Steady Flying

lmao…I can literally see that joker telling someone with missing legs that they CAN get up and walk and don needz no steeenking prothetics lmao


I doubt anyone would complain if steady flight was implemented the same time as dragon flight.


If all this is true about this Ion character, I am sure he also hopes for people who just prefer SF will be pursuaded to use DR. Whatever the case may be, it’s petty imo not to treat both the same.


Petty it may be, but it is also human nature to be petty, and Ion is a human like everyone else.

Yeah, you can have your prostetics as soon as you finish this obstacle course…


Ive tried to give that man the benefit of the doubt.
I mean this flight thing literally doesnt affect me. I love flight sims so Dragonriding is a joke ‘flight’ to me anyway…nothing about it is hard given I dont have any disabililty that prevents me personally from excelling at it.

But unlike some in here I DO have a shred of human empathy…and I can fully understand someone elses issues that are causing them problems today that DIDNT EXIST prior to Ion creating a new version of flight that NO ONE asked for…and then making OLD flight require work it, while his baby, dragonriding hasnt required the same

Its the principle of the issue.
and these thread do a really good job of showing us exactly who among us here have no principles or human empathy, but are clearly gleefully sadistic in their pointless and unnecessary insulting and demeaning of lesser abled players who are the ONLY ones THIS pathfinder actually affects.

again…disgusting behavior towards their fellow gamers.


lol…you can just hear the joker saying something like that now.


You know you might sound consiliatory on the surface, with this crap, but Ion is not here arguing for his POV. You are here harassing.

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i did pathfinder when it was current content in WoD. one of the reasons I didn’t play BFA was because they continued that pathfinder with exalted rep crap and more mission tables.

the current version is how it should work - complete the main story lines, explore the areas on the ground, unlock flying.

but all flying should be locked until it is all unlocked.

it makes no sense to have dragonriding by not regular flying.


If you really feel that way, report it and let the mods decide.

:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

I dont even like PF…at all.
but if it means both flights having to do the same work…bring it on. I’ll ground hoof it to keep these trolling sorts from getting new flight before anyone gets old flight.

Lol. I have to wonder if this forum is the only platform you have to get attention…

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right after what he said and you still come with that? this is straight harassment.
Shame on you.

I am ok with this. No rep grind no time gate crap. It is just leveling and questing.

Eh, I am going to do what should be done, flag, place on ignore list and move on

That goes without saying.

How does (insert zone here) look when behind (insert terrain obstacle here)??
I can always see the details of the landscape because I never fly higher than the tree tops unless absolutely necessary UNLESS I’m using gliding, in which case I’m forced to fly straight up to gain enough altitude to not run out of Flatulence while zipping along watching the ground blur.
The only time I explore the zones is when I can fly, and gliding is useless for that. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


Which is one reason why ones like me say that TBC flight is superior in some cases, and SR is superior in others.

I dunno anything about delves cause it’s a future feature. And odds are GD is gonna hate it all the same.

He likes playing the game, he just doesn´t like dragonriding.

I also skipped DF, because of it. Having to play the game with dragonriding, to unlock normal flying is just silly.