Steady Flying

As long as it doesn’t require dragonflying to unlock it, I can deal with it.

According to these worthless trolls in here that’s your wife’s problem.
The problem… the actual issue here is that this shouldn’t even exist. If not for Ian and his flight hate dragon riding probably would never have been created and your wife would still be using old flight which she could handle quite easily I would imagine.

That little detail something these trolls keep leaving out. No one asked for dragon riding. Yes I love dragon riding but no one asked for it.
It was born out of Ian’s hate of old flight and his wanting to remove it from the game

Which is exactly why your wife now has to do Pathfinder to get old flight because Ian can’t let it Go


That is also the argument as well. No one asked for 3/4’s of Ion’s garbage over 4 expansions in a row.


I hope you know that personal attacks like this are a good way to get a forum vacation. I have a different opinion but that doesn’t mean it’s an open invitation for personal attacks.

But it does have negative effects on gameplay and world balancing. Dragonriding allows you to fly over stuff too but short hops are very Vigor-inefficient and quickly lead to you not being able to fly at all, so there’s at least a cost/benefit dynamic between skipping mobs vs old flying where there is no reason not to use it.

Players have ask for things to be done to flying to make it more engaging and to change it up some back as far as even MoP. So don’t say NO ONE ASKED. Because players have asked for things to be changed about how flight was approached.

Just because you didn’t ask, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


If it is more then one thing, it is exploration and this, if you just want to argue to make it this alone (if it is not already) by all means do so.

the other part is even if we asked, we migght not have asked for how Ion did it. So the most anyone could say is no one asked for how it was done, and even that can be thrown into questions.

Although I have no issue at all with dragon flying, I agree, steady flying shouldn’t even be locked at this point, nor should dragon flying. ActiBlizz says they’re listening to the players, but they’re not, not really. They might throw a bone now and then, but they’re just trying to drag out the little bit of content they give us in each expac while at the same time jacking up the price for giving us less.

Granted I had very few issues with Dragonflight, but some of the big ones were a lack of progression for those that don’t raid, which was fixed to some degree later in the expac and the ridiculous crafting quality levels. Lose the crafting quality crap. If a character has the skill to make something, it should be a static level of quality with the option to be upgraded later. However, the crafting consortium thing was a great way to provide BoP crafted items to other players and one of the things I liked best about DF.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


go troll for attention with someone else, son.

Yes Sir! And I think they want to show off all the mounts they converted to DR. Which is assbackwards to give the new shinies right of the bat but make slow mode available after a bundle of content.


Or they are, but keep in mind, they are a business first and need to balance what players want with what, in their minds, makes them $$.

This makes it so they likely feel if people get things from the get go, no reward or any similar set up, they will stop playing within weeks. The fact is due to these shenanigans with flight, people quit till it is fully in, if the come back even then, which loses them more money then if people quit after a week or 2. They throw enough bones to keep people subbed/playing, but no more.

Some like me will likely stay subbed no matter what till they close down the servers or something happens to us, but for a game like this, ones like me are not enough to keep thigns going without the cyclical or new players.

On another note, I am almost shocked one did not come up with something like this idea: Early access can earn steady flight via the achievement, but it is unlocked for everyone on global release.

Of course what people fail to realize is that BlizZard had a window of opportunity to put in place an epic quest chain to have flying unlocked in WoD. But that window shut long ago so trying to claim that this is acceptable now is not acceptable as that was a decade ago. Now, we as customers are asking for more because BlizZard failed to act professionally in a manner that was time sensitive. A lot of those subs are not coming back maybe ever all because they couldn’t communicate or follow through with their original intent.

Now, for them to claim that this is what players wanted is a little too late (eg ten year later) so now we as customers have every right to ask for them to rescind every transgression put against TBC normal flying since WoD.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Very good point, sadly I think what happened with Blizzard, and this happens elsewhere too, is they got too confidant in their own mehtods.

Back in WoD, when ways to earn flight were being discussed, I was one of those that was backing a “pathfinder” that more or less included:

  1. hit max level
  2. complete storyline quests
  3. explore
  4. rep, but only what was earnable with the campaign (I.E. Honored is that is what the campaign capped out at)

Later on, I was backing a buying option per toon with pathfinder being a 1 and done way.

Now, after all this time, I am like “ok, you could have done this sooner, but you had to be stupid” in regards to Blizzard, though I am satisfied they FINALLY got the hint.

If they did a very interesting quest chain like the Quel’Delar to unlock flying in WoD and tying it into the story of WoD it would have been awesome and all of this trouble could have been avoided. WoD was known for a very good leveling experience and telling the story of WoD expansion. Big missed opportunity!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Exactly, but to finish it up, it took 10 years for Blizzard to give us what we are getting now, it could easily take another 10 years, or till the end of World Soul Saga, to give us what is beign asked for NOW.

The consequence seems to be that they retained you as a paying customer for a decade and counting. They very obviously made the right moves.

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I do not agree because my playing time in WoW decreased because of that and I spend more time in FF. The devs in FF actually communicate and are professional.

Change is accelerating because of the simple fact is that WoW team can’t use patchfinder as a backend retention mechanic for expansions. Ironically the best business move was to have TBC normal flying unlocked day one of the expansion. That leads to more shop sales and also more sub money.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


non sequitur nonsense.
They made some good decisions and good content that we enjoy…and some trash decisions that we hate.
The ONLY reason we remain is because the good BARELY outweighs the bad.

Good freakin god you folks and your inane illogical nonsense in here…lol


If they had accommodated all of your complaints, you would have still paid the same sub fee. If you’re still here and still paying, they’re doing what they need to do. I don’t really see how that is hard to understand.

Amen Eng…Amen he just can’t let it go to what happened back before WoD went live…


That deals with communications and UI, not the game itself.