Steady Flying

Which is likely why, in TWW, you can unlock it via ground mount.

the question is asinine, son.
They LIKE the game and YOU KNOW IT or they wouldnt be here.
your joke question is more laughable than asking why someone still eats pizza because the pizza shop keeps putting on anchovies they DIDNT ask for, LMAO

The pizza itself is FINE…its the ANCHOVIES THEY DONT LIKE

But hey, you knew all this before you chose to troll these folks, didnt you


You have to just beat the story campaign using the intended flight mode (which requires skill and is limited by a resource) before you unlock the old flight mode (which is unlimited and would let you skip content and farm resources much more easily). They want you to see the content they made or pay a price to skip it at first (as dragon flying short distances is very inefficient and hard to aim). Once you’ve seen the content, then you can skip it as much as you wish (via old flying).

Or using ground mounts or even foot travel if you wish in TWW, Blizzard does not care HOW you do it, just that you do it.

They don’t hate it, they just know other people prefer it. Blizzard has removed large griefing outlets and this the one they have left.

Nevermind the accessibility issues that Skyriding provides. This was brought up throughout Dragflight. But then again, Blizzard is a company that has long employed actual rapists, so why would they care about handicapped people struggling to play their game.


As I don´t have Beta access I do wonder how reasonable it is to “walk”. In all the previous expansions, not using flight form (on my druid), was a huge setback while leveling.

Not so much speed wise, I don´t care about that. It´s about convenience, like handing in quests, reaching nodes… Biggest issue like at DF, the cities… not being able to fly is meh


At best, it will be like all expansions, save Cata, where we could not fly till max/close to max level and shelling out a gold fee, at worse everything will be accessible with a ground mount but that means long detours to find the ramp or whatever to change elevation.

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They almost removed flying.

Over time we have had to push back and they have had to nerf each patchfinder in each installment. From second patch to first patch to now at the start of the expansion…this is a concession and retreat on BlizZard’s part because they are feeling the pressure and push back from the players.

We are down the home stretch and we are very close to decoupling patchfinder from TBC normal flying forever and for good. May it be relegated into the dustbin of history soon enough.

It is true that most players would have been satisfied with complete the campagin questline and you earn TBC normal flying back in WoD.

However, based on BlizZard’s unprofessional behavior we as customers are now asking for more which is full restoration of TBC normal flying to be available as soon as you ding or to be in use at the same time as DR with no strings attached.

BlizZard is the one that drew first blood and kicked the hornets nest. We are merely a reaction toward something that should haver never happened.

That is the consequence of not communicating and listening to the player community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They’ve added a ton of accessibility features to help people but at some point the number of people who could benefit are so niche that it’s not just not a viable use of time. I refuse to believe that number of people who can use old flying but can’t use the new flying, even with the massive number of accessibility suites they’ve added, who also can’t use flight paths or ground mounts is a number worth trying to cater to. There’s a minimum bar to do some activities in life, and that’s just how it is. If someone’s broken both their arms and legs, they’re still expected to wear clothes before going out in public. Next you’ll want them to figure out a way for someone who is blind and has no hands to play WoW.

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And then they went and designed a dungeon like that in TWW that uses DR so at this point they are tone deaf.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Except when going down the coreway, and when you have to go to the tower after the 1st cut scene, and you need a flying mount to get off the tower and get to the next point.

But yeah, once all those problems are achieved a person can go down to Kaz with a ground mount.

EDIT - I still think dragonriding should be the gated version of flight.


My understanding is there is a yet to be implemented elevator there.

So you think that the form of flight that is worse for exploration, gathering, etc should be the gated form of flight?

That’s so laughably wrong. It being broken is part of the storyline & why there is a disconnect of communications over a long period of time in some areas.


Even without that anyone can use a Dragon Riding Mount and just float down with no flying required …or use a glider. They’re making something out of a nothing burger.

You also have the option of being flown off the beach at the start instead of flying yourself.

I did a full leveling run through on the ground to see all the pain points and reported stuff like the Causeway needing an auto flight option.


I was just going off of what some said on about the beta, and some likely thought that the way down for those not using DR was yet to be implemented, due to it being beta, and possibly assumed that such would be an elevator.

When you literally have a flying feature in the game that has zero negative impacts to accessibility and you lock that behind usage of a feature that does, it’s creating a barrier where one did not exist. But you know that. You just like sticking it to people because it makes your pathetic life seem more valuable than it actually is.


Nah that is totally incorrect, all of it. The very first part of the story you are told it is impossible to fix and they lost communication over time. You are then sent down to get in touch with people in the next zone… that’s it.
In order for it to be fixed, Blizzard would have to change all the campaign quests, & more including re-compile the zone.

Edit - BTW there is another quest were you teleport to the top of a tower, and are supposed to go across the zone. There is no mounts up there except your own & no way back down without using toys or a flying mount.


they are just here to troll for attention they clearly cant get at home lol
its pathetic and they arent worthy of your time, thought or energy.
Persona non grata…

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At this point this topic is beyond dust. It’s atomized powder that you need a high powered electron microscope to see it now.

It really doesn’t matter cause Ion is still in charge and he is going to gimp WoW for as long as he is in power. I really don’t think i’ll buy TWW it’s just a Meh expansion. I’ll just wait for Midnight Expansion to decide if WoW is worth keeping on my computer.

If Midnight sucks then WoW is going in the trash can. :wastebasket:


dragon riding is not a nothing burger for everyone. It literally makes my wife throw up. So she has to look away from the screen (while I fly her as my passenger) or take Flight paths EVERYWHERE in the dragon isles. And the requirement to change that. IS TO FLY EVERYWHERE? (I know it’s exploration, not flying, and YOU know, thats not the point).

Just make it anything else. Campaign. Raid. Dungeons. 1800 PVP. Frikkin ANYTHING other than exploration.

or swap it around, give normal flying and let people unlock dragon riding from Pathfinder… that’ll go swimmingly.