Steady Flying

But you earn it that is what matters now…I helped a close bud back in those days to get her her first flying mount and flying …it was very costly back then for avg player…by avg I mean players that couldn’t farm day and night to make gold…that was one thing I had on my side I could play 24/7 since I was retired.

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lord…talked myself right out of every trying classic again just reading this one lol

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And plus, how does it bother you that some will skyride and some won’t and plus the zones themselves are ground mount friendly. But, clearly you want to talk crap when this version of pathfinder is so easy to get via the ground but sure make up some insane crap about something. Ion have said it as much at Blizzcon explore and do the four zone campaigns and then you can have steady flight unlock.

If you didn’t have professions like mining or herbing and sell on the AH you were not making much gold at all with questing back then …you had to work for it …or you could do as some did back then buy gold but risk your account…and this so called Classic isn’t even real Classic now…you can buy tokens for gold in this Classic…

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The point


Why does one group need to do a pathfinder and the other doesn’t. It matters not how easy or hard it is.


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

At this point, I am wondering if Blizzard decided to cave to the ones that wanted the cata style (flight on start/soon after) and felt like they had a way to do it with DR.

Like “you want flight at the startt? here’s skyrding”.

Funny part is not one of them is even able to see the duplicitous hypocritical double standard…which just makes it funnier to know theyre still in here pretending as if they have a point lmao


They can’t see the Forest for the Trees…Liolang.


Or don’t care because the trees aren’t in their way.


At this point I’d say some of them are trying to remove a speck from the eye of another but have a plank covering their eyes.

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Why don’t you worry about yourself? If they got motion sickness than use ground mount to get around. Like I said the zones are ground mount friendly moreso than dragon isles but cry some more because this behavior is why devs will choose the middle of the road. And that is why pathfinder of today is more neutral than say previous versions of it.

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:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

…or my favorite…just attentiontrolls saying edgy garbage to troll for attention they aint getting elsewhere. lol

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Also, they already have introduce a tech to see a silhouette of yourself if you were covered by trees or something. But hey keep up the excuses.

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True lol. He is definitely a big anti fly stan period.
But now they are shifting towards phasing out bc flying or at the very least way less focus.
Ive never seen a shorter inverview than when he mentioned pathfinder lol. It was like siiiiigh yes you get bc flying after doing it.

LMAO good one Antiman…

Phasing out TBC flight any sources to back up that claim of yours? Or is it that you are one of these people making up excuses and find excuses to complain about.

Static flying should be the default and skyriding (the superior, cooler and faster version) should be behind the Pathfinder cheevo in my opinion

It just makes sense: when you first go into an unknown zone you go steady and slowly making sure to take everything in and then when you’ve explored the place and know your way around it you go ham at full speed


Its not a claim, but go off queen.
They said recently they aren’t updating bc flying or adding new models i believe.
And if they aren’t adding new models… doesn’t take much to see where that is going.

Tbh I have no idea where this is coming from based on what was said lol.

Where was this even said? I have followed each and every interview and or articles about TWW and none of which have said anything about this.

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