Steady Flying

Google a bit more. There are ADA requirements game developers have to follow

video games must have voice over, electronic messaging, and video conference options . This has been the law since 2019. It’s been updated before, I’m sure it will be again. Persons with disabilites are strong advocates for themselves.

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That one just helped confirmed every negative thing I said above about that group.
Hes just in here for attention…to say edgy childish trash to stir up angry responses.
Better to ignore the trolls


Didn’t you say your issue wasn’t a disability it was that you just aren’t good at Dragon Riding?

Blizzard literally created this problem by screwing with flight in the first place.
NO ONE ASKED for dragonriding. I like it, but NO ONE ASKED for it.
Ion is toying around with flight that had been in the game longer than not over his ego and now we have some petulant children in here foaming for attention with it.


No, I said it was a combination of both.


Is there anything in the game that has been included following the demands of the players?

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huh…thats a good question.
I think most of what I end up noticing is stuff taken away, nerfed or otherwise trashed and done so AGAINST player demands.

Trying to think of a single thing players ASKED for and got that didnt include poison pills…totally blank right now, lol

edit…love that mog set, btw…which one is that?



a story of one man’s never ending bitterness…


We asked for Pathfinder to be available day 1 and here we are.
Shaman asked for a Raid Buff…bingo.
We asked for more solo end game content…we got Delves.
We asked for the worst Affixes to be removed. Done.
yada, yada, yada…

Blizz does listen and they do respond. Maybe not for the things you want personally but it’s disingenuous to say they don’t.


uh…wrong. We asked for flying to be available day one…I never asked for PATHFINDER to be in the equation.

Seriously wondering if your sort IS this obtuse and cant grasp that…or just trolling/sealioning for attention.

Sounds like you want to make up any excuse you can find to shill for Ions making the game more irritating than it needs to be


Why would I want to do that? I want everyone to have equal opportunity/justice. You want everyone to be treated the same, or be equal.

Equality only works when everyone has the same in all key aspects, education, funds, raising, community, etc.

So tell me, which sounds better:
Equality=everyone gets treated the same, so any that are disabled are unable to have the same opportunity due to their disability
Equity=disabilities are acknowledged and tools or options are put in place to enable those that are disabled to do the job/achieve the same goals as those that are more able/fully able.

If the ADA and similar laws are what require ramps and other handicapped tools to be required in businesses and public buildings, that is EQUITY.

And you keep proving that they can also be stupidly blind to what they really want:
Disabled person: we want to be treated like everyone else
Business/government: ok, then you have to use the stairs like everyone else
Disabled person: but I can’t use the stairs due to my disability
Me: hey, that is what everyone has to use, and equality is treating everyone the same

As opposed to:
Disabled person: we want the same opportunities/access that everyone else has
Business/government: ok, so we will require ramps and/or elevators to be put in all public buildings and businesses that have more then 1 floor/elevation
Diabled person: that helps, but my disability is not related to mobility
Business/government: then we will work with you and try to figure out what you need so you have the same opportunity as everyone else
Disabled person: thank you
Me nods, smiling

I don’t want disabled people to be unable to do things, but I see that it is equity, not equality, that will make such a reality. In other words, I want you to get more then you might otherwise have but not to the point where you have more, or greater, opportunity then ones like me.

You however are getting on my back for not wanting equality when I am trying to tell you that equality is the WORST thing for disabled people as equality DOES NOT take ANYTHNG that differentiates the ability of people to achieve goals into account.

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Well, when you actually really get ahold of a real lawyer and file a complaint and they tell you too bad so sad, come back and tell me just how much they really care about your TBC flying problem and Pathfinder issue.

And it is genius.


yeah, youre not wasting my time to today with your cherry picking trolling son…byebye

In fact, it is available on Day 1-3, that is, in the early access.


Just to add here:

If anyone here need help for whatever reason to get the Pathfinder, I can fly you through the zones in my drake, I have 2 slots and I can make as many travels needed to help anyone who can’t fly by themselves with Skyriding.

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I and others would like SF available at the start of TWW. Nothing more, nothing less. You can call it what you want it is what it is.


Every single person in the game, flight no matter what skill or ability level you are is available to everyone at the same styles. Everyone has absolutely the same requirements no mater race, color, creed or disability to unlock any other form of flight within the game equally. Every single player has the same opportunity to fly strait off the bat if they choose to or not.

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Yep. Players asked for Pathfinder to be shortened from ‘6-9 months of timegating waiting for x patch’ (Patchfinder) to something more along the lines of the old “hit max level, train flying”

This is basically what we have now for TWW, after a decade of Pathfinder. It’s crazy to me that people are refusing to acknowledge this.

And again for the record, I am not defending DR being available while TBC flying is gated by campaign completion. If they feel strongly about delaying TBC flying, they should similarly gate DR behind the campaign as well.

Maybe I should have specified. I meant new features. Not changes to existing ones.

HFC paladin set I think? Was looking for something firey to fit with axe.

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