Steady Flying

Again - for the umpteenth time - why limit it at all? Why make one form available at the start and one not? Can you answer that one? Can you even suggest WHY Blizzard would do that?

I’ll tell you why - there is no logical answer. There is no reason to make one available and one not. Want to have flight the way it used to be, by getting to cap and buying a license? Sure, lets do that – but lets do it for both.


As has been answered countless times, Blizzard dislikes steadily flight because there is no need to interact at all while using it. Dynamic flight remains interactive to control, therefore they allow that out of the gate.

Because the one available from the get-go is the standard flying that requires player interaction and has limitations.

The other one is unlimited flying, with no risks or costs at all, that requires absolutely no player skill and no player interaction you can just auto-fly.

They are not the same and they shouldn’t be treated the same.

So for the second it is more than acceptable (it is even welcome) that you gotta put some effort before you can use it.

I’d say it shouldn’t be even available before the season 2.

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Ironically they did listen, because players asked for a decade to be able to fly at launch and not have to wait 6-9 months, and that’s what we have in TWW

That person didn’t even mention a thing about flight so why are you budding in?

So you are saying they ‘like’ a gimmick better? What are they, children? Pressing buttons and having little blue balls light up makes it more important? That’s interaction?

I interact when using standard flight. I use the spacebar to rise, I use a mouse to direct the mount, I use controls to move foreward, to change direction and to land. It’s not like I provide a course and set autopilot. Flight masters work that way, not standard flight.


You make it sound like it is hard, or even challenging.

do you want a medal for it?

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And the person they replied to was talking about this being yet another flight thread. Did you miss that context?

Oh a hidden profile. That explains things.

And let me tell you this I have responded to thread numerous times and yet you seem to skim over that fact. And I am not going to repeat myself for the nth time.

There is. Its called marketing.

It’s irrelevant what the bfa title asked for. If DF is required for an achievement some of us can’t complete it. And why should we be excluded from content. Even if Blizzard made tbc content required, you would have the choice.

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If you want to go anywhere or do anything people using tbc flight still have to interact with the game. We’re not all out here hovering for hours…sheesh!


No, its not what we have. Some players can fly from the onset, others cannot.


Meh…if I had to guess it’s probably something simple like the new player experience.

Sky Riding is one of the core selling points in the marketing for TWW so it makes sense that it’s available right away for any new players to enjoy. For the same reason it also makes sense to make Steady Flight a reward after leveling and not available at the start to let those same new players acclimate to Sky Riding as the default way to get around.


Yeah it is what you have. Players can unlock steady flight by completing the campaign on day one.

Day one is earlier than 6-9 months later.

Just because you think it’s not fair doesn’t change that fact.

I do this with dragon riding, except I’m moving at 830% speed instead of 310%. Both versions are very capable of this

Fly high, point to your objective, wait.

The ONLY thing tbc flight has is you can hover in place, but dragon riding can travel faster. There’s pros and cons for both



  1. complete the four leveling zones

  2. explore all of the leveling zones

  3. complete 10.2 content campaign and explore the zone

  4. explore the emerald dream

Not that annoying as well. So why even bother complaining.

Did you forget that it formerly had renown requirements added before it was taken down due to feedback.

I mean, it is there. If people can’t complete the races then they can’t get the racing achievements I suppose. People who couldn’t hit 2400 didn’t get the bfa title, sometimes that is just how the achievements go.

Not while flying. The reason skyriding is preferred by the devs is that it requires you to interact with the game, steady flight does not.

Yes, it is a fact that Blizzard does not treat us all the same. Congratulations.


Blizzard quite literally treats everyone the same. The thing you listed is an example, everyone has to do the same (very basic) tasks to unlock steady flying in Khaz Algar.