Steady Flying

I hope you stub your toe


That’s not the reason.

Static flying is slower, yes. But it also turns on a dime, is more accurate, has hover and has no engagement mechanics.

If you read my post, it explains their design philosophy.

Even Paris’ weird ChatGPT version kind of explains it too.

LOL so you know his personal finances now?

What? Pathfinder is still in TWW or why would this thread exist?

Well then watch DR be nerfed down to the same speed as TBC normal flying.

BlizZard rug pull is coming.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I’ve always thought the whole idea was dumb to begin with. What flying animal suddenly forgets their basic instincts when entering a new area, anyway?

“Wait! I don’t recognize that rock. I can’t fly over that!!!”


It makes no sense for RPG reasons when you can zoom around with DR too!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Pulling at that thread unravels sky swimming pretty quickly.

This isn’t Pathfinder. It’s Pathfinder Lite Jr.

I’m onboard to keep TBC flying relevant again. I prefer TBC flight and dragonriding should have just been a DF expansion thing only. I honestly don’t like Dragonriding.



I don’t even have toes, check mate

As long as TBC flying doesn’t return, ill take it

They nerfed the DR speed in the new TWW zones and they might do it again.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


There’s only an achievement required to use this inferior method of flying on the Dragon Isles, which will be removed and repurposed for Khaz Algar in The War Within.

Can confirm Orcs have toes.

I am a blood elf male that is my specialty.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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LOL are you trying to will this into existence by repeating this fantasy ad nauseum?

True. While they’re at it, remove all the achievements for everything else you willfully choose not to do.


Beating this poor dead horse to beyond just dust n bones, at this point they are not going to change a thing this xpac with the requirement to earn Steady Flying. It really needs to be put to rest, maybe people will get a chance in a year n half to see Pathfinder removed in the 2nd installment of the the xpacs.

It happened already and do not be shocked if it happens again!

BlizZard has no moral compass.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Yes that is true. They are good at lying too.


Yes they are!

This is why there is no way to test properly in beta what is going on either!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Why are you playing a game made by liars who keep doing things you don’t like? Is there something wrong with you or is this just addiction?