Steady Flying

Yes. As it exists right now, available to all. Is the real concern regarding tbc flight that some players might get farther along faster? Because I say that comes down to player experience not how you fly.

It is. I don’t know what point you are trying to make here.

We already know your position.

So what is your point? We know that you deny accessibility of TBC normal flying when BlizZArd says it themselves that it confirmed an accessibility feature.

At this point you are even arguing against BlizZard position on that so???

Sometimes I wonder why people defend BlizZard so much when even BlizZard says yeah we admit we are wrong on this.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Blizzard didn’t say that they were wrong, they said that they were including steady flight options in quests and such for better accessibility. Steady flight is still available. However, for everyone to unlock it, they must complete the leveling storyline. That is all. This allows Blizzard to ensure that players are engaging with the world the first time they level through The War Within. The War Within’s campaign can be completed while grounded, so none of the accessibility tools are being denied to players. They can fly, from launch, as soon as they complete a trivial objective once that does not require the use of skyriding

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DR allows you to traverse the entire map avoid everything so I am not sure where the more interactive portion comes from.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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As it exists right now, it requires you to complete the Pathfinder achievement and you only get that during the season 3 of every expansion.

Is that what you’re asking?

I support you with that.

I don’t see completing every regional campaign as trivial. Are they just extraordinarily easy in TWW? I know I couldn’t finish DF’s campaign on day one. If it’s super easy, great. But better yet, everyone has to complete them to fly or everyone can fly either mode from the get go.

It really does not matter at this point. I firmly believe what I believe and you do as well. And I don’t see Blizzard changing things now. I will just continue to be angry and disappointed I can’t tbc fly until I complete a requirement not everyone has to do.


And right here is your someone who wants Blizzard to do away with tbc flying…

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That’s great, but you’re still purposefully ignoring the part where TBC flying is available day 1, and not month 6-9 like it used to be, because players asked for that and Blizzard listened and gave it to them.

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Sure, it’s available on day one, IF, you can get all the requirements done. This absolutely remains to be seen. It’s all conditional. And it does not, should not be.


Players asked for 10 years to not have to wait for 6+ months for patherfinder. Remember they used to call it “PatchFinder”? Well, Blizzard listened! You can fly day 1 now.


I believe it would beneficial for the game, of course.

How about two options
You complete the achievement and gain steady flying for all your characters or you reach max level and have to pay 50,000 gold for each character to gain steady flying? 50,000 gold seems to be appropriate for the amount of gold players can actually acquire easily.

I don’t know why we keep having this argument. Having steady flying, turns the map of the world into a flat plane with no obstacles. It as if you’re running a straight line to a treasure chest.

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They don’t want to put the effort to gain access to the easy, effortless and no risk flying option.

They want it to be handed over for free.


Good Lord. At this point the only people being petty are all you freakin whiners. Get over it.


People can still bot on Skyriding. Flight modes is irrelevant. Take one away and bots will adapt to skyriding you think trashing TBC flight mode is going to stop bots?


It is easier to detect botting with skyriding.
Plus, multiboxxers prefer TBC flying because otherwise triggers multobox detection mechanism.

You don’t speak for me. I prefer TBC because it doesn’t have annoying vigor. Not everyone that uses TBC flight is a bot or a mutiboxxer. Clumping TBC as a botter flight mode is illogical.


You and others can fly from day 1, yes. People that need to use tbc flight have to wait until certain content is completed. This is fact, this is how it is. Good for you and others using DF. That does not negate IMO both types of flight should be available at the onset of TWW. You are getting what you want, there’s nothing to argue about.


Untrue. When you make this argument you leave out all the people that use tbc flying because they have to, because they can’t do DF, for a multitude of reasons many having to do with a disability.

And again, how is the choice of tbc flying for some messing with your gameplay? The truth is it’s not.