Steady Flying

Oh, even I know only a fool would expect 100% clarity, but I’d be happy with even 50-75%.

The main issue is with text, we tend to read while imagining it being spoken in what we feel would be the expected tone.

Even if we can’t get 100% clarity, we should do what we can to limit confusion and all,

As a side note, I am also one that pushes not everything is black and white, thing is I am so used to having to “dumb down” my words that I can’t help but try to get others to speak as if one who only sees in black and white will read things.

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But then you can always ask a question before reaching to a conclusion.
It also serves as an indirect feedback that perhaps the communication wasn’t as clear as the one thought it was.

Yeah, thing is I know a lot of what you are saying, but having dealt with the forums, comments sections and the like, I have, sadly, taken it on myself to act like the lowest common denomiator in order to help others learn how to communicate with them.

Agreed but at this point we know this after so much time has elapsed. Truly at this point we also know that they have made a lot of efforts to make DR accessible but at some point BlizZard refuses to face reality is that DR will never accessible enough for a lot of players for personal reasons.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


so in other words, by the time you can open up old flight, everyone else will have been flying for days or a week with his new shiny version of flight…not for any real reason, just because he HAS to slide his precious pathfinder in there somewhere, lmao



Really wasnt anything to confuse. Ion literally said in the video some folks “for accessibility reasons”…CLEARLY indicating that he fully grasps that some folks ARE having issues with their personal ability and dragonriding versus old flight.

NOTHING to confuse there…old flight remains, in part, for accessibility.

let us guess…some of the attentiontrolls are trying to pretend to be too obtuse to figure this out and still arguing just to argue about it, correct? lmao

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again…they are here for ATTENTION. Attention seekers never make any sense. lol.
Look at them for what they are and suddenly their behavior in here makes perfect sense.

The wife asks me all the time why some people behave the way they do.
Easy enough to figure out. Stop viewing them as reasonable, rational, empathetic adults and accept that they arent, and then the behavior isnt hard to figure out at all.
Accept people as they themselves present, not as who we’d prefer they be, then their behavior issues start making a lot more sense.


It’s just so confusing because locking it behind an achievement is like putting a wheelchair ramp at the top of a flight of stairs.


damn…that is a fantastic analogy…spot on, lol.


And when that achievement is literally a barebones zero effort thing to unlock TBC flying, why even have the gate in place? Seems entirely unnecessary. Would make more sense to have dynamic flight be unlocked via an achievement.


Yall can do most of everything via your ground mounts stop spreading this false narrative that you MUST use skyriding to get around TWW zones. When that is NOT remotely true but to say that it is is disinformation.

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VERY good point as well.
If its so quick and easy…why even bother?
This is just one more reason I think more and more are concluding that its a ‘spite’ issue, not anything that seems like it has any validity to it at all


Looks like the attentiontrolls are still circling the camp site looking for hits, lmao

That can be argued but there is literally no one being hold back or unable to play because they can’t use Skyriding.

When it comes to competing, I guess if you aren’t using Skyriding along with all the players then you’re on a different bracket anyway :person_shrugging:

No, you don’t like it.

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And yet if it were reversed and regular flight was baseline and skyriding was gated, the same group telling us “Is an easy achievement, get over it” would be throwing a tantrum.


Tell me one good reason why some of the disabled players can not have Steady Flight on Day 1…please give one good reason…steady flight is more interactive then dynamic flying…bots can bot with dynamic flying…so its not that…so again why can’t we players whom have physical or medical issues with Dynamic flight not have it on day 1?

There is no reason not too allow Steady Flight on day 1 of TWW…we all played the Dragon flying Game during Dragon Flight …we killed our hands or eyes or stomachs to use Dragon flying and then had to wait a year to get Steady Flight…for it only to be stuck behind a path finder too…why keep punishing players that want to use a flight that is easier for them by making them do a path finder before they can use steady flight.


Were not debating ground mounts. We are debating why 98% of everyone is attacking TBC flight. So the question is why? Lets go back to WoD when it all started shall we?

A. Botter infiltration.
B. Unfair Advantage, Exploitation, Cheating.
C. Boring Flight Mode.
D. Blind Hatred of it. No rational logic behind the attack.
E. All of the Above.

Those who hate TBC flight can leave the game because without that flight it wouldn’t benefit my time because I have real life stuff.

Disable folks like myself aren’t moaning and complaining about pathfinder. Again this Pathfinder requirement is reasonable and more forgiving than previous pathfinder. You and others are on here won’t accept it and you’re by creating a stir in forums that hopefully that Blizzard will caved to you and give you what you want. You know what is sad? Even if they said “Hey tell you what, if you just explore the entire content and you able fly steady” and you still refuse that offer because you will deem it unfair. Life is unfair, life is full of disappointments and trust me I have plenty of disappointments in my life because of my disability. but I learn to adapt and I have improve my life because of that and I not expected things to be handed to me. just do all 4 campaign and explore 4 lands that it and u get TBC flying and yes its ground mount friendly. Those are simple requirement and you don’t have wait months to fly.

I rather Blizzard remove flying completely. its nothing but a unhealthy feature to this game and I think Ion also see this as a problem.

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