Steady Flying

I can’t complete the race because my hand eye coordination does not allow for it. I’m happy for others that are not prohibited from accomplishing them. Sure, I’d much prefer the achievement not require it.


Meta achievements might be a hard sell then, as those are meant to be more or less 100$ of what is in the expansion or area. However, the campaigns likely won’t require them, but they might expect you to get some help via ride along in the case of dungeons being required for the campaign.

Do you want Blizzard to do away with tbc flying? Who cares if someone afk hovers. How is it affecting your game? AND, you too can do it if you choose.


I explained it above. It doesn’t effect my gameplay right now but if Blizz stops making content that incorporates Sky Riding as part of the encounter because they need to incluyde Steady Flight then it would. Got it?

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How would it NOT restrict game design were they to remove normal flying in order to give fewer options? Now there are fewer players paying to support development of your content because you made it impossible for those affected to play much of the game.


I have no issue with that. Sounds fair.

Well Blizzard recently said they are listening, but evidence points otherwise.

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So, only when your needs are applied then you would considered listening but when your needs isn’t met then you would label them as not listening. Yeah, that sounds to me as a demand not a feedback.


Where do you get suggesting they don’t like playing the game? Those of us that prefer TCB flight want to be able to use right away in TWW. As for paying money for the game, we do it just like you but we now have to jumps hoops other playersndo not.


Complaining about having to do the campaign exploration. Its implied.

Tbh posts like this are a prime example of how blizzard can never win.

They want to highlight skyriding without super limiting bc riding. They made the requirements pretty much nonexistent. The majority will have this done within the first week of TWW.

Its still not good enough.

And you will.
You won’t have to wait 2 to 3 patches.
You won’t have to complete a laundry list of metas.

You can’t fault them for marketing dynamic flying, but also being super generous with how they unlock bc riding.

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You’re kidding right?

I never want players to quit but how many unsubbed for the year we only had Dragon Riding since it was “impossible” to play?

So there are a lot of achievements that require things to be done in a special way or you can’t do them, that one you have to do that way. If you can’t deal with it for what ever reason. Guess what you don’t get it.

You will live without it.

I guess so.

Steady flying should work when I mount and hit the spacebar. Its always been silly that my druid somehow forgot how to fly when we are on the same planet, same gravity, and same air. Along with my smart mounts that know how to hover.


Huh, honestly forgot the races were required for it. That said, if they are only asking bronze it is far from terrible, the BfA title asked for much more.

No, I am pointing out the difference in communication between DF beta and this one.

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We all pay the same sub.

Treating players like 2nd rate shows that BlizZard doesn’t understand the value of fairness and equality.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


That doesn’t apply here, the treatment is equal, everyone requires the same tasks to unlock steady flight in the new area.

That argument doesn’t work anymore because BlizZard admits that TBC normal flying is an accessibility feature.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


What a humanitarian you are, lets force disabled players to have to use ground mounts instead of just allowing them to use TBC flying all while I zoom around on my dragon mount.