Steady Flying


Even for someone who really can’t use Sky Riding all you need to do is mount up on one and just float down and/or use a glider until something is added.

I’ve reported it in Beta.

What are those, less than 1%?
Should we design the game around the 1%?

What did they do for a year with no Steady Flight in DF?

Dragon isles was so anti ground mount and I was forced to use skyriding even though I wanted WANTED to be on the ground instead.

Albeit some area were ground mount friendly but the majority wasn’t.

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Yeah that’s why I did a full run through only on a ground mount to be able to report the pain points and also to compare leveling speed grounded to flying.

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If dynamic flying is available day 1 then steady flying should be too.


Provide endless feedback that they didn’t like that, and would rather have flying at launch. Which Blizzard now granted for TWW. A fact that seems to be conveniently forgotten in favor of finding a new complaint meta.


Man, you are being really petty. What do you care if I call it Dragon Flying? What are you the word police?


My guess is they could not fly.

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No, the term “dragon flying” is misleading because it’s not flying it’s more like gliding instead of flying. And why blizzard uses terms like “dragon riding” or “skyriding” is because of that specific reason. It is not considered flying at all. And to paint it as such is disingenuous.

Judas Priest man, as my grandma used to say, tbc flying is not available at the onset of TWW. It’s locked behind additional content. Whether everyone can complete it on day one is uncertain at best.


Regardless of the childish claims otherwise, WE KNOW this is a FACT because blizzard literally added features to help with issues some were having with dragonriding lmao.
Just dont respond to the attention seeking sorts. The arent worthy of your energy or time investment

It’s what I call it. Deal with it.

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BOTH should require the EXACT same work to get.
Something…or nothing…either way

yeah…thats the tactic of desperation when one realizes they dont actually have a credible point to make.
Its tiresome and a waste of time. Dont give them the attention.

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I care about this issue which is why I have commented as much as I have. It affects me and it matters to me how it affects others. No need to trivialize my concerns.


Unfairly ground hoofing it…while we were all flying. All so Ion could boast about his shiny new toy…dragonriding, lol.
They were in here complaining the whole time.


I think you responded to the wrong post lol…Im literally arguing for your side of this

My apologies :slight_smile:

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thats fine…I tried rereading my post to see if I worded it badly enough to confuse… I may have. If so, my apologies !

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How? The only thing you need to do is the following

  • do all four of the leveling main campaign

  • explore all four of the zones

How is those “additional content”?

Also, all four of the zones can be done on the ground. Getting to the ringing deeps will have a elevator which on the beta is not added yet.

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