Steady Flying

Yes, “Judas Priest” indeed.

People asked for this for a decade, though it was more in the form of “reach max level and pay with gold” like it was back in the day.

Doing it the way it is in TWW is effectively the same thing as “reach max level”. Give or take a few hours.

Not sure why you can’t admit that Blizzard listened to players and changed course to align with this player request.

Because that was the specific point I was making that you decided to reply to, but insist on not addressing.

yeah, I fully get your position.
ive been in here railing about it since we found out that old flight in DF had MANY months before it would be out, while WE all got dragonriding about an hour into the expansion.

I wouldnt be so disgusted with Ion and crew about this IF it wasnt for WHO is targeted by this particular PF in both DF and now in TWW…which is lesser abled players who are having enough issue with dragonriding that Ion and his team literally put more features into the accessibility area to help with those players limitations…so regardless of these attention seeking sorts in here who are only posting in a contrarian manner to get that attention, we know that the company KNOWS that some ARE having issues with Dragonriding.

And how do they handle this issue?
They literally target those who are lesser abled, no one else because WE all get flying day one without any real work at all.

Yeah, its quicker this time around, but its still NOT acceptable.

we should ALL have to the exact same work for flight.


It’s the same as reach max level, except it is applied instantly to all characters on the account, not max level per character.

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If you are DF you don’t have to do anything to fly at the onset of TWW. There is no arguing this. Whereas tbc flight is not available from the get go. I don’t know how to break it down any clearer for you.


Yup. And for the record, as I have said multiple times, I am not defending Blizzards design choice to allow DR immediately and gate TBC flying behind campaign completion. I am actually curious about their rationale, though I have a few guesses what that may be.

I have also said that I wouldn’t care if they similarly gate DR behind the campaign.

they arent worth explaining it to, friend.
They literally are trolling you to get the attention, its call ‘sealioning’…and they will keep you here all day having you repeat the SAME details to them over and over.
Just ignore and talk to others who ARE interested in real discussion. :+1: :+1:


You are trying to draw a parallel between two different requirements, for two different features, to claim double standards exist. Skyriding and Steady Flight are different, and have different requirements. That is not a double standard. The rules are applied to every account equally. That is not a double standard.

Based on previous statements by Blizzard, it is likely due to the way that they interact with the world. Skyriding requires active participation with the game whilst using it, steady flight does not. As they have said before, they dislike steady flying allowing players to not interact with the world, so it seems a reasonable middleground to ensure that you must experience the world as normal once before getting to use steady flight.

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OMG! You don’t have to use skyriding like at all every discoverable points are accessible via your ground mount. And the questing experience will have an option for assistance. So quit clamoring on this false narrative that you would need to use skyriding to get anywhere which is a straight up lie.

You’re the one here telling a false narrative. Thinking that TWW zones requires you to skyride is a literal disinformation. When all four of the zones are discoverable with your ground mount but clearly you’re so high up on your heels with this false narrative. Clearly, your the one this is “trolling”.

Yeah that’s just another way that they troll in here. I see this kind of childish crap all the time when debating various topics over the last 30 plus years.
They can’t prove their arguments they know that they’re wrong and so they’ll start attacking grammar or punctuation or just some irrelevance that has nothing to do with anything just to try to have a point to get their so-called “win”.

It’s pathetic because they actually think that they’ve won the discussion if they can get you on some absolutely meaningless point.
It’s when we get to that part of the conversation that you just got to chuckle and consider the source.

Exactly. 100%. Spot on target. Regardless of what they are trying to claim in here
If you have to do one Atom’s worth of work for old flight compared to dragon riding then yes it is hidden behind more content… additional content.

As you probably can see by now you’re just going to have to choose to ignore certain persons on this forum because they’re not worthy of your time investment

“They can’t proof our argument”

When I have beta testing and others like it have went through the content and experimented with ground mount and it has been proven that TWW zones is ground mount friendly. But since you are so thick headed you will discover once the expansion is out your would be proven wrong.

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They are not the same.

But if you still don’t get it, you’re helpless.


Also these positive reinforcement of the very same people quoting each-other on I agree I agree I agree I agree… do you think this has any stand on anything?

Like I said, it is always the same people with the same alts here campaign against Skyriding and trying to say the world is falling because they can’t have the effortless flying right at release.

Well, the world isn’t falling and everyone is going to play and see you on 22nd.

The only one here is not worthy of our time investment is you making not factual statements and or claims about the new expansion. And clearly ignore the fact that there are many evidence out there beyond these forums that clearly show that the new expansion is ground mount friendly and don’t need skyriding like at all.

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Exactly. An inferior form of flight that Ian didn’t create has Pathfinder attached to it and yet the superior form of flight is somehow threatened by the inferior if we release them at the same time LMAO.

It’s bad enough that this company is literally targeting lesser able players with some sort of real life issue where dragon riding and Pathfinder for old flight is concerned but then you have the disgusting behavior of players in here attacking and demeaning and belittling these same lesser-abled players because apparently they get some kind of disgusting ego boost from it


They are concerned with “competing”, because “they will fall behind” without the TBC flying.

They are concerned with compeition without even caring about the very first core of these expansions in open world that has been Dragonriding / Skyriding.

The time of TBC flying is over.
If they don’t evolve now they might just stop playing, the game isn’t for them anymore.
Or stop being stubborn and just accept and move on.

Another lie. The new expansion pathfinder is so easy and not ANNOYING like at all. The only thing you ONLY need to do is Do the main story campaign in the four zones and explore the four leveling zones. And how is any of those requirements hard to obtain or no less annoying to achieve? Nothing in the new expansion is forcing you or anyone else for that matter to use skyriding.

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Stop misrepresenting my statements. I have never said Blizzard is forcing anyone to use dynamic flight. I and others will have to use ground mounts until we complete certain content. You otoh will be able to fly from the start of TWW.

Go ahead and say you don’t care or it’s not going to be that difficult. Do not, however, put false words in my mouth.

Right? People act like TBC flying is where they draw the line in the sand and yet they keep playing it over and over.

Going through the natural logical progression of things, pathfinder was introduced in WoD, which was a while ago.

so for better or worse, that’s been the norm for many years now. Things got changed here and there, and unlocking it got progressively less invasive over time but if it’s the thing that’s going to 100% legit make you unsub, then im genuinely not trying to throw shade here I’m being 100% sincere I think you should play something else that feels less stressful.


I challenge you to point out where anyone has made that claim in this thread.


I am going to laugh so hard if those of us that have early access have TBC flight unlocked by the time of the worldwide release.

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