Steady Flying

I hope you get banned from the forums.

The amount of insults you have laid on this thread should account for a whole year of suspension.

And yet, no one disrespected you.

And to top it off, one can say she attacked, insulted, and belittled a handicapped person, phyically handycapped? no, Autism is more mental/social disability.

Isn’t that just rich now, ban anyone that doesn’t agree with them, not only on the forums but also their game account. lol, This person needs to go talk to a mental professional with their delusions of grandeur. I think they lost the plot about the fact that people are allowed on the forums to disagree with them and its not a banable offence.

I’ve been on this thread for a long time and honestly I lost my interest in debating while being insulted and attacked for having a different opinion.

They’ve even flagged the post which I have quoted all of the insults the user has said. I’m glad, mods will look at that and have them suspended.

If I was any judge, I’d say they suffer from some kind of mental or social disability as well, maybe autistic like me, but that is another thing about Autism, no 2 autistics are exactly alike.

In addition, going by their definition of troll, after their response to me, can anyone say that, by their logic, they should not be banned from the forum and game?

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Absolutely agree.
ALL flight versions should have the EXACT same requirements.


LMAO…“muh, no one is insulting or belittling lesser abled players in here”

yeah…THIS isnt insulting someone by claiming they are just PLAYING victim if they dare to say they have some disability and DRing is hard for them.

yes, one is an insenstive, horrible person if someone TELLS that person they are DISABLED and that person decides to call them ‘victim’ rather than HELPING them.

These jokers think you OWE THEM some kind of PROOF of your disability so THEY can judge you WORTHY of being able to enjoy this game. lmao
They arent worthy of anyones attention in here


I know I said I have you on my ignore list, but until Blizzard makes it so ignore means you see nothing, not even hidden replies, I am going to click on a few just to see what BS one is spreading.

I would agree that all flight should have the same requirements, if all flight was the same, it’s not. Now the dracthyr and SR flight are similar enough (the dracthyr one is more or less DR/SR without needing a separate mount) that sure, they can have the same requirements, but TBC flight is its own beast.

For poor comparisons, one can say that DR/SR is like a jet flight or how most actual RL birds and bats fly where as TBC flight is more akin to a helicopter or insects and certain birds fly.

they either are pretending to be too obtuse to figure out the contradiction in their thought processes…or maybe some of them ARE that obtuse…Im going with the former…and it just being attention seeking trolling thats actually going on here.

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If you see everyone that disagrees with you as “horrible person”, insult and offend them, treat them disrespectfully… tell me. Do you really expect someone to believe anything you say or even to “help” you?

Plus, this is a forum for discussion of ideas. If your premise is that, and yet you expect everyone to simple bow down and accept whatever you want because of that, you’ve got another thing coming.

If you can’t have a civil discussion of ideas with people then the forum is also another place that is not meant for you.

Again if TBC is inferior then why is it locked? If it is obsolete then why lock a inferior mode? I think it would be logical to lock Skyriding since it is so superior as people claim.


lmao…and THIS guy thinks its HIS job to tell you if youre disabled or not…disabled enough to HIS liking

I GOLF…and yet my body is shot with permanent nerve damage that makes me functionally disabled.

I want you to tell us all here, son…is THIS golfer disabled or not?
Because hes a pretty decent golfer…


Who says it is inferior, even I am one that says that DR/SR is the inferior form for some things, and TBC flight is inferior in others.

I think one thing that needs to be asked is “is TBC flight really inferior or are there situations/times when DR/SR is the inferior form” As far as my answer on that, TBC flight is SUPERIOR with anything that needs precision.

People are claiming DR/SR is the replacement. Then why is the obsoleted mode the one getting the padlock?


This is a forum for discussions.
Contact customer support for whatever needs you have.

Have a great day.

I take it you spend all your playing time in a city . I see group of 5 or 6 Skyriding all the time picking herbs or mining . Kind of blows you can not bot well Skyriding out of the water .

Not sure how many lvls the new xpac has but it takes 4 to 6 hours per lvl . Most likely its 10 lvls you are cooking doing all 10 in 6 hours .

They all ready do !!!

HaHaHa they have changed its name so many times its hard to keep up with the latest .

For the most part they are the same its like saying 2 air planes are not the sam . They do the same thing FLY . Get you from point A to point B some are a little faster then others .

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People can claim anything, like the sky is green, does not make it true. If anything, I’d say DR/SR is a POSSIBLE replacement for how people are in Blizzard’s eyes, not mine) supposed to get from point A to point B efficiently, but it is actually more efficient, for WQs and gahtering, to use TBC flight. imo.

TBC= :helicopter:
SR/DR= :small_airplane: :airplane: :flight_arrival: :flight_departure:

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One reason…because ‘Ion’.
He was quite gleeful when he thought in 2015 they could just remove flight from the game and the base would cheer him on.
His war against flight has been going on ever since.
Its clear he took that whole thing as a personal slight for some reason and escalated it in Legion and BFA, finally given it a bit of a rest in SL when PF wasnt quite so sadistic.

DF could have been his shining, glorious redemption…flight on day one…and such a fantastic new flight at that.
and then he had to go and RUIN any good sentiment from many of us by doing this pathfinder thing that only affected these lesser abled players.


Try again you ding really fast. I done it on a few toons in Beta already. Its really easy to do and pretty fast time wise.