lol.

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Tbh I wish I could find it. It was a QnA I believe. I need to start stickying those links for times like this.

The one where he was super short with pathfinder was the tww announcement on stage though. And you could see on his face he didn’t even want to mention it lol.

Yep, you’re making things up. So, I basically wasted my time trying to get a source from you but you offered none. And spread misinformation about certain things. And it’s sad that some will fall for this deception from people like yourself.

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I mean can you link something to refute what I said?
If not… that’s pretty contradictive.

Also I have no idea why you are so hostile. Gotta bring it down a few levels lol.

How about make a new thread and gobon and on about how hard the old days were. The debate in this thread is about why players dislike steady flight and why it has a pathfinder behind it when sky riding doesn’t.

I was responding to someone else. I have made my position known on this topic.

I just think they went about this bass akwards.

IMO Steady flight should be default unlocked at the beginning.
Then complete the pathfider chores to unlock the faster shiner newer version of skyriding.
But thats just my take on the issue.


I wouldn’t bother. This thread is so full of tangents. Its a lost cause.

People can’t have amicable debates without being attacked either. And sadly it goes the same in these types of threads almost every time.
(Looking at top posters is an instant tell)

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Anyone that thinks Skyriding is flat out superior has an inferior brain. Anyone smart knows that both will have their advantages and disadvantages and there will be times when one is superior to the other.

After all the back and forth in this topic, the ONLY reason to switch which is locked behind pathfinder is so those that hate skyriding can feel superior they got their way/are the favored ones.

Either put both behind pathfinder or put neither behind it, anythign else is just going to lead to someone feeling favored and rubbing it in to the other side.

Not if they want to get new players used to Sky Riding as the default.

That makes far more sense than this garbage we have now, lol.
Lesser abled players wouldnt be targeted by pathfinder that way either

Attentiontrolls: “its so fast and easy to get PF”
if it were, theyd be lining up to do it for DRing. lmao


Which just leads to another idea, they don’t lock TBC flight behind a pathfinder but they lock the ability to switch behind it OR you have to know which mounts are not among those that are skyriders.

Like if the default for syriding mounts is skyriding enabled, then to use TBC flight you have to look through your collection and find one that is not the skyriders.

Just as a note, here is the list of all skyriding mounts: https:// www. wowhead. com/news/all-464-mounts-able-to-dragonride-in-the-war-within-338781


They are pushing for skyriding to be the baseline and bc to be the ‘well if you don’t want this thing, here is this other thing’.


That seems overly confusing for a new player who also won’t have a huge mount collection.

This thread is crazy. It’s basically the same 4 people repeating the same thing with every post and putting anyone on ignore who doesn’t parrot that stance.

There’s a Panda that has over 125 posts in this thread at this point. I have to assume they’re a shut in or something.

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People begged that their flying mounts to be converted to skyriding mounts and so they have found a middle ground to APPEASE both sides which is a button that switches to one form of “flight” to another. And to complain about steady flight being gated behind pathfinder is a non issue because unlike dragonflight most of the content can be done via the ground without touching skyriding at all.

Holy hub caps bat man, spend the morning cutting grass and come in here to 100 post. Someone must have gotten upset. lol, Okay who touched someones TBC flight and got someone very mad this morning before they had their coffee?

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but not all mounts were converted, so there are also options for those that don’t want to worry about a toggle to use instead,

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New players can’t fly automatically dragon isles will be locked via pathfinder and TWW. And also new players will be going from exiles reach to dragon isles come next week.

Only a small amount of some didn’t but the majority did. Even then it will be default to steady flight and possibly skyriding will be disabled for those mounts that can’t skyride. By disabled I mean the button will be greyed out.

Without proof, doubt this as if SR is the one that is available from the start, would the logical expectation be that any mount that can skyride defaults to that? At least till one completes pathfinder?