Steady Flying

Ion SHOULD do the RIGHT thing and make the attentiontrolls have to do the same work for DRing as hes making lesser abled players do for old flight


Too much logic. Logic breaks brains.

:brain: :hammer:


For me when I started working on A World Awoken, I was excited cause I thought, "I can chip away at this while waiting for TWW. Then I was so bummed out to find out it required skyriding to complete. Same for Mythic dungeons. I am not at that level.


There is only one troll here… and its pretty obvious who it is.


the attentiontrolls in here cant even keep track of who engaged whom, lmao

…i wouldnt expect a coherent argument from any of them on any topic other than what they want to eat at burgerking, personally lol


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Gathering all the glyphs for dragonriding took me forever! A few of them took me days of trying - resting - try again - puke - rest - etc… it was he11 !

In addition to being terrified of heights, I also have vertigo, get stress related optic migraines, and I frequently need to pause my character at a moments notice to step away - I’m the whole package I tell ya :wink: LOL

For all those reasons (and more) I NEED to use the slow steadyflight 99% of the time just to be able to enjoy the game.


see, I am one that says that TBC flight is still KING (I.E> superior) for some aspects, like gathering, exploring (really exploring, not just the fill the map that is required for the achievement), short distances, etc.

DR is indeed superior, but only really in the sense of speed and, maybe with the unlocked skills, some combat based aspects.

Neither ones is 100% superior ir inferior to the other, but both have areas where it is the better option to use.

SAME HERE! Small world, lol.
Ive had these optic migraines many times. get all kinds of craziness in my vision.
the one day it literally dodged the center of my vision over like 3 inches at about 10 feet, lol.
So Im looking at X…and the X is over here X instead of where I have my eyes aimed.
That one was really freaky, lol.
I get that rainbow crap from time to time. Had it completely knock out my vision a few times.
My grandfather had the same exact thing. No pain, just vision issues with the migraines

I went decades not knowing my vertigo is migraine related. When I started treating the migraine, the vertigo has been a lot better.
Ironically, I only found out because I got on blood pressure meds over this genetic thing I have in the family and the BP med (atenolol) knocked out the migraines like two days later…which stopped most of the vertigo problems too.


Queue nicolas cage imagine that meme.

Neither one of you would know logic even if Issac Newton began dropping apples on your heads to prove the theory of gravity exists.

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Unfortunately its expansion feature and yes I would gated it with steady flying all together.

That is totally freaky!! I started getting them in the late 80’s,. I was driving home from work and all of a sudden I couldn’t see! Thankfully they don’t always come with a screaming headache but that is the prize at the bottom of the box sometimes.


Wow…same again. About 87 or 88 I started getting the light sensitivity and had my very first vertigo spell sitting at the dinner table with my first wife.

oh dear lord. Yeah, Ive been lucky that the full blindness ones have only happened at home. I think that makes sense though…they only seemed to get that bad when the ex was on one of her days long tirades of seeing if she could upset me, lol.

My youngest daughter, god bless her, she gets the painful migraines. I wouldnt wish those things on an enemy.


Bingo…as they say Liolang what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander…


Then if its so bloody easy then make both flights require the same work…you want Dynamic flying then do what any person that wants to use Steady flight the same thing…fair is fair and what is good for the goose is good for the gander…

But you don’t want to be fair to disabled players that have major issues with Dynamic flying you want them to shuffle along on a ground mount all while you stick your nose up while flying dynamic and laughing at them.


Yes I’ve done that and it helps me.


The trolls in here cant even make a shred of logical sense at all on ANY joke point they try to make.
IF its so quick and easy THEN we dont NEED to do it AT ALL…lmao
IF its so quick and easy then THEY can all do it too, lol

Not ONE of them is in here for ANY other reason than to troll for attention.


I think what is happening is that people assume that those offering feedback are not offering valid feedback.

But based on what I am seeing the feedback is very valid and clear on what expectations are. Patchfinder must go.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


There was a time with this game you had to run mountless for 40 levels…been there done that still have the tee shirt…you didn’t get your first ground mount till level 40 and had to be level 60 for the faster ground mount.

Then came TBC…almost till the end of TBC you had same thing but flying was being introduced and order to fly you had to be max level which was 70 for most classes unless Druid then it was level 68…you know I think I’d like those days back again …those players going thought that were real players of the game.


omg…just thinking about that makes me want to quit the game.
I mean, ESO I dont really use a mount because its not a lot faster than running, at least in my opinion…and no flight.
But their portal system is so webbed around the game map that travel is light speed compared to WoW.
If WoW did it like ESO, I wouldnt even care about flight, personally.

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It was a whole different game world back then…and personally I felt it made a better game players esp for battle grounds or raids and dungeons…having to run everywhere taught you how to avoid mobs …you learned aggro range real fast back then.

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