Steady Flying

Feedback and demands are often one in the same.

Rogues for example needs a serious pass for their hero talents. That is not only feedback but a demand because the expansion is about to launch.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Do you ever have to stop and just let your hands dangle toward the floor to get the feeling back? I have that. Not fun.


I’m claiming that the number of players quitting because Steady Flight was locked for a year was minimal or Blizz would have added it much faster.

And that’s also why Pathfinder is no longer gated behind a future patch but available day 1.

Kinda that, yeah. its something to do with my banged up nervous system damage i have pretty much head to toe.
have a few muscles that dont fire properly due to the nerve damage so other muscles seem to work harder to compensate. Same crap in the legs. Very annoying at times, lol. Feels like Im walking on stilts, not my own legs pretty much 100% of the time, if that makes sense


Actually I need to clarify BEFORE the attentiontrolls latch on to my previous post here.


figure I better put that in big letters before one of the trolls tries to pretend I said something I didnt, lol


Really, the war on flight is over for the bulk of players, it is just a few holdouts that want total domination that are still fighting.

Pathfinder could easily be on it death throes now, dying alone on the battlefield or hooked up to life support. At this point, it might be time for Pathfinder to be uncoupled from flight and just award something cosmetic. But even that might not pleased the no mercy crowd.


Its literally NONE of that ilks business what it is.

BLIZZARD tells us to come HERE to voice our views, opinions and gripes and THAT sort has NO authority to say otherwise.

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“They’ll get used to it if we use creative forum moderation to look like it’s what players support.”


And I would say the reason it took so long was because they weren’t prepared for the blowback. They hadn’t given even one thought to the idea that some people who were currently using standard flight might find dragonriding unusable, making much of the current expansion inaccessible.

They were ready to extend dragonriding into old content and had been working on that all along. They were nowhere near ready to put normal flight into DF, and held out longer in the expectation that people who were saying it made the game inaccessible would just get over it, like they would have chosen to do if they were disabled.


LOL are you high? Not ready?

Turning on Steady Flight just needed to be turned on. An intern could have done it if they felt they were losing subs over the whole thing.


Unfortunately that still on going which is why we see less official BlizZard members posting and more “posters” posting wowhead and official news on WoW.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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And factually TODAY we have had one expansion that had flight day one WITHOUT pathfinder and that seems to be the same in TWW…so this nonsense of flight being an issue and ‘needing’ to gate flight…those days are OVER.

The ONLY issue here is pathfinder and it being in place for the flight some need because of their being lesser abled.

The time investment of some in here spent attacking, demeaning and insulting those lesser abled players really tells us all we need to know about them as human beings


Indeed but we will not be silenced.

The WoW GMs in game are really nice and they always say go to forums for feedback. So this is what we are doing.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Is there a way to disable “Speed Rings” effect while accelerating in TWW and Skyriding? Also, can I disable the mount from hopping up and down in Skyriding, same mount does not doing it in Dragon Flight expansion.

You’ve told us to get over it and just do it. I’m trying, but this is making me sick.


You should not have to go through with that. BlizZard should be the one to help customers.

But BlizZard has a big ego problem right now so…

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I agree, but they’ve intended this problem for disabled and motion sickness people. I’m trying to adapt as best I can.


Bliz reps have told me personally to come here with what I have to say.
So these attentiontrolls can stuff their opinions and whining about it.


For those rings, turn your Particles setting down all the way to 1. It helps.
Sucks that it also affects the rest of your game effects though

EDIT…I guess I mean turn it to disabled. I was thinking about that graphics slider bar


Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but under Accessability, mounts there are the following options:

  1. Motion Sickness, with options of default, Landscape Darkening, focal circle and both darkening and circle
  2. a check box for Dynamic Flight Screen Effects
  3. a check box for dynamic flight speed effects
  4. Pitch control
  5. a check box for debounce pitch input
  6. bars for:
    a) Keybound Pitch Camera Follow
    b) Min and Max Keyboard Pitch speed
    c) Min and Max keyboard Turn speed

Sorry if that such is not what you are looking for, but might want to give them a try and see how they work for you.

Thank! Both the checkboxes for Skyriding Screen and Speed effects help, unfortunately it doesn’t disable them.

Motion Sickness settings for focal circle and Darkening are useless for me.

I will trying out the pitch options.