Steady Flying

Unfortunately this is the hill that BlizZard wants to die on.

But there are bigger problems with the TWW expansion based on the shortened testing phase and premature release.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It is going to release just fine, just like any xpac before it. There has never been an xpac that didn’t have things not perfect. This is no reason to delay for months on end the release of the xpac. And it sure doesn’t need endless testing in Beta or PTR by players who will never agree on everything. Specially balance!!!

So point camera up press space bar a few times and glide is the pinnacle of interaction? While I enjoy dragon riding I’m not going to pretend that its some super engaging mechanic. If anything that only takes away further from explorarion because it will take a portion of the player’s attention away from the world to manage stamina. Honestly with how fast dragon flying is I would be almost willing to bet that we’ll eventually get people complaining on the forums that blizzard doesnt make maps as good as they used to.


TWW maps are tiny and they had to reduce the speed of DR to match old world speed because the old world has small maps like the TWW maps.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So you think each expansion will have its own adjusted skyriding speed based on landmass size going forward?
I spose Id be ok with that as long as they arent gonna make it a pain…which would be really strange given all the world theyve put into the feature.

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BlizZard always does this.

They hook people with a feature but they incrementally nerf it to the ground. Look at the trading post as an example.

It is also known as the BlizZard rug pull.

They start with an olive branch at the start but give a few years and they are out with the hammers.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


BS …those of us that use steady flight do interact with the game…as others just stated we use space bar to rise up …the X button to go lower…our mouse to move left or right …also up and down if you can handle a gaming mouse…so how many freaking buttons do we need to use to make you happy now?


Your a real nice humanitarian wanting to make disabled players that can use steady flight over dragon flying too a ground mount and tell them to either do by ground or get lost…


Yes you are correct we are being attacked and told go use a ground mount if you can’t use DR…it is a double standard…thank you for sticking up for those of us with physical and health issue with DR.


Wow, sounds just like you described the whole process of Dynamic Flight, 2 buttons to keep you in the air and a mouse to point you in the direction you want to go. If you can seem to do it for one, why can’t you do it for the other?

Perhaps mainly the only real reason is that you just don’t want to. And more so you are very angry that the one you want to use takes just a little tiny effort, one in which you must do anyways to just generally unlock most of the game period like world quest and such. But that same effort will unlock the very flight you desire, in all about 6 hour or so of game play time. On not just one toon, but every single toon linked too your account.

But this is why the whole argument has got crazy insane and to the point as a player who really never cared if they kept both in the game, I am getting to the point I wish they would just delete old flight and be done with it, even if it messes up some of my old flying mounts and make them ground mounts only at this point.

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Before steady flight even existed everyone were using ground mount to traverse and hell even before pathfinder was even a thing everyone were using ground mount before they could even take to the skies. But oh wait you just wanna compare the two when they are functionally different modes. By “comparing the two” I mean steady and skyride.

Nothing but a dismissal and diversion of what might be the issue.

WHo said it was a fear of ideas? or a fear of change? not I

I don’t fear either of them, but change for the sake of change, that is accompanied by reasoning like “will they gave us x, so no reason not to give us y” especially, is something I am against.

I, personally, would not be bothered if TBC flight had the achievement requirement removed, I’d be more afraid of what would be next and how long it would be till Blizzard has had it and just removes flight altogether, no TBC flight, no SR (skyriding).

No, you are being attacked because options are pointed out to you but since they are not the one you want, you keep pushing the topic.

Let me ask this, do you want equality or equity? One is everyone is treated the same way, the other is everyone is given the tools needed to meet their goals.

In this case, TBC flight locked behind the achievement but one can use either SR or a ground mount to finish the achievement is equity, as those that can’t handle SR are given another way to do the achievement.

If what you are after is Equality, then watch out, as that could mean Blizzar goes “TBC flight is locked behind x achievement, everyone has to do that and it includes using SR to complete some parts”.

Equity will move the game forward in the best way, equality has a chance of backfiring in a way that makes those that can’t use SR from unlocking TBC flight which they can use.

No need to thank me :slight_smile: I can’t do much content with DR. I am sure it is part disability and part lack of skill. I actually wish I could DR it’s rather cool. I love SF it’s great for exploring and lots of other things. Ever since I read OP I have been disgusted we won’t be able to use it out of the gate with TWW. Some are just going to argue when you say the sky is blue. I hope the amount of posting in favor of SF makes a difference for the TWW launch and flying.


If I had my way every single one of these trolls would be be permanently banned…both in here and their game. I dont doubt for a second they behave the same way in game.
Clearly have personal issues they need to resolve


That one and a dozen like him are just here for attention. Everyone needs to stop giving it to them. They should come with a sign on their profile…“dont feed the trolls”


Seldom agreeable idea from Liolang. Though highly self-destructive, seeing as they would be permanently banned if it were carried out.

Not to mention, “troll” anymore has become a bit subjective, and a lot seem to resort to it to shut down any discussion or against any that don’t follow their views.

NOTHING subjective about insulting, attacking, demeaning and belittling HANDICAPPED human beings for your ego boosts in here son
Welcome to the ignore list…you earned it with this trash response.

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Yeah none of that happened, but by all means, continue fighting ghosts.


Oh, here we go, people need to take things with anywhere from a grain to a full shaker of salt. Even I know this.

hey genius, I too am disabled, I am on the dang ASD (autism spectrum disorder) scale by saying my response is trash, you insult, attack and degrade ME.

Good job, you just proved my point, you only care about disabilities you can milk to meet your goals. I have had you on my ignore list for MONTHS.