Steady Flying

Swooping down for world PVP has been a bad tactic anyways because most classes these days have better mobility, CC and ability to drop combat now.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I’m not sure what your point is. If you haven’t frequented those forums over the last twenty years, then you might not understand.

As for me, I’m a pretty jovial guy. You don’t need to be a jaded cynic to spot a jaded cynic. You just need a basic understanding of human emotions and reading comprehension in this case.

lol…Ion has trivialized them so much at this point its easy enough to tell its not REQUIRED to have pathfinder as jokers want to claim…but just someone still raging about old flight.

WE KNOW its NOT about exploration anymore…never was actually…otherwise dragonriding would also have to have pathfinder.

Which leaves being it about ego. Cant have our shiny new feature being overshadowed by the old, which evidently someone feels is a threat to his own version of flight lol.

PF never was about exploration. It was about dragging out play time, making it slower, to account for so little actual content.

Todays version of PF is about spite and ego.
It literally serves NO VALID purpose whatsover.


Marks another day off the calendar until this become even more irrelevant that what it already is at this point at Blizzard.



So hamstringing disabled players is irrelevant too game you say…really…my my so much humanity from you …NOT.


I wouldn’t and why would anyone else?

With Steady Flight or Sky Riding those of us with early access will have Pathfinder done by the end of the weekend at the latest with most getting it day 1.

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You want to know why I am so Jaded when it comes to Video games, Well let me tell you. I been playing Video games since the 70’s and I have seen all types of players. Trust me, almost all will lie, steal, cheat and use anything they can to get a leg up in a game. I trust no one and nothing in a game world and specially online where people can hide behind keyboards and say anything about themselves as they wish to get an angle. So yes I am very Jaded online and in Video Games dealing with other players because I take 90% of what they say as total BS just to get their way.

Have a wonderful week.

I never said this.

I don’t play PVE content as a competition. Odd way to play a co-operative styled game.

This can be argued. I also never said I was held back, I said I really didn’t like it and had a preference of playstyle. There is no reason to have a gate on flying types.


implying large part of the community doesn’t like something with no data, nor does 2 people.

The game has like 7-9 million sub, it ain’t gonna lose a millions of subs over dragonriding/static flying… just because you and a small group dislike it


Honestly just put that attentiontroll on ignore. Hes not in here offering valid points…him and half dozen others are ONLY here to say edgy crap to get attention.
They arent worthy of your thought and energy.


YOU are the one who implied it was ONE person who doesnt like DRing, friend.
I corrected that error and no amount of discussion will change anything.

learn to read, son…I love DRINg…but unlike sociopaths who have no empathy, I can actually understand the issues lesser abled players are having.

now…youve managed to annoy me so byebye :wave: :wave:


WoW does need more empathy as it is an escape from the real world. I hope people learn to be more empathetic toward those that play differently.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


“muh gamez not gon lose uh million subs”

dude CLEARLY somehow missed the fact that Ion DIDNT REMOVE old flight and literally took the time to incorporate old flight into the mount system going forward…and literally mentioned ‘accessiblity’ in that video above when referring to old flight.

Methinks ION might think a bit differently about the matter than a few attentiontrolls in here lol
CLEARLY old flight AINT going anywhere, son…so the ONLY discussion here is removing pathfinder to acquire it.

IF you cant keep up in a discussion, maybe abstain entirely. lol


Sadly, sociopathic traits, which includes Lack of empathy, permeates our species. Even animals behave better as a whole towards their own kind.


It’s really sad to me to see all these people campaign against Steady Flight. How does it harm them, what do you gain by having it removed or delayed. It’s really pathetic.


it doesnt harm them.
ive run down every possible aspect I can think of and nothing about old flight is a threat to new flight…not even farming nodes. Faster wins that race every time.

On Tauren of either kind I USED to be able to gather very quickly. I could drop onto a node that someone else had already hit, gather much faster and be gone before they even seemed to be done gathering…even if we were both on druid.
Faster always wins…meaning DRing players will have no problem keeping way ahead of old flight players if theyre gathering in the same area. So thats not an issue at all

The only other detail that might be one to whine about, as I mentioned above, is lowbie gankers who were hoping DRing would somehow make it easier for them to gank low level players. Old flight might have an advantage there over DRing…but what this would say about those players is they are pretty pathetic in the first place if THAT is why they would feel the need to attack and insult lesser abled players…just so they can keep their gank fodder.
DISGUSTING behavior.

personally, based on their posts on a list of topics in here, I think its just pure unbridled, pathetic attention seeking.
which is why i wont give them mine.


When will you learn, that every single person you tell other people to ignore, which you, yourself don’t even listen to your own advice. But to us that you say you do not want to talk to, well we don’t care, we will still say how we feel if you respond to us or not. Have a wonderful day.

I want to agree, but the questions I have is:

  • Is this gonna be like Dragonflight where traveling on foot would be fairly tedious?
    If so then I understand dragonriding from the start.
    I’d also say why not just have steady flying from the start too but… Pathfinder for flying has been a thing for so long now.
    I’m kind of conflicted, ngl.

LMAO bro, You have over 100 posts just in this thread saying the exact same thing every time.