Steady Flying

There was one dude who said Blizz should get rid of all flight…lmao!

Oh I see, the Dynamic Flight was the name they used in the TWW presentation during Blizzcon, but it was never in game with that name.

Just like they named TBC flying, just to distinguish the flying modes, but in game it isn’t TBC flying.

But all the names kept getting used in discussions about flying with TWW and Dragon Flight …it just seems keep changing the name to keep confusion going …

It is actually what the accessibility options for that mode of flight are under now.

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They literally did. Have you even read what’s required in the expansion? Or are you just complaining with absolutely no basis like most people on the forums?

The achievement is basically gone. Literally just playing the campaign which is done to hit max level will unlock the achievement.

This person has a lot of common sense and gets it


if their version of flight has some work, SO should YOURS.
pretty easy to foam on about it when YOU dont have to do the work for YOUR flight, son…lmao

just another attentiontroll to add to the ignore list.

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Mostly those ones railing on about fliight like that are the gankers who are too afraid to PvP against equal opponents.
They’d get beat every time and they know it so they one shot lowbies and pretend they are PvPing, lol

I think he was just uninformed.
You can see that OP has been absent in the thread and it was hijacked towards another direction, made for drama and unchecked harassment towards anyone who thinks like you, for example.

Yeah but Pathfinder in DF was about the same, just required people to play the game. But is not literally handed over to the players.

Well he made one heck of an uninformed rant.

If the OP would just literally ignore the achievement and forget it’s there the OP would have it unlocked slightly before they are max level.

Literally all you have to do is do the leveling campaign once and explore all the areas which we will do passively leveling.

The OP


Slow vs fast is not the issue. Steady flying makes it easier to skip ground content than dynamic flying. You have more control over when and where you land, can hover to wait out patrols, etc. Dynamic flight is mostly used to get to the area, land and then you engage with all the stuff. Steady flight is convenient for hovering over and avoiding stuff.

The achievements are really basic and quick this time: just do the campaign quests, explore the zones, and you’ll have your steady flight week one.


Now that made me laugh.

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The only way I could disable the speed effects “rings” was to disable the particle density option. Thanks, this really helps me.

I also described a mount hopping(bobbing) problem. My fav mount for a long time has been the Grove Warden. Using it with Skyriding makes the mount bob up and down, which it does not do in any past expansion. I’ve experimented with some other flying mounts and found some that don’t display the stomach churning bobbing.


Very welcome.
But the other options in Accessibility arent showing?
Those first 2 boxes seem to entirely remove the flight effects for me

Id be impressed if blizzard stopped acting like petulant children and made BOTH flights require the same work, personally.


Flight effects yes, not for speed effects, at least for me.

Again, this pathfinder achievement in TWW is easy to get and can be done via the ground. Versus previous pathfinders this is one if not the quickest and easiest one out of them all except dragonflight because that one is the same concept.

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Its how I see most of the people around here who go into full blown rants with 0 factual basis and just going off what they “think they know”.

Kind of like how the internet blew off over “that guy from Brokeback Mountain” playing the Joker. They had literally nothing to go off of. Now Heath Ledger’s performance is arguably one of the best Jokers ever. Although I still prefer Nicholson. He was like a mix of the animated Joker and Cesar Romero. Best of both worlds

The thing is, you can’t know how long everyone takes to do that content. So people need to quit saying it’s so easy and can all be done on launch day.

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When we say the content to do this Pathfinder is easy, we mean a brain dead chimpanzee could do it. It is just that easy to complete.

It’s better to say it will take 12 to 24 hours total based on how you like to play.

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