Steady Flying

lmao…looks like the attentiontrolls are still looking for hits on my posts lol
Go get your attention fix elsewhere, lmao

Yeah, thats the issue with this version of PF.

We have flight day one now. PF serves no purpose…we all remember when it was about Ion CLAIMING it was to force ‘exploration’.
Well that excuse was refuted by getting dragonriding day one in DF. lol.
So whats his lame excuse for ‘needing’ PF now?

  • Flight will be out day one again in TWW, so its not about exploration.
  • its not about PvP because by the admission of the ganking sort themselves warmode is a barren wasteland.
  • Its not about farming, DRing is fast enough it can keep way ahead of old flight out there gathering.

i didnt watch that entire video someone posted again…and Im not interested enough to watch it all, but unless Ion explained WHY hes jamming PF down the throats of what is CLEARLY a miniscule number of players who want or need old flight, there frankly doesnt seem to be any VALID reason for pushing it again.

We get these attentiontrolls in here PRETENDING they have an argument, but nothing they bring to the table isnt laughably, pathetically fallacious, lol


Thing is this, I would say 80% of all people who have the 3 day or so early release, will have Pathfinder done and over with. Within the 1st 24 hours and more than likely before the 3 day early access is even done and the main release happens. It is just that easy to complete.

I am sure that is how Blizzard Dev’s are even looking at it. That this is by far the easiest of all pathfinders to date and one of the quickest to accomplish.


I for one ain’t using the early access. That is my pact.

True, true and even in PVP cooperation and teamwork is everything.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


No matter what we tell you, you simply put us on ignore and insult us. Blizzard won’t take you guys serious and they’re going to continue to ignore you.


My point was the tone of your post that I replied to, which was jaded condescending, whiny etc. I was showing the pot how he was just like the kettle.

I am pleased to hear that you are supposedly jovial, though certainly not by that post or by calling in to question my basic skills in reading and comprehension. You might want to work on that jovial part a bit because it’s not coming across well.

Calling someone’s basic ability to read and comprehend into question is NOT jovial, but rather rude and jaded But sure you do you go be jovial and I will just go put you on ignore


This would be a good question to ask anyway, as it could morph into “if traveling by foot/ground mount is tedious enough, could it be claimed that those unable to use DR are being punished via tedium they can’t avoid?”

Maybe at this point, we need to look beyond just the fact that pathfinder in TWW is the easiest and fastest it has ever been, but do the ones that can use DR have an even easier time with it?

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Awesome idea… lets put the exact same Pathfinder limitation on Dragonriding that is on old flight and see how that little effort all of the sudden upsets them. Fair is fair, right?

And i stress “keep it fair”.


no one should have to unlock anything if dragon flying is being given at the start. the whole purpose behind pathfinder was to unlock flying (again) but there is flying and there is dragon flying even though both are not running on the ground.

everyone plays the parts they prefer to play and ignores the other parts. why are you so judgemental?


And then get laughed at as people have already stated that they would not care if DR was also on pathfinder or possibly switched with TBC flight.

Something will only reflect badly if you try them, so do us all a favor and don’t even try.

At this point, I am almost wondering if I should start calling TBC flight PF (for precision flight) so someone can make the joke "people are complaining about having to do PF for PF) as well as maybe highlight the non-accessibility aspects of TBC flight.

Well in that case thanks for the free bump.

This is the most important topic of the forums and WoW community once more.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Either both flights should have PF, or neither should.
You just have to start ignoring the attentiontrolls in here. lol. They dont have any actual valid points to make…just blowing hot air hoping someone will notice them, lol

That one is just whining because he NEEDS my attention and I wont give it to him. lmao.
He’ll have to learn to cope with that one…totally OBSESSED with me…a number of them are. lol


I mean truly I prefer them to toss the concept of patchfinder into the dustbin of history. BlizZard isn’t going to win by keeping it in place.

They could put DR behind patchfinder but they will not because they don’t want admit that their ten year assault on TBC normal flying was pointless.

Too much ego involved to let it go…

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Uh, they already have, done away with the idea of patchfinder and asking for DR to be locked behind Patchfinder just comes across as wanting those, who suffered alongside you before DR was a thing, to suffer even more. As patchfinder was pathfinder + wait till the patch they decided to unlock it.

TWW is just pathfinder as, imo, it always should have been, there will be no waiting for a patch to get it. Anyone that calls the current pathfinder “patchfimnder” is not going to sway people to their sides.

Patchfinder will be called that until they strip it completely out of the game. Also the sides were settled long ago.

Being nice with BlizZard never works. The Rogue community learned this a long time ago as the best way to have changes it be clear about expectations. You give BlizZard and inch and they will take the entire 4 miles.

Patchfinder must go.

No compromise.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


absolutely agree.
I read a bit of the material from 2015 when this was all starting out and its OBVIOUS that pathfinder was just Ions tantrum over being rejected in his attempt to remove flight in WoD.
There was no ‘compromise’. Two sides compromising means they sit down and work out the details and come to some kind of agreement.
That ISNT what happened and we all know it.
Ion was TAKING flight out in the first article I have bookmarked from 2015 and quite gleeful about it…clearly.
Then in the next article theyre retracting the whole thing.
Clearly the man wanted flight GONE gone…out of the game entirely.
Just as clear it agitated him enough to go on some kind of rampage against flight and come up with this “I’ll show you who’s boss” pathfinder crap.

Funny how better developers before made the game for flight just fine sans pathfinder. Maybe pathfinder was an admission that they just werent as good now and needed to drag out the content on the ground so we wouldnt notice just how lacking it was?
I mean, Ive read in here 1000 times how WoD bombed out for the amount of content.
Betting Ion realized that, figured remove flight to drag play out more, got that idea dismissed and went on a pathfinder tirade to get his way anyway.

At this point he has demeaned PF so greatly that there is no valid reason its still in the game.
As i said above…we get HIS fllight day one so this ISNT About exploration and never was…because IF it was then HIS flight would require that same exploration.

And most ironically of all…its such a microscopic percent of players who NEED old flight because of their ability issue that it COULDNT affect the game in ANY WAY to just open up both flights on day one lol.

Attentiontrolls: “but but but…old flight has advantage”
No…it doesnt…in ANY way that matters, as I laid out above


And doing so will just prove that you are just as egotistical and stubborn as you make Blizzard out to be.



It is called customer service experience. If you are a customer you don’t bend over backwards for a business. The business has to show some flex.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Not disagreeing, but you are asking them to bend over backwards to please you. I am not saying they are innocent here, but there are places that if you made demands to like you are doing to Blizzard, they wold be like “there’s the door, don’t let it hit you on the way out”.

You can say that buisness has to show some flex, but never say you are unwilling to bend at all.