Steady Flying

Hey, if they don’t do enough, that might tell Blizzard they are on the right track, but need work

Understandable, I was kjust listing the options as I was not sure what would help you

This is correct.

More like Chorefiinder Lioland…


Why is it a fools errand to wish there was no pathfinder; That all types of travel are available from the start of TWW? Why does anyone need to wait for their preferred means of flight. That is what I keep asking and I keep coming up with it makes no sense.


So, it is a chore to play through the storyline even once? There might be reasons why some are mocking you.


It’s available as soon as you are able to complete it. There will be some that can’t get it done in one or more days. The player base has a wide variety of 1) time to give the game and 2) varying skill levels.


ty for proven my point.

And I appreciate that.

I never said I couldn’t Dragon Fly ever…I said cause of having to use Dragon flying for long periods of times it kills my hands and wrists and eye sight…where as using Steady Flight doesn’t…left arm has nerve damage from two Strokes I have had…


I agree with you. So does my Otterworldly Ottuk mount that can’t dragonfly either, it has a sprained paw.


ah…stealing this one too, lol :+1:

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These might always e an issue, as far as DR/SR goes, and Blizzard might really be clueless on how to make DR?SR easy for people with these issues. In which case, they really need to open up TBC flight for those with these disabilities ASAP.

For this, if you have not tried the options I listed out for Nayaga, do so, if you have and they did not work or do enough, sorry.

Fauly argument. Between skyriding and steady flight, it’s been established Blizzard sees steady flight as an accessibility tool. That would make skyriding a mere convenience. Why would you make the convenient form of flying available on day one but lock the other behind pathfinder?


keep in mind his sort were the same ones saying that we’d NEVER have flight without pathfinder at all, lmao…and here we are.

They were in here goading and trolling prior to DF and long before then trashtalking just to irritating and troll for attention. its what they do.

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Well, if it is not a problem then it is not a problem not having it either. It is all about opinion, and it is not like the sky is falling, so no reason for anyone to act like a drama queen or harass anyone.

And for me, it goes back to what I said earlier:

and its NONE of HIS stinking business if some ARENT being honest about their disabilty.
That one is the sort who would shut down the public assistance programs for EVERYONE in need over a FEW who lie to steal from it.
Hes NOT worthy of your time and energy.

Its a joke on the name …dang some folks are really really tick heads about jokes …

Do you really expect jokes like that to be seen as jokes by everyone when it is in text only?

I understand but it should not have to come to this. And on top of that people bullying others over not being able to use DR for a variety of reasons.

It should have never reached that point…

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


ACtually I was just messing around with it, you can disable the speed rings entirely in the settings > Accessibility > Mounts …uncheck the boxes “Dynamic Flight Screen Effects”

I just tried it both checked and unchecked it removes them entirely