Steady Flying

They are not forcing you to do anything you don’t want that specific flight then just don’t use it, use your ground mounts they still work but NO ONE IS FORCING YOU in anything.

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Blizzard is forcing a segment of the player base to wait to fly until a chunk of content is done. Why don’t you and others stop being disingenuous. You’re going to start TWW with your preferred mode of flying. Good for you.


Please use your ground mount to go into the coreway, I would love to see a video of it.

Correction, every single person can fly from DAY 1. If they choose to or not, is up to them. But they are 100% capable of flying from day one. If it poses a difficulty or not for them that is another issue, but everyone can fly from DAY 1.

It’s not another matter. If you can’t use DF on day one you can’t fly on day one, unless you are able to complete the required content. There are no other sides to this. And truly this is not your problem. I’m not trying to turn you into an advocate for those of us who have tbc flying locked behind requirements. However it is a double standard, plain and simple.


It’s a single standard. One requirement applied to one unlock, which is applied to everyone across the board.

So, the Dev’s have chosen that Dynamic flight to be the preferred flight form over that of TBC. They have over the course of 20 years done this to many things in WoW. They choose something to be more important over something older and guess what you cant use the older thing anymore or it might be locked behind something to use it. This is nothing new.

Just adapt and deal with it like so many of us have with things for the past 20 years of playing this game. Is putting up with about 4 to 6 hours worth of game play to unlock your TBC flight for the rest of the xpac really going to break your arm that much? I think not, because no matter what you still have to do that same 4 to 6 hours worth of game play no matter what. So just do it, be done with it and move on in your life.

The more of these topic I see pop up on the forums the more I just wish they would have just deleted TBC flight period from the game.


The core way will have a elevator built right now is not implemented. Maybe it is implemented but not active yet.

Again, the original point that was made, that you initially replied to, was about blizzard listening to players that asked for a decade to not have to wait 6-9 months to unlock flying. Blizzard has granted that request in TWW.

Keep ignoring that specific point all you want, it doesn’t change that reality.

They know it. they just want to shill because it doesnt affect them.


it absolutely is…and it only affects those who are lesser abled…people who just dont like DRing can still use it easily enough. Its the ones with some sort of actual impairment who are being literally targeted with this PF crap this time around, just like in DF.
What disgusting is the company not only is doing it, but fellow gamers are in here attacking, demeaning, insulting, berating those same lesser abled players who have those impairments
DISGUSTING behavior.


You really have to just consider the source with some of these folks…attention seeking sorts who say things just to get a reaction FOR the attention. Just dont give it to them. :+1:

yes, they certainly can. Ive seen them doing it and its funny to watch. That robotic movement they make anyway really gets absurd when theyre trying to fly and are doing same bot movement, but now theyre not on old flight, but DRing, which amplifies the entire thing. lol

And IF they couldnt DR, they’ll just ground mount it and do the EXACT thing they do all day anyway…bot.
mode of travel has NOTHING to do with bots being affected.


ROFLMAO omg roflmao

It baffles me that they decided people need to earn an inferior version of flight.


I just read an article regarding flight changes for War Within. Rather interesting point was made for the poor ground mounts left behind since it appears we can unlock flying now at level 10, which is also the same level we unlock ground mounts.

That said, there are a couple ways World of Warcraft could save ground mounts. It could give every mount the ability to fly, similarly to what Final Fantasy 14 did with its own mounts during Shadowbringers . Alternatively, it could take the Guild Wars 2 approach and add special traversal abilities unique to its ground mounts. World of Warcraft players discovered strings that suggest dynamic ground mounts could be in development, so Blizzard may already be working on something similar.

Since I’ve played GW2 and not FF14. I agree that the amazing ground mount capabilities are exceeding enjoyable since each type of mount gets a specific type of capability. I would love to see ground mounts in WoW follow up on that idea. I still use my ground mounts on occasion and had wished that I could actually LEAP on them to cross a barrier or do a sweeping soar over longer distances, but if you’ve ever seen how GW2 handles their mount movements, I think you would agree it could be extremely popular.

We will always want flying mounts, as I tend to use both types of them currently. There are times I just want to cruise leisurely across the terrain and other times soar to heights and then dive bomb. So there is a place for all types of mount capabilities.


It is true.

This argument has been debunked already with the support Blizzard added.

Stop with this strawman.

Can everyone fly at the onset of TWW? Does everyone have to use a ground mount at the start? It’s about flight availability at the start. All the BS issues about how it used to be and everyone eventually geting tbc flight are completely beside the point. Does this even affect you? If not, you have nothing to be concerned about.


Those changes don’t cover the fact that some can’t DF at all. Again, how does this affect you? You’re ability to fly at the onset of TWW will be unhindered.


It’s called skyriding not dragonflight and even then it’s not called that rather it is called dragon riding.

Yes, everyone can use skyriding at the onset of TWW. Everyone can unlock steady flight by completing the leveling campaign, which does not require any flight to achieve.