Steady Flying

A lot of this logic feels like people are given the keys to a plane to fly no questions. Some people who may not enjoy or even able to fly said plane and would like to drive a car are told they have to walk until they get a license.

I can’t think of a single legitimate reason for them to lock flying. Anyone who believes that it does anything to combat bots is delusional. Botters adapt whether through just writing the bots capable of dragonriding or finding another method. Hurts exploration is a bull crap reason too if your giving dragonriding off the bat because it basically pushes any reason to explore out the window. At least with old flight you could take the time to look around. Dragonriding is the epitome of rocket to point a to point b. Hovering to safety? Dragon riding just means go perch somewhere safe. PvP is barely relevant and people will pretty much use dragonriding in the same way.

There is so little logic to this philosophy that its hard not to believe its bitterness. Sure its easier than ever to unlock flight. But when theyre giving us the flight that is better and faster off the bat and keeping old flight behind achievements makes zero sense.

Either switch which ones are locked (just to see if the people saying to do the achievement cause it doesnt take too long are singing the same tune), lock them both, or better yet just unlock them both and let players play how they want.


It doesn’t affect him or any of them at all. They know it and we know it. Which is why we know that they’re just trolling in here for attention and actually have no reason to be posting here at all


I don’t understand the exacerbation with feelings on this.

Just do the achievements, it takes nothing.

Exactly. Back when everyone had to do Pathfinder to get flight of whatever sort and it applied to everyone equally no one could flyUntil I did Pathfinder then we can say that exploration was an issue …whatever.

But now since we can get dragon riding day one those arguments don’t hold water anymore and everyone in this thread knows it.

So the issue here is dragon riding being available day one while they hold out and make people that want old flight have to work for it and the problem is that most of those people that have to use old flight because of whatever issue are lesser able players. Which some people in this community seem to get a kick out of insulting and demeaning them because of their disabilities and inability to use dragon riding.


Miss the mark here a bit, let me put it to you from the perspective that will likely use both.

Skyriding will be better from a speed standpoint, no doubt there but better over all? no so fast. TBC flying will be better for shorter distance, gathering, having to AFK while in flgght, etc.

Maybe part of what some are missing is Blizzard is also expecting people to want to zoom through the campaigns, and choose the flight mode that is best for that to give people from the get go. Also, by the time people are focusing on gathering or getting treasures or whatnot, most are already max level.

In short, anyone that is trying to say one is better then the other is not thinking of times it could be the worst option.

Just denying reality now, lol ok

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Let me sum it up for you, since you FAILED to comprehend,

I am going to laugh if those of us with early access have TBC flight unlocked by worldwide release because:

  1. that gives us 3 days to do the achievements, before those without can even get started on them
  2. it DESTROYS any arguments about it taking “too long”

In short, I am going to be laughing if by the time some of those pushing for TBC flight on landing in the expansion zones enter, they are already seeing others with it unlocked and all that.

Lol. Yeah that poster is clearly clueless how to use dragon riding. All you have to do is climb straight up and then nose down the little bit and then yes turn the auto on and you can walk away from the computer just like you can with old flight

Edit… Now that I think about it you don’t even have to turn any auto run on with dragon riding if you just nose down so that you’re not losing lift you can just glide to wherever you’re going. I’ve walked away from the computer and number of times during this expansion while I’ve been flying somewhere

I don’t see the problem with allowing old flight alongside DF. Seems weird it is locked behind achievements.


I do it all the time. I usually look at my collections tab and build new transmogs

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Blizzard wants people to interact with the world once while leveling, so they require you to stick to the ground and interact with the world or use skyriding and interact with the flight mechanics. This way you are forced to use one interactive mode of travel for the first time you play through it. That is all.

Historically, they achieved this by grounding you until the x.1 or x.2 patches, requiring a rep grind, meta achievements, and mutliple storylines completed. Before that, they grounded you until max level or 2 levels before (Wrath) with the only exception being Cata when they allowed people to fly in the old world immediately and regretted it instantly. It also came with a hefty gold sink, per character. Now they are allowing flight from day one with the dynamic flight model immediately, and static flight from hitting max level. How anyone can complain about it at this point is beyond me.

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Ahem, hitting max level and completing campaign storylines. Just felt like I had to clarify that just so people don’t think they an say camp out in a city and just run dungeons to max to get it as well as it is not uncommon to hit max level with 1 zone or more still undone.

“too long” isnt even the issue anymore.
its Ions OBSESSION with his pathfinder abomination that he is trying to FORCE into the game because he just cant let it go for some reason
When he was using this lame argument that we “needed to explore” first, and we got flight after it the expansion was pretty much over, that all applied to us EQUALLY.

Now DRing is out day one…in DF it was there in the first hour of starting the expansion…so this lame need to explore is dead and gone. PF should follow its lead and just die already.

But no, we have to use it to irritate paying customers anyway…and not just any paying customers but those who are having issues using DRing over abililty issues of whatever sort.

And its bad enough that ion is doing this to those lesser abled players…which is disgusting enough…but then they come in here and their own fellow gamers are taking jabs at their disabilities, laughing and ridiculing them, insulting and demeaning them over having the issues with the feature.

So ‘too long’ isnt really the relevant issue at this point. Its the disgust with WHO is targeted by PF at this point…and the disgusting behavior of a list of posters on this forum in how they treat lesser abled individuals.


The issue is that you’re full of angry and hatred and you need to vent out on people that disagree with you here.

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No matter how many times you claim not getting steady flight for your first leveling character is ablist, it doesn’t make it true.


lol…ive done the same in DF with DRing as I did prior, which is walking away from the game and then running back only to find out I went too far out to sea and died lol.

I dont think that poster you responded to in that previous post even plays the game, to be quite honest.

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Now you’re reaching, that you can’t be.

No, what is disgusting is ones like YOU pulling that targeted by PF BS. Time to put your money where our mouth is, if anyone is really being targeted PROOVE that one can’t get PF without any kind of flying.

As has often been said, all new zones are ground mount friendly, one can get PF by using the ground mount unless you are trying to claim that the ones unable to use SR can’t even play and do things with a ground mount.


Just Ions obsession with his Pathfinder toy, lol.
No real valid reason not to just let everyone fly for the EXACT same work.

Just looking in the game and yeah…we can see the MOUNTS section added to Accessibility area and what do you know…

…motion Sickness is top of the list.

Im not saying Im calling people liars who deny this issue, but Im certainly not saying Im not calling them that.
What we know is, and the ONLY thing that matters here, is that BLIZZARD acknowledges that its a REAL issue…and for some reason they STILL choose to target these players with Pathfinder and no one else


do you even have a point, son? lol
FACT…you get Skyriding/Dragonrding WITHOUT doing pathfinder.
FACT…they have to do pathfinder to get old flight
FACT…the ONLY people this PF REALLY affects is the people having real issues with DRing.