Steady Flying

I see. Well I guess I know I’ll be using old flight for TWW if I buy it, lol.
If theyre within even 20% of each other speed wise, old flight is the better choice.

My guess is old flight is still on Ions hit list.
I have my money on his biding his time till he thinks he can convince someone else that the sub losses from removing old flight are at an acceptable level and they’ll just deal with the fallout.

Never have understood this mans business model, lol.
Its no wonder the sub chart has been in such chaos since 2015


Patchfinder has always been a poison pill approach to try to wear players out and give up from using TBC normal flying.

They tried to use time delay along with another gate which is completing the patchfinder.

This time they are trying a softer approach whish is reducing the time gate but still leaving in place a patchfinder while offering DR with no strings attached as if players are going to use DR in droves and pretend that TBC is not even an option. Or give up the pursuit of unlocking TBC normal flying.

BlizZard thinks very lowly of the intelligence of their player base which is why they keep pushing no streak breaker mechanics in their loot like the vault.

They view constant conflict is good for them even if they take an L instead of an easy win.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


absolutely .
And until DF you’d get flight when the expansion was so over that it didnt matter anyway.
By that time the AH prices had tanked, farming mats was pretty much over except for someone just needing them or scrounging for gold.

PF was literally the thing that had me ready to quit the game the first time I hit WoD content and realized it was a thing. I did end up ‘quitting’ over it but came back a few weeks later, decided to just get to Legion that was current at the time to see if it would lessen the hate I had going on at that point for pathfinder.

Legion PF didnt help any at all lol.

yeah, I dont know what it is with this guy. So many times we see some ‘good news’ kinda thing in here and somehow, someway Ion manages to turn it into a negative.
Just amazing to me that he’s still around after all this time.


There’s a quest in Azure Span that’s only Soloable with Steady flight. You got to click 4 orbs in a certain time. DR doesn’t work.


What quest is this because I completed every quest in Azure Span before steady flight?

Bring a couple people with you to click the orbs instead, that also works for the Lost Elemental.

Disclaimer: this factual statement does not indicate any willingness to participate in this topic.

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Who’s gonna do that nowadays?

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Exactly, it’s an absurd quest on many levels. Rewards? A glowing crystal you can turn in for customizing the Highland Drake.

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WoD came out in 2014. Its been nearly a decade of pathfinder and you’re still here. Whatever words you say, your actions tell them they’re doing what is needed to retain you as a paying customer. :woman_shrugging:


For many of us, the problem with Dragon Flying is not about what we dislike or like. For me, DR causes motion sickness. Options to help with motion sickness do not help me.

For others, it’s a physical accessibility problem.

I hope I can complete all of the Pathfinder achievements while on a ground mount.

It amazes and disappoints me how many people are so indifferent to other peoples plight. Why do you campaign for the removal or delay of steady flight? How does it help you?


You can

Steady flying is getting a speed boost as well so I am not sure how that will go for those that suffer from motion sickness. Honestly most of the post I see against steady flight are very similar to the post against flying in general. Mainly that it is immersion breaking in some way or the Devs are moving away from it which is true.

uh…yeah…that doesnt work …because BEFORE pathfiinder affected EVERYONE EQUALLY.
NOW, because YOU get dragonriding day one and THEY have to do PF to get the flight THEY can handle, its ONLY THEM that PF affects directly.

In THIS NEW PF environment, blizzard may find themselves losing customers over this petulance.
Not that they’ll care.
Ion has run off paying customers in droves over the years and they seem fully willing to accept the losses.


The behavior from some is borderline sociopathy ( “…and a lack of empathy for others”). Totally unconnected to the rest of the human race.


You keep saying the same thing, but you know what, you keep paying and playing, So guess what Blizzard keeps winning because they keep raking in the money. So really its a BIG FAT WIN for them, you being mad or not. You are still here and that is all that matters.

You can always write to the Federal government and see if they would be willing to dismantle the ADA and other similar laws, so disabled have more obstacles to equality.


I am going to give you a little secret when it comes to the ADA and video games and how they view it. If you are too disabled to play a video game, then don’t buy it and don’t play it. Your problem is solved, they do not tell video game makers anything when it comes to making their games accessible to the disabled in content.

So stop trolling with this ADA stuff like it really matters when it doesn’t.

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Wow, this person flat out said games shouldn’t do anything to help the disabled, a step too far for Blizzard even.


Nope strait up truth in life, we all get old and in time we all get disabled and become unable to do the things we used to do when we where young, being a disabled veteran myself I know this all too well. However coming to terms with it and accepting you are not as good as you once was is the best thing one can do for themselves. Value the things you can still do and do not dwell on the things you can not. Life is a much more happier place that way.

I really love the game. I played the first five years and came back a year and a half ago. I will keep playing as long as I’m able. None of this changes my wish to have SF at the start of TWW.