Steady Flying

Its likely druid that would be at issue there…and the obvious fix is to kick druid out of flight form when it clicks on anything…herbs or anything else.
I can literally get some quests done on druid without touching the ground, so I can see how it has an unfair advantage…but again…EASILY fixed by kicking it out of flight form when object is clicked to farm/gather/etc.

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they don’t care. they want reg flying right off the bat. If they don’t get what they want, they blackmail blizzard in ordet to get what they want.

I don’t know if it’s spite, or just the case of thinking the loss of losing players who can’t sky fly, and/ or dissmissing those willing to struggle along until they can open steady flight is acceptable even when creating an uneven playing field to start.


Doesn’t matter.

Blizzard themselves have acknowledged regular flying is good for accessibility.

Locking an accessibility feature behind anything is unacceptable.

Imagine if they locked colorblind mode behind correctly identifying a randomized picture of colors.


Instead of changing how druids gather it seems it would be easier to allow all manners of flight in all manner of game play. Are there really a lot of players that begruge this of Druids? If it means so much, anyone can make a Druid gatherer.

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Wow, just Wow! We can play it fine now with static flight. Gatekeeping it behind an achievement while those with no issues can use Dragon Flight is just rude. I hope I never meet you in real life.


I have zero patience for turning basic travel into a minigame.

“just play the game” sure, until then I walk everywhere. The dynamic flying shouldn’t be the default and original flying shouldn’t be locked away at all.

I could get Cold weather flying at 77 in wrath. Why on earth flying became the enemy in WoD I have no idea.


Yeah I mean druid obviously is supposed to have advantages of its own just like mage has its advantages etc.
I’m just curious to know why Ian feels the need to have to put in the extra work for old flight and the only thing that makes sense to me is one he hates it and two one could argue that druid’s ability is a little bit unfair in the gathering aspect of the game. But it’s always been that way as far as I can tell so I don’t know why it would be a big issue now but who knows maybe Ian hates druid I don’t know lol


I think they should block sky riding behind this. The game is more fun without flying, I really missed the world PvP in DF… never existed outside of PvErs making raid groups at world quest bosses

I have to agree, this is a really harsh stance. It seems like Blizzard does want to make the game more accessible, especially sky flying. So gating a portion at the start of the game for those that need steady flying is counterintuitive.


I have a druid but I haven’t played it in awhile. I wonder what the reaction would be if druids were switched to sky riding for flight form?

Umm to remind you that TBC was not unlocked until a year into DF either, at least now you can unlock it like 6 to 8 hour into TWW. You seem to have done just fine in DF. Why cant you do just fine in TWW?

I would have zero problem with the gate keeping of steady flight, if the same were true of Dragon Flight.


Flight form follows whatever mode you select in the toggle.

Well, I can probably get by, but it will take alot of the fun out of the game for me. Other issues remain such as players who can’t DF for disability reasons being relegated to ground flight until whenever they can complete certain content. I would argue it makes little sense to have the more complex for of flying available at the start…I mean, imo, that makes no sense at all.

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Didn’t seem to bother you in DF why does it bother you now, specially when its the easiest to obtain as it ever has been, and you have to do the content anyways to unlock world quest or anything else in the game. So just do it and get it over with. You are going to do the content anyways and in the same amount of time. And no you wont ever meet me in person so it doesn’t matter for which I don’t care.

I agree. That would work for me personally. I’d still find it better to have no flight form gated.


Even if I agreed with you, why don’t you want both forms of flight available from the start? Does it interfere with your gameplay?


But it “Dragon Flight” did bother me and many others.

Like I said, I hope to never meet you in real life. Or in game.


And what makes you think it didn’t bother me in DF? If I had no problem with sky flying I wouldn’t be pushing so hard against gating steady flying. As for whatever happend in past expansions, I only made it to max level and did not do much other than questing, for a few years at the start of wow. I have been back about a year and a half. I have struggled with DF from the begging and have been using steady flight nearly exclusively. Every once in awhile I see if it’s any easier for me. It never is.