Steady Flying

We all know it isn’t a business decision to gate TBC normal flying like this when players with disabilities are communicating it is an issue for them.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


We all know it is not a disability issue when Blizzard has made concessions for those unable to handle DR to manage the unlock the “gate”.

If you want to fly your way at the same time as others get theirs, fine, I will easily concede that maybe Blizzard should either lock both behind the achievement or lock neither behind it.

But all this talk about disabilities muddies the issue, as unless it is the exact concession one wants, it is not enough. To put it one way, it is like asking for an elevator or lift mechanism when a ramp has already been provided.

I can understand it though, as it is human nature to look at what you are locked/blocked for doing, or whatever the negative is, sometimes to the point that even pointing out concessions won’t shake you.

Case in poiint:
handicapped person: we are locked from steady flight with somethign we have had issues doing in the past
counter: but in TWW it is just the campaign and exploration
HP: we are still locked from doing it from the start
counter: but it is easier to get as the zones are ground mount friendly
HP: but we are still locked

repeat ad nauseum

Hence my challenge now to those who are claiming disability: Prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt , that you 100% CAN’T unlock steady flight using the tools given, including using a ground mount to get around.

Not about disabilities anymore its about Ion not wanting flight. Reason why he is persistent in attacking flight ever since WoD expansion after expansion. We never had a problem with it till it got attacked in WoD.

I saw nothing wrong with handing out gold for a flight license. Like it use to be.


Thank you for this, all I am trying to do is cut through the arguments that distract and get to the core issue, in this case being Ion and his BS.

And due to gold inflation, few of us likely saw anything wrong with a pathfinder that could be done before the first major content patch (x.1) with maybe further ones to unlock in content released, like in Legion, Pathfinder part one unlocked it in all the Broken Isles leveling zones, part 2 unlocked it in Suramar and Broken Shore, and a part 3 could have done it for Argus.

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Adjusting for inflation, it would be 30k per character. And either way, would require you to hit max level before you could buy it.

Yeah and I’d be okay dishing out 30K.

30k for every character you wish to fly with.

Yeah that would be fine. 30K is not as big as it used to be.

I’d rather just do a questline once (that you have to do anyway to unlock the end game), then be set for my whole account.


Why not both, a gold fee for those that want, and a quest or achievement for those that might lack or not want to spend the gold for it on every toon?

What purpose does adding the gold cost solve? Using the BC/Wrath/MoP system, you still can’t buy the license until you were max level (the BoA version was usable at lower levels, but you still had to be capped in order to buy it).

What is the best way to reach max level on your 1st character: doing the leveling campaign.

It gives people a choice, I recall how many were “up in arms” about “having to play the game” to get pathfinder done, and there will always be those that just want to sit in a city and play world of queuecraft.

More or less, I am just suggesting both to head off “what, I have to play the game Blizzard’s way?” and “why do I have to spend so much money to get flight” arguments, I just wish I could counter those that don’t even want to hit max level before even being allowed to get flight.

But adding the choice between the Wrath system and the current one is just a false choice. Sure, the other option exists, but one is just clearly better.

If you want to actually do anything in the world it would be a benefit to fly to, you need the campaign done on at least 1 character.

If you just want to AFK in cities and queue for dungeons: you don’t need to fly, it makes no difference in your gameplay.

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Do you not recall some of the arguments from back when the whole mess started? I recall one of the loudest was wanting flight to explore, gather, etc but they did not want to “play the game” to get to the point they got flight. They just wanted to hit max level, buy flight then zoom through the content with the advantage they “earned”.

Not to mention, at least for ones like me, we hit max level before completing the campaign, the gold option would give us a way, if we wanted to, to have flight to finish the campaign (I would still likely do it, as when it comes to gold on WoW, I tend to be a Scrooge McDuck)

The problem that was becoming, when you actually looked into the future and adding into the mix inflation and number of toons many of us was getting. When it came to just paying for a flight license at max level for each and every xpac was simple, it was going to be getting really crazy expansive down the road. People like myself who run 40+ max level toons each xpac that is a lot of gold when you count into gold inflation.

It was much better of an idea to just unlock flight on one toon via achievement that worked for all the toons and be done with it. Not saying that if given a choice between choosing to unlock it at week one of launch or 1 year after launch, that everyone would of course choose to do it the 1st week. But we all did what we had to do from WoD through Shadowlands to unlock stuff to fly.

But since DF we have had it from the start again just in the form of dynamic flight. And it cost nothing and it on all toons. I am happy with that.

Putting it that way might actually be against the ADA, just saying.

But the point remains that players have been unlocking flight via pathfinder for nearly a decade, I don’t think people are really arguing that it can’t be done. Not in earnest, anyway.

The fact is that unlocking TBC flight is going to be faster and easier than it has ever been. And TBC flight itself is going to be faster than it has ever been. People who don’t want to use skyriding, for whatever reason, are getting a significantly easier to access and improved ability to fly. Its just that there are some people on the forums who feel like they have to argue about this because they’ve never stopped carrying the torch and they’re convinced that this is all some personal attack that they must oppose forever by remaining loyal, paying customers. :upside_down_face:

I dont know if you cant keep up with the CONTEXT of this discussion or are just saying random things just to participate. My ex did that. lol. Not even know whats going on but blurting out anything to be in the conversation.

THIS conversation is about their wanting old flight WHEN new flight is out and NOT having to do pathfinder to get it.
With me so far?
YOUR post that I responded to …that was you quoting mafic above.
Mafic said the company ISNT paying attention to the player base…to which YOU said we buy the game ANYWAY.
You still paying attention here?

in THAT CONTEXT, your argument is that the company can do anything they want and NOT listen to the players but we’re still gonna pay that sub anyway. lol

No…they DIDNT “make the right moves” son…theyve IRRITATED and AGITATED the player base for the seven years that Ive been playing this game.
The ONLY reason we dont unsub…and maybe you should actually pay attention this time…is BECAUSE theyve BARELY managed to do JUST ENOUGH to keep our attention that BARELY outweighs the ANNOYANCES and BAD DECISIONS theyve made.
We see lists of players saying stuff like they took breaks for all of shadowlands because it sucked so hard.

YOU make it sound like they are doing a bang up job DESPITE not doing what the players actually asked for.
They are BARELY hanging on with a lot of the base and we see that in the constant complaints in here. That AINT “making the RIGHT moves” lol

Hopefully you paid attention this time.


Its like Ion HAS to jam that PF crap in there somewhere.
Even if he didnt want old flight in the game at first, I mean for god sake, stop insulting players intelligence here and just set a DATE a week after release and just turn it on.
Dont put that PF trash in there because it just screams out the idea that hes TARGETING lesser abled players with it…wont matter if thats his point or not, we know who it affects.
The man is a game designer…he isnt unintelligent…he HAS to see how this looks, yet he does it anyway.


lol…I covered that kind of trash comment above somewhere.
THAT poster DOESNT get to decide who is and who isnt disabled.

and All hes doing is proving his abusive behavior towards lesser abled human beings.
If they cant AMUSE him by falling when they try to stumble down the sidewalk…IF they can barely make it to the end, then HE clearly thinks they dont NEED the cane to walk. lmao.
He deserved that ignore he got.

This issue didnt exist until ION decided to screw with flight…a detail the attention seeking trolls in here cant seem to get their IQs wrapped around

Then that joker should have to dish out the 30K as well for HIS version of flight…which is the point here these obtuse ones cant seem to grasp.
FAIR means it would be EQUAL work for EITHER version of flight.

Allowing dragonriding for X and then demanding Y for old flight ISNT fair…its belligerent, malignant, sadistic…when you look at WHO is being affected…which is lesser abled players who are having issues with dragonriding…something the rest of us use from the first hour of the game, including that poster.

one thing about this topic, the attention trolls show up every time…and they show us just how disgusting they are in how they view and treat lesser abled human beings.
Half expect to see one of them on the news ripping an old mans cane away to see if he’ll fall…


BlizZard is a business and they are seeing they are losing shop sales and subs with their continued attack against TBC normal flying.

They tried the slow approach to try to remove it or even the softer approach but they keep seeing push back.

If anyone thinks the way they are gating TBC normal flying is a business decision at this point they do not understand business.

And it is pretty hard to argue it is a game balance decision as well seeing that DR is still faster than TBC normal flying.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: