Steady Flying

The dragonflight leveling campaign took me ~5 hours on 1st playthrough while leveling.

Some people are complaining that the story distribution has shifted more in favor of side content, resulting in the campaign being shorter.

On one of my run throughs I tried leveling with just the main story quests and was only 77 when I finished.

My experience in Beta the main quest line will not bring you 100% to max level, you will need xp from somewhere else to pop fully max level. However the main quest chain in each zone is pretty quick to knock out and grabbing a side quest here and there along the way to grab that extra xp really doesn’t slow you down that much.

Maria Hamilton in a recent interview has explained why it’s like this in TWW. Apparently, no one has watched that interview.

There is not a single excuse in this world to justify locking an accessibility feature behind anything.

They could tell us “The game would cease to function if we didn’t” and that wouldn’t justify it.

In that situation, what that would do would mean the thing they should do is disable all flight until the accessibility feature is accessible.

Again, using real life as an example: Companies can be shut down and fined if they open without an accessible entrance.

Just admit you don’t see disabled people as real people at this point.


I do too - it happens frequently. It’s a result of bilateral carpel tunnel. I also have “trigger thumb”, its where my thumb randomly (without warning) locks into a very painful position pressing against my palm - totally immobilizing my hand until it finally decides to release. Not fun! All this and more is the reward from working on computers for over 40 years!


Guess what I have done the isle of dorn 100% on my voidstrider and it is ground mount friendly. And other zones will be the same.

Thanks! This actually helped a little bit with motion sickness.


“You don’t need a wheelchair ramp, you just have to go all the way around the block, through the back door, through 4 rooms, and then you’ll be at the front desk!”

Accessibility. Should. Never. Be. Gated.


You should be grateful that they didn’t design like dragonflight zones where most of the zones were anti ground mount.

Wait, wait, wait, did Blizzard say it was an accessibility feature or that it was good for accessibility, my understanding it it was the latter.

If it is indeed an accessibility feature, there is no reason to lock it behind anything. If it is just good for accessibility, then would that not mean that other things added, like areas being ground mount friendly, are the intended accessibility features?

To use the ramp analogy:
In this case the ground mount is the ramp, TBC flight could be a motorized lift any other thing that is better then the ramp as far as accessibility.

If they did, it would be news to me.

That being said, given who you’re replying to, the line between facts and opinions in that post is blurry.

Me as well, hence why I asked

Ah, I have found what it is

To which I brought up:

The feature could be the bare minimum they have to have to be compliant, but then add on to that for even better accessibility.

That said, I’d likely prefer to use my ground mount while leveling on any node gatherers (mining and herbing) so I don’t have to worry about passing them over due to the speed and such of skyriding. Only reason I won’t say I will only use ground mounts is I am likely to just use the favorite mount button and who knows what I will wind up using with that

Nether are you.

And that is debatable If Skyriding is so superior then why is TBC flight the one that is locked? Shouldn’t Skyriding be the one locked if it is so powerful and sooooooooo good? Can anyone logic? Does it make sense to lock a inferior flight mode?

And it is not cause it is locked. You don’t have access to it till you unlock it through path finder. Which nullifies this argument instantly.


Ion’s war against flying .Why ???


Instead of thinking of TBC flight as inferior, try looking at it more like:
Skyriding=using a bomb to take out a single target
TCB flight-using a sniper or surgical strike to remove that same target

It might not make much sense to lock an inferior mode behind a lock, but how much sense does it make to lock a precision mode and keep the general skill one unlocked?

If that is the case then i’m for it. But it doesn’t appear to be that way. I’m seeing a case of favoritism and trying to force one flight over the other while claiming the new one is better and more powerful and that everyone wants the new one when they really don’t.


I see…well that sucks.
When I unclick both of those boxes it dont see any of the flight effects.
Glad the other option worked for you.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, lmao.
its hysterical to me they are clearly UNABLE to see the double standard here, but they sure can troll and do their collective best to rub salt into the whole thing.

yeah, it has nothing to do with either flight being better.
There are maybe half dozen PVE quests in DF where druid has some advantage with that hovering thing and being able to click something and get the quest finished without landing. PVE…not PvP…so its IRRELEVANT that a druid player could get it done slightly quicker, lmao.

other than that old flight has no advantage over new…as Ive laid out at least twice now…

  • Flight will be out day one again in TWW, so its not about exploration.
  • its not about PvP because by the admission of the ganking sort themselves warmode is a barren wasteland.
  • Its not about farming, DRing is fast enough it can keep way ahead of old flight out there gathering.

Its about Ions flight hate…old flight, that is.


Very welcome.
Glad to hear something in the settings is helping someone.
Im one of those who gets just enough migraines to be annoying. I dont get the head pain, mostly the visual issues, and those flight rings are murder when a migraine is coming on, lol.

"Sociopathic traits …:

  • Lack of empathy

Sociopaths may not be sensitive to or respectful of others’ feelings and emotions"

seems that poster is proving my point. lol

EDIT…also bear in mind HIS sort was in here screeching that flight without pathfinder was NEVER going to happen…and we’re about to get a SECOND expansion now with flight from day one without pathfinder…so clearly that poster isnt very good at the prophetical nonsense, lol

Thats EXACTLY it. Ion pushing HIS flight and his crusade against the old.
There is nothing else it could be. Old flight simply does not have any advantage in todays WoW environment that makes it THAT spectacular.
This is Ions ongoing tirade against old flight.

I am glad he left it in the game at all, but I DO expect at a future date that he’ll just disable it entirely when he thinks he can deal with the backlash, just like he did with Pathfinder in WoD.