Steady Flying

What? Are you 12 or something? Trying to be the class bully…


Everyone can fly for the exact same work. Everyone has Skyriding unlocked by default, and Steady Flight for the leveling storyline.

lol…yeah, that part is hilarious…the alpha wannabes on ANY other platform but here wouldnt be…just makes me giggle thinking about it.
I just let them roar and beat their chest and laugh out loud lol

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In the case of his reply to me, just a fool that could not put together the math of:

early access=3 days before world wide release->3 days to get the achievement/s done, with or without SR->could have TBC flight on worldwide release due to early access

I’m curious where you learned Blizzard’s intentions.

So why is everyone so scared of a inferior flight mode and want it gone so bad if Dragonriding is so much superior and glorified? Why lock a inferior and not the superior? So if Steady is inferior why lock it unless you claim it is superior then the superiority argument just got thrown out the window.

So your saying Steady flight is so inferior to dragonriding it has to have path finding. You all are proving Steady flight is superior by being afraid of it and wanting it gone.


Literally nobody is afraid of steady flight, I don’t know why you keep trying to push that claim.

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Wow, you’re really going all out to prove what a callous AH you are.

On top of that, some of us realize tat SR is better for x yet TBC flight is better for Y, and a lot of Y tends to be content that is done after campaign and/or max level

lets list a few kinds of players here

  1. those who have no problem with Skyriding and enjoy it.
  2. those who no problem with skyriding and dont enjoy it.
  3. those who DO have problems with Skyriding over issues like motion sickness

Now…WHICH of those groups can use their version of flight day one without doing pathfinder ?
1 and 2…clearly

And…WHICH of those groups will need to do pathfinder before they can fly ?

now…tell me again how Pathfinder ISNT targeting #3…lesser abled players.

that Im even having to explain this for the 700th time tells me we have a LOT of sealioning by some on this forum lol…because Im not dumb enough to believe that anyone playing this game isnt intelligent enough to figure the above out.

They are quite able to comprehend it, which means theyre CHOOSING to troll…and CHOOSING to mock, ridicule and demean gamers who are having enough issue with this that ion literally made a setting for motion sickness in the game for it…


I must admit, you a very smooth the way you manipulate the truth.

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You really should just use the ignore for some. It only takes a second.

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I didn’t know there was one. Outside this thread I hardly ever post on the forum :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sometimes when something happens once, you can consider it a mistake, even though there could have been some unspoken agenda to do exactly what transpired.
When the same thing happens again it is no ‘accident’ and lessons should have been learned.
In DF blizzard COULD have chosen, after realizing WHO pathfinder actually ONLY affected…lesser abled players…they COULD have opened up old flight in the early weeks of the game.
We all had our glyphs and were blasting about the isle, so there was no good reason not to just let them have it

“hovering, farming blah blah blah” (as some rail on about)…If I can blast past someone on old flight it wont matter if theyre on druid on old flight…I WIN for the sole reason Im faster than they are if Im DRing…so again…no LEGIT reason why old flight wasnt opened up in the early weeks of DF other than “Ion said so”.

This time they shorten it up, but in doing that they are literally proving the case that they dont NEED to drag it out at all…IF they did then we’d see the same sort of timeframe as in DF Pathfinder.

So this isnt about necessity. its about Ions HAVING to insert PF in anywhere he can find a place to jam it in.
Under normal circumstances, say EVERYONE CAN do Skyriding but some just dont like it…sure…do whatever with old flight.

But this isnt the case…we have player having enough trouble with skyriding/dragonriding enough that they literally added a mounts section for it

There is NO debate here. This IS a real issue OTHERWISE they wouldnt have added a single thing to the accessibility section to deal with player issues with dragonriding.

About those intentions.
Adding those options to the game for mounts is an admission that they know players are having trouble with dragonriding…yet they insist on forcing pathfinder into the game if they want flight…AS WE ALL DO…and its ONLY really affecting that small group of players

I mean, if Im looking for intent here…Im not liking what Im seeing, if you ask me

  • just left click the persons avatar
  • then “view activity”
  • on the next screen over on the upper right you will see a box with ‘normal’ in it.
  • Click that box and choose “ignored”
  • you’ll then choose a Duration. Just pick ‘forever’ because if youve gone that far its unlikely you’ll be taking them off.

I mean, I think Ive UNignored one person since Ive been posting here and I THINK I may have ignored the wrong poster initially over confusing their names.


Except that one quest at the end of the 1st cut scene where you need to fly to a tower, luckily there is a SLOW mount that will go there for you, else you need to use your dragonriding dragon, and go through the markers to get to the tower.

Edit: Oh, and getting down from the tower to meet the others also requires a flying mount.


Thank you I have 1 person on ignore and no clue how I did it.

That person loves to tell people that she mutes/ignores them but always somehow replies to them over and over again saying she does it again. Always saying again she doesn’t like to talk to or hear anyone that doesn’t agree with her argument. Franky no one cares. But if one comes to the forums to express and opinion on a topic they should realize that not everyone will agree with them and accept that.

If they engage in a back n forth discussion with those who do not agree with them that should be up to them and they should have the self control to remove themselves from a discussion that bothers them easy enough without shouting, I putting everyone on ignore that doesn’t agree with me.

But hey, everyone free to do as they please and look silly doing it.

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Dw, I’ve already flagged all these posts with insults and name calling here.
The good thing is that you all will be taking some time off from forums and letting people having civil conversations again.

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Aranofobia doesnt need you to fight spiders to activate it, but for steady flying you need to use dragong flying… :woman_facepalming: