Steady Flying

Also if you are on the realm of Nagrand or any connected realm, and are so unable to fly using the current method of flight. The feel free to ask, I will let you hitch a ride on me as I level in the new xpac and we will get the job done.

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You might be better off arguing that what you want is justice, as that would remove any question on disability.

The following is equity
It is available at the start
Everyone has the opportunity to earn it
Everyone has the same options to earn it, they can choose based on preference or ability

Justice, in this case, would be:
SF available at the, no locks, so people can choose their preferred method of travel.

The thing is, Blizzard, like most companies, tend to use carrot and stick to get people involved in content. Not defending such, but with that in mind, I can see why they put SF behind the easiest/least intensive achievement they can.

Also it’s worth remembering that for the first 18 years of this game’s existence, for any period of time or for any zone where flying was disallowed, zero people complained that the game was unplayable due to disabilities.

It is only when DR becomes available do we hear about disabilities. Both types of flying are not mandatory to play the game. We can and have played the game during periods of no flying, or in zones that to this day still disallow flying.

Flying is a convenience at best. It reduces friction because it allows us to skip over game world geometry and the mobs that populate the game world.

Skipping over the world in this manner is not required in order to complete the content.

I understand that DR on its own may have some potential complications for people, and blizzard has put in the UI a number of options to help with this. This is good.

That said, just because a new second form of flight exists does not make the grounded gameplay automatically a problem for people with disabilities. It isn’t, and hasn’t been for 18 years before DR was added, and still isn’t in the 2 years since DR was added.

The only real “issue” here is that people are insisting on being victimized. The rational response to asking Blizzard to not have to wait 6-9 months for “Patchfinder” and then getting what you asked for is relief. Celebration. Joy. Thankfulness. Things like that.

It’s a bit over the top to suggest this is an ADA violation and a moral and ethical failing and targeted discrimination. That’s hyperbolic and bizarre.

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Even more over the top to push for being treated the same when that could make it worse for them.

Everyone is being treated the same. Nobody suggested that the game was unplayable on the ground for the first 18 years.

But now, suddenly, people are pretending that flying, in any form, is required to complete content. It is objectively not required.

It’s the same old “pro flying vs pro ground” argument, just repackaged with a wrapper of social justice.

This is despite winning the flying debate. Flying is here to stay. It is available in all forms at the launch of TWW, rather than waiting half a year or more for x patch to be added in.

Zero time gate. But a small subset of people have the pitchforks out anyway, because they can’t be excited to have their preferred flying style available 6-9 months sooner than it has been at any point in the past 10 years.

Blizzard should gate DragonRiding behind the campaign and be done with it.

It’s what they should have done from the get go to collect the win. They don’t get any goodwill from this player requested change because the players are going to find a way to be upset, even while getting what they asked for

Way to play the victim. My comment was aimed at everyone in this thread, on both sides. I don’t give a rats behind what blizzard chooses to do with flying or why.

Well, just like the other 2 threads in beta on flying…(or is it 3?) this devolved into ideology / political (if you dont understand the political point I can’t help you). ¯_(ツ)_/¯

It’s a simple fix that would make the community happier, but oh well. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Either the glass if half full, or its half empty, there is no magic waiter that is going to show up and fill it up with kool-aid for you.

It’s always full, people always forget about the air.

You can try to tell me what I want all day long, call what is happening at this point whatever you want. I and others simply want to have SF available at the start of TWW, no barriers or requirements. The same as DF. Argue around it all you wish.


They ALL know what youre talking about…theyre just dying to have your attention and will keep sealioning to get it lol.

Its THIS simple…

WE know it…and THEY ALL KNOW it.
Trolling isnt a real violation in here or theyd all have been actioned by now.

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Most likely at this point of time I say, 80% or higher not going to change, Pathfinder will be going live with the xpac unchanged in its current state as a requirement for Steady Flying.

Its not trolling to disagree with you, stop repeating that like its a religion statement. It makes you look like the one who is trolling.


And I stress that gliding shouldn’t be treated differently. None of these posts would have been necessary if both forms were available at the same time. No, scratch that; if gliding was delayed behind the same Pathfinder the outrage would have been stupendous. No matter how “little” the effort involved, there is no reason for it except Daddy Blizz being a spiteful child. Still. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:


Bingo. People with disabilities wanted to be treated like a normal person and at the same could use some extra help time


They can only foam and rail on in here BECAUSE this DOESNT AFFECT THEM…which is why we know they are just trolling for attention.
If it did affect them, theyd be in here whining and they all know it lol.

ions new toy doesnt shine quite as bright if he cant keep old flight on a pathfinder leash, lmao.
Its pathetic.


Delves are completely new.

Othering the disabled now.

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oh cool. I’ll have to check that out.
I only have a Ztroll paladin, but think I’ll try to farm what I need from that set still.
VERY nice.

This is all you needed to say, not try to hide it behind “being treated the same” or anything of the sort.

I was never arguing against you, as far this was concerned, I was doing nothing more then try to figure out what you wanted and where it would fall on the equality/equity/justice/liberation scale.

My disability does not prevent me from flying, but know what it does hinder? my ability to see things from the point of view of others/to emphasize with them. I am not that bad at it, as I can see where others are coming from, I still cling to the facts so if the facts don’t match up with what you are claiming, whoops.