Steady Flying

The OG devs didn’t have ego involved because while their focus was on instanced content they still had a desire to make the world fun to explore and give players that freedom.

The Nu devs refuse to even acknowledge the existence of content outside of instanced content until it reached a point where it was hurting their bottom line.

I would argue the world quest system has gone backwards and only recent have we seen a step forward with how they are handled world travel.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Never seen that happen in my life.

Every customer that has asked for reasonable demands have had their demands met 100% of the time. In fact, most business will offer MORE as compensation beyond what the customer has initially asked why?

Because the customer is taking time to provide feedback. So money AND time is involved which is why businesses will often compensate for not only the initial complaint from the customer but also for spending their time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Blizzard has shown flex, its you that is never happy with what they given. And you never will be happy, You are a containment complainer in life, you can never be satisfied. And in business life, are the people they just end up ignoring after a time frame. Because there is such a thing that the customer is not always right. Sometimes they are just a pain that needs to be shown to the door.



They are still clinging until patchfinder based on pure ego. To show off DR? That was what DF expansion was about. To explore the ground? Then why is DR available with no strings attached? Sub retention? Based on what? They are no longer using it as a retention mechanic for the first or second patch.

At this point there is no game play, balance, or business decision is logical. The only logical consideration is that they think they convert players from TBC normal flying to DR.

That is my WoW friends TRUE EGO and STUBBORNESS on BlizZard’s part.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Yes, but who said that “removing pathfinder” will be seen as reasonable to Blizzard? That is where the issue comes in, it might seem reasonable to you and others, but not to the ones that have to make the call on meeting them or not.

Been a Blizzard and Activision fan for decades, personally.
Even my wife, though much younger, had her real first gaming experience with the very first Warcraft game. Her and her brother were nuts over it like I was years before we met.

Just sad to see how a company came from wanting to make a good game FOR the games sake, to just being about profits and time /played and seeing just how little they can scrape by with but keep those sub numbers from tanking entirely.

The AttentionTrolls tell me Im still here.
What they clearly need to get their IQ’s wrapped around is MOST of MY game time isnt spent in CURRENT content.
MOST of my game time is spent in OLD content either farming old raids up to Mists…or leveling alts and locking them BEFORE they get into current content lol.

That should tell them all they need to know about which areas of this game I prefer to play…AND why Im still here playing.

Literally considering not even buying TWW. Me or the wife.
That also should be a big indicator where my allegiance lies as far as expansions in this game. lol


The unlock is designed to peel away support to TBC normal flying toward DR. But people are made up with how they use both at this point.

BlizZard’s EGO when it comes to their new shiny things they design is VERY BIG.

Honestly DR is a poor copy pasta of Guild wars version anyways so if I want that type of flying I just log into Guild Wars. shrugs shouldrrs

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I think Im going to start using that myself if you dont mind :+1:

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You already lost that fight buddy.

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No because the anti flyers lost big time my friend.

We now have two version of flying and it is no longer a waiting game till the first or second patch. And they design content around three dimension now for flying. Win/win/win.

All that is left is to sweep the leg. No mercy.

Strip patchfinder from the game completely and the holy flying wars come to an end.

If only BlizZard never kicked that hornet’s nest in the first place…

Blizzard wants to cry uncle now when they instigated this and kept at it thinking we would quietly slink away. Think again!

In fact, we have the momentum, energy, desire, and love for flying and that is why we gained so much ground.

Anti flyers have slinked away and all that is left is a select few that want to hold the remnant of patchfinder that is for all purpose superfluous.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


someone above said it really well…something like putting the handicapped ramp at the top of the staircase. lol
Ion making these lesser abled players WORK to GET the very flight they need to do the work, lmao.

I mean, if anything on this forum ive ever seen is meme worthy…that one is it. lol.
That poster was spot on target.
This entire thing is absurdity at this point.

Make disabled players do the work while NON disableds do nothing for their flight. lmao.
pretend lesser abled players should then be thankful for having to do the work, lol.

Id make that meme and file it under ‘sadistic humor’…lol


lmao…hes bent out of shape because flight is even easier and faster now and he lost his lowbie ganking fodder lol
Now hes just trolling for attention on the next related topic.
Personally…just ignore him and stop wasting your time with that one.

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BlizZard’s EGO is so BIG that they can’t see how they painted themselves in a corner.

When they call TBC normal flying an accessibility feature but lock it away well…GG

Stick a fork in BlizZard but I know how this will go over with the res to the player base.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Keep calling it patchfinder when there is no wait for a patch and you just paint your self as one that is stuck in the past and refusing to let the past die. There is a point where holding people, or companies, in contempt for their past mistakes just creates bad blood.

Words can also invoke images, if the image does not match what is going on, people will be like “WTF are you smoking”. In this case, Patchfinder invokes the image of having to wait a patch or 2 in order to fly, when that is not happening, so do you REALLY want to invoke an image that is not what is going on?


I think its worse than not seeing it…i think Ions an intelligent young man. I think he DOES see the issue here and is completely indifferent to it. Just doesnt give a squat. He wants to keep Patchfinder in play because it was his baby and cant let it go.

If someone doesnt realize they parked in a handicap spot, its hard to hold them accountable morally.
If they intentionally do it and just dont care, well…

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I don’t understand the hostility toward people who can’t DR. If it doesn’t affect you, why are you so hostile to them?

I see day one of the expansion. People are DR with their hair on fire towards the quest mobs. People that can’t DR are hoofing it around. All they get are empty areas where everything has been killed. Maybe get caught in a mass respawn and nuked. Meanwhile the DR crowd are zooming off to the next spot. Rinse and repeat. :unamused:

Edit I like both types of flying.


Hopefully some of this is mitigated by those of with early access, as we will reduce the number of players fighting for mobs unless we reach max level/finish the story on our mains during the EA time frame and are already starting on alts.

I have no problem with this

If you follow the offending ones around you’ll see they really are only here on this forum for attention.
I dont think a single one of them actually cares about this issue either way…I think they just want to say edgy trash in here to get you fired up so youre posting at them to give them the attention their craving and cant get elsewhere.

I mean, when one has VALID arguments to make…AND its an issue that matters…sure, bark all one wants to.
But not one of them has a single VALID point to make against just removing PF for old flight. I know it. They know it. WE ALL know it.

They just want your attention and the way they get it is to demean and insult you…and it just happens to be that some players here are disabled who this DOES affect…so you really have to start questioning what kind of person youre dealing with here.
WHO insults and demeans disabled people? What kind of person does that?
Ive looked and sociopaths are one of the first groups on the list, totally lacking in normal human empathy.

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I believe they’ve made flying universal in older content achievement or not.

My sub-60 squished toons can fly in Ogrimmar and there was never an achievement for that.

Going forward it is going to be based on level.