Steady Flying

Gotta add the laughing emoji at the end

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Another good one is Honey-do-list…hehe…but watch out that might offend some players in these forums now they get upset if you joke around making name of pathfinder funny.

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The difficulty of the pathfinder is irrelavant. If it’s super simple like 30 mins for most people let’s say, then it’s really stupid to have it at all. Beyond that, there will be a wide variety between who can do it in one day, a few several, etc.


I’ll be doing that a lot from now on. lol.

That is problem most folks today can’t see the forest for the trees as a joke…it goes right over their heads.

Its absolutely how amazingly snoby the DF people are… its like you put tape from one ear under the nose to the other ear to keep those lofty noses well above the peons who still like that lesser steady flying.

Talk about being laughed at, the snobbery from your crowd is so obvious even a blind man can see it… yet, there you go, proving how blind you are to the snootery you exhale.

I don’t care if i have to do Pathfinder or not, there’s simply ZERO REASON to allow DF from the start and not steady flying… explain the reason since you’re so much smarter than everyone else?

Pathfinder for both, or no Pathfinder for either… how is that NOT fair?

Explain to me, oh clever snooty superior DF one, why DF must be available from the start and old useless flying milust be locked behind Pathfinder.

When you come up with a rational reason… maybe we’ll all stop laughing at the snob in the room.

If you truly say you don’t care if DR was behind Pathfinder, then you should agree with me instead of saying everyone is laughing… seems to me, you secretly aprove of allowing one and not the other or you would have agreed with me that fair is fair.


I have to believe you. Nothing else makes any sense.

Good one, and it is not that we are offended if some jokes are made, but after dealing with such before, in a non-joking way, what do you think some will default to when they see it again.

The issue is we can’t ehar tone, as in “hehe, more like chorefinder”, in text so mite dfulte to “uggh, more like chorefinder”.

In other words, make it clear, anyway you can, that you are joking.

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Thanks, I will try again.

Well, you don’t get to decide how someone gets offended or don’t get a joke. Sometimes it is not clear for some people and you should have accounted for that.

If you don’t have empathy or allows for the 1% possibility that someone will get offended by what you say, how about someone making a joke about something like this:

Probably you wouldn’t find it fun either. So, sometimes when someone tells that they felt offended by you best thing is just apologize and move on or try to understand why (in this case, Antiman told you why). It is incredible but the costs for apologizing remains none in 2024, even in an economy like this.

Having completed some dragon riding achievments does not mean anything. My mom did the ones I had to have, for me. I doubt I am the only one who has had a friend, partner or relative complete content for them.


Yeah, Im sorry about my first response… I havent messed in those settings in a long while. I dont think i saw the Dynamic flight boxes there before.
I used the particles settings prior because it bothers my eyes when I have a migraine.
I tried those two boxes, the top one seems to be the rings and the bottom one removes a some of the other effects evidently.

its not just you…I think those rings are seriously pointless and obnoxious being so heavy like they are. Really just detracts from dragonriding, not compliment it.
If they cut them back to about 30% of normal that might be acceptable

Back off, the laughter from ones like me here would not be due to snobyness but because the ones suggesting that TBC flight be switched with DR would have been trying to make it so they could be snoby to us and failed. Or becuase the suggestion for such came accross like “lets see how they like it” and we would be laughing because we like it just fine.

I actually do agree with you that it should be pathfinder for both or pathfinder for neither. But in this case, some could still be laughing as we would not be the ones complaining.

But as always, someone had to open with a personal attack which does nothing but hurt their side.

I haven’t seen anyone who wants to keep steady flying and get rid of DF. That would never happen and I would not want it to.


I really dislike using trolling as a violation, because I use it as a debate tactic when I know someone is holding back saying something that will expose their actual intent…just keep goading them till they blow up, lose their crap, and they just blurt out stuff they never wanted to say. People are just too predictable when you get them to react emotionally.
Got a few of them in here to finally admit some things a few weeks back that they had been denying for well over a year, lol.

But trolling to hurt people is just disgusting behavior.
I do it in debate venues to win the debate…I dont do it to hurt disabled and weaker human beings like these sorts do.

They really seriously disgust me. I’d never want to meet them in real life and if they ever needed help in life I just walk away. People like this arent deserving of anyones elses time.

This is a VIDEO GAME…its NOTHING…and yet they find it amusing to insult and demean real human beings over it.

Id love to give my REAL opinion of them, but Id get a permanent vacation for whats going thru my mind about them no doubt.

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None of player base that is against having to do path finder for Steady flight have said we want to get rid of Dragon flight aka dynamic flight or whatever they are calling it now…and that there is interesting fact …seems every month or so now Blizzard comes up with a new name for Dragon Flying…its been name changed what…3 or 4 times now.


What are they doing now? Strawmanning again? lol

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well, at least the first change might have been due to it going from dragons only to a selection of mounts (not all, but quite a few).

And I doubt any of the those who see little wrong with doing pathfinder for TBC flight, even if it is for both DR and TBC flight, have seriously said they want to get rid of TBC flight. If any of them have, it was likley a fool trying to get someone’s goat.

They changed the theme name because their initial idea was for Dragons, but players wanted their favorite mounts to also being able to fly that way.

And also the huge amount of requests to have Dragon riding in the whole world. So, it doesn’t fit well dragon riding name when you’re doing that with your Invincible.

So, they named Skyriding, which seems more fitting.

I don’t really remember other names other than Dragonriding. Was there any official or datamined names?

It went from Dragonriding to dynamic flight to skyriding.