Steady Flying

Blizzard, please remove flight from the game altogether. The players dont deserve it.

lol…to troll for attention, as ive said in here numerous times.

it DOESNT affect them. Not even for gathering.
DRing is fast enough to zoom right past someone using slow flight and get ahead of them farming nodes so that old flight is no threat to that whatsoever.

They know it doent affect their game, they just want to say something edgy to get you to respond so they can spend three days having your undivided attention.

Its about the point i realize that theyre using our interaction for said attention that I stop giving it to them, and you watch…RELIGIOUSLY they have an outburst about my ignoring them.
thats because I just took the attention theyre craving from them. lol.


lol, nope, I find you to be a joke actually. A very pathetic joke at that. Have a wonderful day. With you trying to troll everyone that doesn’t agree with you, with your threats of that you are muting them yet always responding to them. Its really funny actually.

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TBC Flying was never an accessibility mode.

Is there a direct quote from Blizzard acknowledging that?

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:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

it was a big deal in DF in here too. I know. I was here dealing with these same kinds of threads.

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Alright, time to address the disconnect here.

Something can be “good for accessibility” but not an accessibility mode or feature.

Ramps are always good for accessibility, but know who else uses ramps? movers, stunt bikers, and others. Like one does not have be be disabled to use a ramp, it could very well be the same with TBC flying with DR now in the picture.


I didn’t dispute that, did I.

well, you asked for

To one that said Blizzard acknowledged regular flight is good for accessibility, not that it was an accessibility mode or feature. So while you did not dispute it directly, One might question it.

Let’s make a recap. Let’s reread my post, shall we?

User says that locking an accessibility feature behind is unacceptable.

What did I say?

User said: Blizzard themselves have acknowledged regular flying is good for accessibility.

What did I say?

So when you say:

I can’t change how you interpret what I didn’t say.

What I questioned (without disputing, because I haven’t challenged the truth) was just if there was a direct quote. A dispute would be “I doubt blizzard said that, can you prove it?”.

And my reasoning is quite simple: If blizzard acknowledges this as an accessibility mode then locking behind an achievement is unacceptable. Wouldn’t you agree with that?

And on the flip side of this, I don’t understand why anyone would want players that need or prefer steady flight to not be able to use it at the start of TWW just like sky riding. People keep saying its not the much to have to do, but no one explains why they need to be treated differently.


I would, but to look at what you just said:

The claim made is not that blizzard acknowledged it is an accessibility mode but that it is good for accessibility

So it is not that you disputed it, but that t you were making the connection of “good for accessibility”-“accessibility mode/feature”

To put it another way, the confirmation or quote from Blizzard could easily be along the lines of “Regular flight is good for accessibility but it is not an accessibility mode or feature”. And that is the kind of talk a lawyer like I have heard Ion is, would use.

Ion said on stage at Blizzcon, in the video linked below, at the 36 minute mark roughly, “for accessibility reasons”


Again, you’re reading things that I haven’t written.

I questioned out of curiosity since it was affirmed it happened.
And I add an IF because I don’t know they did, at same time, I’m not AFFIRMING they didn’t, I’m ASKING if there is a direct quote.

Instead of making a CLAIM, I’m asking a question. I’m opening up for a possibility.


When you state that I have questioned whether TBC Flying mode can be considered accessible (and there is always an important point: compared to WHAT, it is a measurement), you’re opening up to be corrected and shown that you were wrong, which could all be avoided if you were uncertain why I was asking or what I thought about it.

Food for thought.

Well, thanks.

That settles the debate whether they acknowledge this being used as accessibility for players.

Satisfied now, Antiman?

Now the questions are:

  • Is Skyriding REQUIRED to complete the game up to until you are able to get Pathfinder? If not, does Blizzard consider that players can achieve that without Skyriding or do they expect everyone to go through Skyriding up to the moment they get Pathfinder?
  • Does Blizzard believe there are players that will not be able to get Pathfinder by themselves because they can’t use Skyriding?

If Skyriding is not required, then there are no accessibility issues here.

They had a lot of experience and data with Dragonflight, I would like to believe that they know what they are doing, especially because they chose to add pathfinder for TWW and have it at the get-go of the expansion. They could’ve just let everyone use whatever they wanted.

Let me sum it up for you then: yes, you were asking a question, but the way you worded it and were posting made it sound like the quest asked was: “did Blizzard confirm that regular flight was an accessibility mode” not the confirmation of the claim of

So whne you said:

You made it sound like the question you were asking was: 'Did Blizzard acknowledge that Regular flight was an Accessibility MODE*

Yu can’t control how I read into what you say, that is on me, but you CAN control how you word thigns to keep from being misunderstood, like would it have been so much to say "did Blizzard really acknowledge that regular flight was good for accessibility ".

TLDR: it was appearing you were conflating “good for accessibility” with “accessibility mode/feature”

I already was, I was just trying to get you to think how you worded things could lead to confusion on what you were asking


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I have said that AFTER, and as a condition because I hadn’t seen the quote. I can’t speak about it in an affirmative way because I don’t know whether it happened and at same time, I wasn’t challenging whether it was true or not.

You’ve got to understand that you can question something without actually challenging it being true or not. Not everything is black and white and 1 and 0, and I hope that I was able to help you understand that.

Now, if you ask me: could’ve you made your question differently?

Of course. Perhaps I could’ve said the following:

Hey, just out of curiosity, do you have the link to the video or interview where Blizzard acknowledged that?

Would’ve that changed your perception? I don’t know. In my experience people will see what they want to see and will hear what they want to hear, but I can always be wrong about what I don’t know, and what others think without telling me is something definitely I don’t know, isn’t it.

Likely, but at the end, I just want clarity in communication, especially in text.

They have literally said skyriding is not disability friendly and acknowledged they were adding accessibility options to attempt to help.

Which they did. But it didn’t solve it.

By acknowledging skyriding is not disability friendly, it in turn states that flying without it is accessibility.

Inferences also count.


You see there is a quote right here at 36 min mark from Ion acknowledging the TBC Flying being added for accessibility reasons:

That my friend, after 24 years in the market, I can tell you… you won’t have it.
When things get cloudy in text communication, especially this - interpersonal communication - we resort to a short call or in person conversation.

You can’t hear pitch and tone on writing, and excessive writing clouds the idea/communication. Body language while talking is also very important.

The forum discussions can be quite heated because of that, to which why some people resort to make jokes and add some emojis.