Steady Flying

Guess what I just used my voidstrider (a ground mount) and guess what I managed to complete the isles of dorn without touching skyriding. But, clearly yall want to cry and moan and make excuses when ground mount is disabled friendly.

If I can complete isle of dorn on my ground mount then there isn’t anything to worry about in the later zones.

I tried classic a long while back. hated it compared to retail.
the onlything I liked better was wands. pretty cool back then.

Id just flag that other response, clearly trolling

Then lets remove Dynamic flying and put it behind same pathfinder that Steady flight has for TWW…you just prove its very easy to do so why not for the rest of player base then.

See how silly that sounds now…how silly its forcing or making or how ever want to say it making players with issue remain on the ground or fight with dynamic flying just so they can have steady flying without having to throw up all the time or be put in physical pain…


And it was that way again in Wrath, we were ground bound till later, but we got a loaner flying mount for Storm Peaks if we hit there and did not have cold weather flying yet.

Cata gave it to all from the get go

MoP returned us to the level up and buy flight mode.

Blizzard goofed as they had the perfect set up to keep, or if they felt like it needed to change due to gold inflation, do so in a way that still reflected the “ground bound at start, max level get flight” style.

The could always design end game world content, including access to dungeons and raids, around flight, but they did not do so from Mop to DF. As such, they likely felt like they could push removing flight to be lazy in design.

I am one that is in the group that, unless flight is needed for anything (including a softer trip into an area due to the elevator being out of order for story reasons) go ahead and lock both behind pathfinder.

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You are totally missing the point. Why does one group of people have to do a pathfinder to get flying and the other doesn’t?


Guess what before skyriding was even a thing people can ground mount and way before pathfinder was even a thing you still would need to ground mount. So guess what this is going back to basics ground mount first and then steady flight. Not so different.

Thank you Antiman …to me its only fair for both sides either lock both flights behind pathfinder or let both be used day one of TWW.


That is their point, with skyriding available from the stat, we still have a form of flight from the get go, only ones ground bound are those that can’t use skyrading due to a disability.

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Who cares? does it bother you? Does it ruin your experience? Does it get in your way?

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Does it get in your way?

It is unfair to one group of people.


No, because I have beta and experimented via ground mount and had no trouble at all. But, hey make excuses.

You aren’t alone. Ion feels the game should be experienced from the ground as well.

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Judging by their achievement points unless they have two battle net accounts…that person has never had to really work for their traveling stuff…they didn’t have to run mountless for 40 levels or wait till max level to get flying like in TBC…


yeah, thats not surprising. Have you read down thru their clueless posts in here?
Mindnumbing to read, lol



I have to confess that I had to run until level 45 because I could not afford the mount.


But one differeence between me and him is I am more then willing to grant flight, after a gold cost, questline, or achievement, once hitting max level or when flight is required to get around.

Honey I been there done too many times to count now…don’t even try that trick on me now…by looks of your achievement points you haven’t been in game long…unless your on a brand new account cause you lost your old one…I the one that ran for 40 levels to get my first ground mount …not you.


yeah, that one wins the Insanity Prize in here.
Ion LITERALLY says that old flight is there for ‘accessibility’…then turns around and makes the lesser abled players work for it while the attentiontrolls in here dont have to do it, lmao

Only Ion…only blizzard…


Considering you can’t get off your soap box for 2 seconds to comprehend, doesn’t make posts going against your perspective “clueless”.

What makes you even more clueless is this thread has 1.2k posts and you are 170 of them! Its insane you are so blind and walking contradiction .

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Guess what the game grants me the ability to hid my true number of achievements from public view. Plus, I don’t even have to show anyone since I am not that kind who flexes.