Steady Flying

Okay, outside a very few on here within the group that keep saying they “can’t DR,” a number are lairs and have been caught by just looking at their achievements at clearing things that require 100% DR and skill at doing it. So it just a strait up lie for what ever reason. Of course you have a few and I mean a very small few who are telling the truth that they really do have really a huge issue trying to DR.

Now people have offered them ways around that, and we all get the one finger salute or called that we have no empathy for them. Even though we stated we would very much would carry them on our own backs and level with them until they unlocked pathfinder. But that is still not enough.

You have those, whom by all means keep screaming murder or wolf, when none of that has happen or there is no wolf. It is at that point I say they get what they deserve and I will state very much I agree with Blizzard 100% in how they want to have things at that point. I said a couple days ago, right now if Blizzard announced they was going to delete TBC flight all together and my old flying mounts that they have yet to convert to DR mounts would forever only world as ground mounts. I would say fine with me at this point.

If you’re claiming no one did, then what did you base that claim on? People who have less to do have more reason to leave the game. That’s one of the reasons why wod lost so mamy players.

Players who used to be able to fly but went through the long dragon-only period aren’t willing to keep paying so you have fresh content that they won’t have access to.

It is not currently possible for someone who did not previously unlock flying mounts in Shadowlands to fly on them. What happens in Orgrimmar is irrelevant to this.

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Even I, a lone wolf while leveling, would be willing to do this to help those that needed it. I think this is the core issue with the dungeon that is built around DR, Blizzard expects the group to work together and help each other out, likley vie the ride along feature. WIll this happen in pugs? maybe, maybe not, will it happen in groups of friends and guildmates? very likely.

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This explains your attitude. Thanks.


I am currently taxi-ing around a level 70 who does not have normal flying unlocked in Shadowlands. It’s not engaging.


Ah - good news - next week flight is going to be unlocked in all content based on level!

Was much in Shadowlands really engaging or good in the first place? that is the one expansion Blizzard wants to try and get players to forget after ll.

I started a new bnet during Dragonflight. So yes, even though you want to imply I am lying, it is not currently possible.

Source? It IS currently possible to use Dragonriding in Shadowlands. However, we already know that pathfinder is required to use flying mounts in TWW, unless they have suddenly changed that.

Patchfinder is the name because that what BlizZard started. To end it they have to strip it out of the game.


BlizZard has made it very painful for returning players or new players to unlock TBC normal flying.

They are not acting in good faith.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I saw it in a Bellular or SoulSoBreezy video. You can check the PTR too.

This is how Blizzard painted themselves in a corner. They are willing to communicate to players that their EGO is so big that they are willing to make other players suffer through the start of the expansion because they have a flying preference.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Pathfinder was possibly the most costly and counterproductive mistake that Blizzard ever made. In an effort to slow down travel and get players to fight their way through the same valueless mobs multiple times a day, they ended up converting a large number of reliable subscribers into cyclical subscribers who would buy the expansion and a month or two of time, then come back after flight was released.


It got that name because they had to, instead of making pathfinder unlock flying for current patch content, they had to drag it out after people compleated pathfinder.

No, it was ones like you that started the patchfinder name, it can just as easily end when you remove that name for it from your vocabulary

To put it another way, I like pathfinder, I ABHORE Patchfinder, and I am glad PATCFINDER is DEAD, why are you trying to bring it back to life?

I am not a disabled player but even I can see how this straight up dumb. BlizZard’s EGO is so big that they refuse to be humble and listen to players.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


It was a grave miscalculation and it was speculated it was a business decision to make yearly expansions. But the way they went about it indicates to me that they didn’t want to spend resources on world content.

But I think what changed that is when garrisons made a lot of world content irrelevant and players complained about that. This caused BlizZard to spend more time on world content and design a new questing system and to not have everything handed to you by doing garrison missions like gear.

TBC normal flying was integral for players to go out in the world to do dailies, gearing, gathering for professions, exploration, etc.

The reality is that BlizZard was okay with focusing on instanced content but then they lost the plot when they decided to take way TBC normal flying and not expect push back?

Most players were fine staying subbed during lulls or draughts of the expansion or the tail end by being able to level alts, gathering professions, questing etc. TBC normal flying was a big part of that when it came to leveling alts and gathering professions.

Take that away from players and what you are left is with a player asking why I am still paying a sub.

And also shop sales decrease naturally when a sub player isn’t subbed for long periods of time too.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Most people would have a problem with that. Lets be honest.

They do that with DR and it will reveal quickly how badly BlizZard botched an easy TD and turned it into a fumble that goes 99 yards the other way.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Legally I am ‘disabled’ but it only affects me if Im playing for a bit too long. My hands will just literally stop working entirely, like cant press individual keys with individual fingers. But as long as I get up and move around every so often and give it a rest it doesnt happen.
I miss the days when I could play as long as i wanted to without thinking about it, lol


At this point it is not about fairness but to make fun of disabled players or players unable to use DR for their own personal reasons.

BlizZard let that level of toxicity continue and last for most of the DF expansion.

Not a good thing for a professional company that services thousands and thousands of customers.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Maybe not at first, or if they did it that way to begin with, now however? It could just smack of punishing the ones that prefer or can use DR in order to please the ones that prefer or can only handle TBC flight.

That one is a lowbie ganker, if that helps you know where hes coming from lol