Steady Flying

hes just upset that Im bringing attention to the CLEAR INSULTING BEHAVIOR of himself and others in this thread after some joker above tried to LAUGHABLY claim that it doesnt happen.

Im here every day. i read these posts. they ARE insulting toward lesser abled players and Ive been quoting THEIR words doing it.

nope…no insult here…
“If you need old flight youre just a bot or boxer…you cant possibly be disabled”


“you lazy lesser ableds just want flight for free…I’ll see you on the ground from my dragonriding mount on day one of TWW!”


lmao…no one ever insults lesser abled players in here.


The only vandalism I see is you’re comments.


Not sure I would call them “offences” but she is reminding me of a certain kind of kid, the kind that barley gets touched and screams bloody murder or gets told to try to do something themselves and cries for help.

If there was no way for players that can’t use DR to unlock TBC flight at all, sure, by all means, make it known. But if there is a way for those players to earn flight, all that is done is the one complaining comes across as a spoiled brat and in this case trying to use the handicapped argument for special treatment BEYOND what can reasonably be acounted for.

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lol…100% nonsensical.
BOTH flights avoid stuff on the ground between A and B, son.
You CANT PLAY ANY of this game from the air, last i checked…you HAVE to land to do the quests.
So you literally have no point here


they KILL me with that 'DRing isnt flight" crap…
Flight is forward motion and lift…DRing has both lol…it IS ‘flight’ as far as a video game and imitating flight.

Flight: the action or process of flying through the air.

literally BOTH flights ARE flight. lol

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Nope…no insult here folks…theyd never resort to insults over this…if you DARE to ask for EQUALITY and for EVERYONE to have to do the SAME WORK for each flight youre a ‘spoiled brat’. lol. thats not any insult at all.

and you handicapped players…youre not real…youre just an argument I made up…I mean…even if Ion DID create more mount options in the accessibility area just for you. lol


Why does it need to be challenging when DF already is? Even to the point that some can’t use it at all. Two things can be true at one time: Everyone can use ground mounts and DF, some still can’t fly at the outset of TWW so not all options are available to everyone. Does it surprise you those that can’t use SF at the start would hope they could? And how does we wanting it hurt, hinder or affect your gaming?


I am glad your disability is not keeping you from flying. It is for some of us.


weren’t supposedly have me on ignore?

You don’t represent us and don’t you care about us. You’re just using us just get what you want and once you do, you throw us under the bus.


yeah, that whole thing is clearly just to ‘coerce’ us to stay in DRing if thats how we’re usually going…that and I think even more to affect druid players.
totally unnecessary, but Ions gonna do what Ions gonna do.

Eventually this kinda of crap will irritate me just that much over the top and I’ll just quit WoW and go play ESO instead.
I mean better races can only keep me here thru only so much annoyance before enough is enough.

that one is just here for your attention. NOTHING he posts has ANY reason and logic to it. just trying to say edgy crap to annoy you just enough to get you to respond. I wouldnt waste your time with him.



No reason for us to not have slow steady flying and fast involved flying. Let people choose of their own pace. Why is this still a discussion?


Because BlizZard wants to continue the war against TBC normal flying.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You aint getting my attention today, son.
Go spend your time getting the attention youre craving from someone else lmao

Im sure that list could go on for a hour or so.

The disgusting part is these trolls who need attention constantly coming into these threads to get that perverse ego boost from insulting lesser abled players.
They should be ashamed of themselves, but theyve made it clear they have no shame


Pretty much.

Many of us…hell, could have been a majority…wanted Ion and crew to DESIGN the game FOR flight instead of making it an afterthought.
They excelled at it with dragonflight.
Ion COULD have come out the hero in all of this, but instead chose to take another path that tainted the ENTIRE thing in allowing his pathfinder rage to this time be directed at players who are literally lesser abled in whatever regard.

At least before we could ALL use flight exactly the same…pathfinder affected EVERYONE the same.
but now the vast, VAST majority players DONT NEED TO DO PATHFINDER because its NOT REQUIRED for Skyriding/dragonriding.

No, its ONLY the few who have some physical issue of whatever sort that impairs their ability to do dragonriding correctly that are affected by this version of Pathfinder.

And the attention trolls feel compelled to add to the problem by coming in these thread saying edgy insulting juvenile trash to get a reaction and get that bruised ego boosted, lol.


um…you just responded to me so I did got your attention.

I don’t look for attention, I like point things out.

It was an easy win for them but they are going to it into a loss.

Like why? There is no gain from this or to be more precise the net result is more negative than positive.

They are not going to convert more people to use DR over TBC normal flying. At this point people have made up their minds up about it so at this point it comes off petty and not even a business decision.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


lol…THIS level of desperation in seeking attention might need a professional to deal with…I dont get paid enough to do it.

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Was it you before who mentioned that they are slowing Dragonriding down closer to old flight?

I got to thinking about that this morning and doing something like that would be deranged. I mean who is gonna use a more complicated form of flight IF its no faster than old flight AND is actually worse for farming nodes? lol.

IF old flight is even remotely similar in speed to skyriding theyve literally voided out any reason to even use SRing, lol.


The truth is that current BlizZard is heavily reliant and slavish towards data metrics. And the metrics are showing that people still prefer in a large segment TBC normal flying over DR. So their endgoal is to try to ween people toward DR but it is failing because people are drawing lines in the sand on this. I do not blame them.

I am asked often why have Rogues received so little feedback in the TWW beta. That is because the Rogue population like the Monk, Shaman, etc are smaller than Mages and Paladins.

Smaller population = less data and with less data BlizZard can not chart a decision on how to balance a class.

So how this ties into TBC normal flying and DR is that despite having DR available with no strings attached, no timeline when TBC normal flying would be available it is still very popular with players. The metrics show this and BlizZard had to give up ground by moving from the first or second patch gate of TBC normal flying to complete the campaign.

Ironically that would have been fine for a lot of players back in WoD. But since then they have released DR which undermines the entire premise of the complete the campaign on the ground as originally promoted back in WoD before the launch of WoD.

The speed of DR in TWW is the same as the old world speed. The have to tone down the speed as it causes issues on smaller maps and stress on servers. I would argue the speed of DR causes more stress on server than switching from TBC normal flying to DR mounts on live right now.

But this is a pandora box that BlizZard opened by using vehicles to create “DR”.

But yes TBC normal flying in TWW is bumped up in speed. The gap between the two is closing and at this point if the gap closes even further with another reduction of DR speed then what? At that point it is fair to ask what is the point of DR if they are going to further reduce the speed to be normalized or very close to TBC normal flight speeds?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: