Steady Flying

It’s just a simple case of players and the developers not thinking logically. If Dragonriding is so superior then it should be the one locked not the obsoleted TBC flight that been around for decades.

That is the same twisted illogical nonsense of example of giving everyone free legendary items but put a white quality item on a legendary quest line and with legendary item rng. But yet claim the free legendary item is superior then the white item and everyone wants that. While at the same time claiming the white item is over powered and must be deleted from the game cause it breaks the game for being too powerful.

Have I broke brains yet?


And as I laid out above, old flight simply does NOT have the advantage a few trolls above try to claim to justify the current situation.
Running down a list of possible reasons for Ion doing it this way and looking at his past behavior…obstinance being a big issue with this…seems his ego is the real culprit here


Almost a year ago, on Twitter, a former dev named Eric Covington, the guy who was fired for writing lines for the Loot Specialist, said something to the tune of “Flying should’ve never been added. It opened up a Pandora’s box that can never be closed.” His comment was surprisingly popular, but he seems to have deleted it.

Go to Twitter and type “@Covingtown flying” and you’ll see some responses to it.


checking it out now…ironically ALL of those whiners over there railing on about flight…you know they are ALL using flight and loving it lmao.
Pure, unbridled hypocrisy.

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And that is the flavor of the century.


I think those brains were already broken, based on the total lack of valid arguments from that side, while they actually seem to believe they are providing one.

40 years or so ago a friend started asserting something about something he read way back when.
I told him he was misundertstanding the context and didnt actually understand what he was reading.
40 years. FOUR DECADES later…about two years ago actually, we’re talking on the phone and he FINALLY figured it out.

sometimes it takes half a lifetime for broken brains to get it right.


Because people dont change.

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They do but they change in the opposite direction. The change is mostly always worse not better.

I bet another 10 years another flight mode will be invented that no one will like and they delete these current two. And everyone will be forced to use that one.

And that will be probably be the end of flight. Then the devs will go after ground mounts next till people quit those too. Then people will run mountless till they change that and people quit the game and WoW dies.

And WoW2 will not be made.


Very welcome.
I had to mess around with settings initially trying to see if anything worked. Migraines make it hard to pretty much impossible to play when those rings are so obnoxious.

Hopefully you find something that works for you.


So why not give the more convenient form of travel available at the start. I am guessing most people who skyride prefer it to ground mounts. I don’t understand why everyone wouldn’t want it the same for all.


It is an accessibility option compared to Skyriding, where you NEED Skyriding you’ll be able to use the TBC flying.

That is, to unlock TBC Flying, you don’t need Skyriding.

Skyriding is so bad that the whole crying on this thread is driven by 4 users. Great. I’m convinced.

Blizzard is doing the development of that, and they do have the data.

Whom should I trust more? Julaalu who has dog water takes or Blizzard with data?
Well, the options here aren’t great but I’d stick with Blizzard on this case.

They have, called it as an option for accessibility, at 36 minutes in the deep dive panel link here:

What data? That people like TBC flight more but the devs is trying to obsolete it cause of reasons with another flight that is a joke you mean that data? Again blind hatred against TBC flight and no body has given a real honest reason for it. And yet the best answers that someone can come up with that is made up is TBC flight is a cheat mode flight for botters. I mean botters is going to bot. Deleting TBC flight isn’t going to stop bots. We really going to condemn TBC flight cause of bot abuse? That is like condemning Tylenol cause someone else abuses it.


The ones claiming that arent even fooling themselves and they know it. Bots can easily just ground hoof it and do the SAME node and mob farming they do…flight ISNT required to bot.lmao
nearly every bot ive seen was on the ground in the first place.

This joke is just one more pathetic excuse that sort NEEDS to sound like they have a point to make, lmao


The fact you’re asking the question clearly shows that you don’t have anything besides “I feel” “I think” or “someone says in the forums”


lmao…he has nothing…clearly just talking to talk…again, lol


You are the one that says Blizzard has data. I’m asking what data? Blizzard can have data on canned pineapple pizza. At this point you are just making stuff up to prove Skyriding is superior when it isn’t.


It makes no sense to lock any form of travel behind pathfinder.


I mean it is a good example. When pathfinder finally released this xpac, the amount of bot multiboxers increased exponentially.

Tbh I wouldn’t use arguments like this because you can’t prove this. If anything, you can prove the opposite from lack of uproar about pathfinder.

As much as you don’t want to hear it, they have a point. The main ones upset about this are the same handful of people that spam in threads about this topic.

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Do we have proof of this?


yeah, I dont believe that for a second.
Ive seen bots on the ground running on foot for god sake. lmao. They dont need flight or even ground mounts to do what they do